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joined 2022 September 04 23:51:45 UTC
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User ID: 281



0 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 04 23:51:45 UTC


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User ID: 281

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I would like to improve my voice and articulation skills. Growing up I had an "open bite" (front teeth did not touch) which caused a plethora of respiratory and speech issues. Fortunately, this specific problem was corrected through orthodontics + speech therapy. The improvement was notable and I today can give a talk or go through a job interview without much trouble.

However, I still often mumble through my words, doubly so if I'm nervous or excited. The "mumbliness" persists even if I speak in my native language, although to a smaller degree since many of the tricky English phonemes (e,g, dental fricatives) aren't common in Portuguese. I also feel that my voice sounds too "soft" (lack of projection?) when I listen to recordings of myself.

My current plan is to hire a voice coach remotely to discuss and work on these issues, but I have no idea what's the difference between a good and a bad coach. Has anyone here done something similar and perhaps could share what things I should be in the lookout for in order to ensure I'm not getting duped?

Alternative suggestions are also welcome.

Will look into it. Thanks for the recommendation.

Question to the devs: I see that replies to a deleted comment still include the parent's username. Is that intended?
