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joined 2022 November 17 14:17:40 UTC


User ID: 1881



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User ID: 1881

Not yet. With Bethesda games, I usually buy the Game of the Year edition on sale on Steam, which makes me unfashionably late to any relevant discussions. I like Bethesda games, but I don't love them. Just not a huge fan of FPS/RPG hybrids. I'm still waiting for the GOTY edition of Cyberpunk 2077.

At least it isn't the usual Elder Scrolls or Fallout. I haven't played No Man's Sky or Elite Dangerous or Star Citizen, so I don't have strong opinions on space games. Other than Star Citizen being an absolute shitshow behind the scenes. Holy smokes.

I don't think you can screw things up too badly doing a 16:8 diet. The alternating days diet seems more sketchy to me, but maybe I'm wrong. Cut sugar out of your diet as well as processed grains. Drink enough water each day. Make sure you get all your electrolytes. Get high quality sleep. Don't eat or drink 2-3 hours before going bed. Don't look at screens or artificial light 1-2 hours before bed. Get a sleep study done. Get an oral appliance and/or CPAP if needed. Exercise and not too intensely before bed. Blah blah blah.

I like Mourning Doves because their call reminds me of home. They're clumsy dum-dums.

Hence "millennium-old solution." I was just pointing out the United Methodist Church recently has had their own schism (Global Methodist Church) over similar issues the Catholic church currently has. Same-sex relationships is a common faultline in religion or even politics today.

Springs to mind because I'm confirmed in both churches (due to my parents).

I haven't played any challenging platformers since Super Meat Boy and was curious about Celeste. Sounds up my alley.

COVID-19 and streaming services training people to stay home and wait for a streaming release instead of going to the theater. Folks tightening their belts due to the economy and inflation and spending less on entertainment in general. Competition with Youtube, Twitch, TikTok, Steam, Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo, Spotify, etc. Crowded release schedule. Particular IPs and/or franchises overstaying their welcome (DCEU, Indiana Jones, Disney Remakes). Certain diversity castings not going over well (The Little Mermaid possibly). People tired of mediocre films.

I read it back in high school during the mid-aughts. I remember liking The Navidson Record, but not particularly caring for the Zampanò and Johnny Truant elements of the story. I was too impatient at the time to fully investigate the footnotes.

I found the story structure more interesting in theory than in execution. It felt like a critique or deconstruction of something I was unfamiliar with.

It was okay. Kinda gimmicky. I think The Navidson Record is a nice little horror story.

I like Justice but it might be on the heavier side at times for small children.

Yellow Magic Orchestra might be good but I haven't listened to any of their albums all the way through.

So he's angry that a certain number of protestors held up signs stating, "Free Palestine from the river to the sea," and now he wants to take his ball and go home?


I would cite a video essay if it provides video examples of a particular individual lying or contradicting himself/herself. Things you can't prove with text. But for a scientific or philosophical argument, text is more efficient.

If you're referring to his critics, they dislike him "using multiple women" because they either genuinely believe the women are being used, or they cynically think he's exposing women's nature, warts and all, and they want him to stop for some self-serving reason, real or imagined.

If you're referring to his followers, they think that women "want to be used" (or led) and that his success with women proves his thesis about how women are. They respect him for walking the walk.

Perhaps it's the flavor of the week as far as distractions go. "It worked for the Americans, maybe it'll work for us." From what? Not a clue. Don't know what shenanigans the Mexican government are up to currently.

Not quite post Reddit exodus, but I stumbled upon a geopolitical thread on /r/TheMotte the week the exodus occurred. I liked what I read, and followed everyone in. Never heard of Scott Alexander or Slate Star Codex prior to that.

Depends on how/why the worker lost his/her job, and the nature of the mental health issues. I'm inclined to say cut your losses. It all depends on the messiness of the separation, the nature of the job, and the relationship between the worker and the former supervisors/bosses.

A professional e-mail doesn't hurt. Don't debase yourself. If anything, pretend like you left on good terms. "Hey, I'm interested in coming back. Need any help?" Don't bring up the job loss, or apologize, or try to sell yourself. If they decline, move on.

That's pretty bizarre.

Not everyone can even tolerate an APAP, BiPAP, or CPAP. And it can be expensive upfront (machines) and over time (filters, masks, tubing). Sleep apnea can possibly be managed via weight loss, sleeping position (side sleeping), and/or an oral appliance. That law incentivises people not to get diagnosed and treated.

Did Philips or ResMed lobby for that?

Ohio is one of the more heavily gerrymandered states in the country. It's slightly moderately red, but not heavily red like the Ohio GOP supermajority would suggest. Probably could've legalized recreational marijuana back in 2015 if the Ohio Marijuana Legalization Initiative (Issue 3) didn't have language in the amendment that would've enshrined a marijuana oligopoly in the Ohio constitution.

EDIT: strikethrough adverb

A playful "ba dum tss." A smirk and a nod. Blowing air out your nostrils (in a fake laugh). A finger point and an "I see what you did there" noise (ayyyy [what a comedian]). A friendly, dry "har har."

You don't have to laugh, but you don't have to stonewall either. I usually give friendly deadpan responses.

EDIT: ayyyy*

Miscavige strikes me as someone with full-blown narcissistic personality disorder. And narcissists don't think like non-narcissists. They really don't care about objective truth. Words are merely a means to an end. They're tools or weapons, like teeth and claws. Used to manipulate their environment in order to get what they want: narcissistic supply. They'll tell a useful lie and then instantaneously believe it. It's more convincing if it's believed.

"Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia."

There's no inner core. They're predators running on subconscious protocols/impulses.

Think of narcissists as solipsistic alien hiveminds. You are merely an extension of them. A conduit of their psyche. The leg does what the brain says. That's why when Jim Jones decides it's time for him to commit suicide, it's everyone's time to commit suicide. Cult leaders and family annihilators have the same thought patterns.

I'm rambling, but I would say he doesn't think like you or me in the same way that spiders don't think like you or me. His beliefs are useful delusions. He doesn't believe in the mythos in the same way that I believe the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West.

EDIT: Whatever is useful in the moment, he believes. They're amorphous.

Not so current any more, but I think I and virtually everyone here understands Superman better than Zack Synder. I think we all could answer the question: "Do we make Jimmy Olsen a brunette CIA agent and shoot him in the face? Y/N?" correctly.

I don't need my lack of hand-eye coordination immortalized on the internet for millions of people to see. Also there's a patronizing quality to the scenario. "Hey, you look poor. Dance for me monkey."