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TheMotte's Token Idiot

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joined 2022 September 16 13:15:19 UTC


User ID: 1230


TheMotte's Token Idiot

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 16 13:15:19 UTC


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User ID: 1230

Weirdly enough, it was the invasion of my hobby-space by these kind of contextualizers that made me way more sympathetic to complaints about cultural appropriation. People with absolutely no connection to "nerd culture" suddenly decided D&D et al were cool but that I was playing the game the wrong way and my fun was problematic. Or, more to the point, that I was problematic and that they would keep my game but I could fuck right off and wasn't welcome any more.

Are there any reliable studies on this? Given the costs involved in just getting across the border my priors tell me that "the vast majority" probably don't have the resources to make it very far past the border into other areas of the country. There may be people smuggling networks in place but how many have the resources to make use of them? Coyotes aren't getting people across the border out of the goodness of their heart.

I find mint and the smell of fresh-cut grass pretty relaxing.