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joined 2022 September 05 17:21:23 UTC


User ID: 645



2 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 17:21:23 UTC


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User ID: 645

security monoculture?

Tangential, but it's shocking how much small differences can impact results. In my industry, people decorrelate WTI from Brent, and then Brent from other Brent, by using4% instead of 5% stoplosses. They then make the full range 1,2,3....% on each, then bottle them up into different ensembles, and after a few days they show massive divergence.

La Perla at South Coast Plaza, one of the premiere malls in the US, had people constantly complain about haughty staff, informing them their goods were more expensive than it looked like they could afford etc. The store then left the mall. My uncle mallwalks there in ratty t shirts with holes, which saddens me.

Interviewee says he saw the guy on a roof and reported him: https://x.com/SharpFootball/status/1812265909727396107

shooter mag dumped after

I think that was (multiple members of) security. The shooter's reported dead.

a right winger shooting at Trump

Right wing friends think it was antijewish right. Many others have been antitrump for a while, calling him prochoice now.

remote encampments

Structures in encampments (not tents but e.g. wooden shacks) should be considered homes, allowing them to invest further in their structures etc. Adverse possession already exists on the law books. Private citizens may push them off. Then, on government land, why not let them homestead it?

Indeed, LA's "rivers" aren't used. Why not let people build structures in them, open insurance policies etc. If it does rain and flood, the government's already subsidizing housing in landslide and wildfire zones. At least peasant hovels are cheap to replace.

theater got very bawdy very quickly,

To illustrate the point: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Farce_of_Sodom,_or_The_Quintessence_of_Debauchery

Purchase price and rental price are often strongly disjointed:



There are only two countries where buying is cheaper than renting. Average mortgage payments of $1,258 in Finland are 2.1 per cent cheaper than rent of $1,285. The other is Italy. Mortgage payments of $997 are slightly lower (0.9 per cent) compared to rent of $1,006.


Of course there are further considerations (like mortgage payments building equity.)

yt-dlp downloads a song in about 3 seconds. On telegram, vk music bot lets you do the same.

Adding to this with one of my favorite subjects

How can I nerd snipe you into sharing favorite anecdotes, intriguing obscure bits etc.?

Snyder is really obscene.

I was curious to read what people were saying as Jan 6th happened, but many comments and threads appear (poorly) removed, with only some contextless responses done as main comments instead of to whatever removed chain they belonged to: https://old.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/kq3o1s/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_january_04/

Why do you exhort against acts and tales of greatness, the fuel of millennia of glories passed? Why do you suggest (fetishize) victimhood? Domesticating the dog is great, other animals too. Milk... Eh.

The greatest things Man's done:

  • language
  • literacy - overcome death and forgetfulness to a fair extent (more than oral tradition)
  • industrial revolution - conquer nature, replacing human work with fuel's work
  • leaving for the stars

These are transcendent acts, overcoming our animal nature, becoming something greater. You can disagree, find others etc. but arguing the Romans conquered the Greeks ignores that the Greeks colonized the Romans' minds. We remember them for their works, not their pointless civil wars and petty treasures. As Caesar said, describing Cicero:

It is more important to have greatly extended the frontiers of the Roman spirit than the frontiers of the Roman empire

This (reality based learning and selection through mmo) is a really fun idea. Has this been described further elsewhere I could I nerdsnipe you into more detail?

What is the nature of power?

I don't really know. I'm asking because I want ideas and reading material. To add some meat to this request, here are some ideas and definitions I have encountered or pondered over:

  • The Psmith's Education of Cyrus review set many long forgotten ideas into succinct words.
  • "coordinating different worldviews into a cohesive action oriented society level project"
  • asymmetry between actors to manifest their distinctly desired outcome subsets
  • сила в правде (perhaps found by reversing the Cartesian split through silicon Gods, yet subsuming our agency to their control/wielding...)
  • whoever is willing to use the power to maintain (...) ultimately sets the rules / Who should control x? is the wrong question, rather: Who can?
  • nested structures of delegation and decision making stacking up to the sky (patronage structures of yore in Rome or Tammany)
  • the public consensus of legitimacy behind courts, institutions etc.
  • the mighty do as they will, the weak as they must
  • work, or applied energy, or results thereof (blood, sweat and oil bend and mold nature to our will)

All of these are relevant only between sovereign actors capable of acting and thinking themselves. Their power's a function of what benefit they offer other actors (either directly, or by mobilizing non-actors' into productive power.) I've read Kelsen, Grotius, de Vattel, Austin, Scott, Luttwak et al. and have built thriving and productive things. Yet I crave further understanding. Perhaps, I but yearn for a simpler, faded time, while today's structures impersonally placate the governed (placate, not wield, as (western) state(s') power's collapsed along with the social contract), or perhaps more accurate possessed both the governed and the governing ("they drank their own cool aide" and trying to understand this, my tools fail.

...does anyone understand how hyper cycles work (not just their contours like Gartner but e.g. how currents/egregores pick a specific avatar or specific areas of concern to battle over?

Catholic bishops are selected from a shortlist that originates while they’re still in seminary, and nobody knows or cares about the ideological lean of seminarians.

How does that work?

West World season 3 started with such a doordash for crime app, doing nothing with it. Search "RICO app". The big bad is actually using it to eliminate opponents or aberrations. (N.b. the show's not very good, I didn't finish.)

it's all unorganized violent crime, which doesn't translate to power

Someone else here (my notes summarize it without a source) once mentioned Schmidt's Theory of the Partisan which describes mob violence as the regime's political force. The liberal total state features the state restraining or permitting violence, where state violence against dissidents occurs through the criminal underclass whom the state chooses not to persecute (for gang violence, muggings etc.) Party NGOs enable street thugs and doxxing groups.

What's your take on or the news on the pink mafia? Long ago, people often discussed it and but I've not heard anything in over 5 years. Googling, I found articles from 10+ years ago. Is the church full of such things? http://triablogue.blogspot.com/2015/03/the-pink-mafia.html

Modern militaries are very good at delivering weapons to precise locations.

Jamming in Ukraine now sees less than 10% of some precision guided munitions reaching their target. The less impacted can hope for only 2/3s being jammed.

Responding to a sentiment in many responses:

The Northern economy was very strong, contributing more than half the empire's shipping tonnage in colonial times and expanding after independence (American built ships flooded Europe, costing half the price to build.) The rapidly expanding canals fueled agricultural growth and population expansion. Then the industrial revolution itself etc. etc.

A few years ago, I dug deeply into slave financing namely how banks dealt with depreciation, whether they operated foreclosed plantations etc. (Generally, the solution was immediate disintermediation.) It turns out mortgages on slaves were one of the largest financial instruments in the world for a long time, with Dutch, German and French banks speculating on them.

While Jefferson could already mortgage 150 slaves to a Dutch company to build his mansion, after a crash in the 1820s, by the 1830s the slave bond market had grown to be 30x the size of all slaves and land in the South combined. When the price of cotton crashed again (Panic of 1837), interest payments alone were $33 million, while the whole Southern cotton crop was only worth $10 million. 343 of 850 US banks failed. The Southern states (all banks were state chartered) both refused to foreclose and to pay interest, cutting the South off from the global financial system, as they unilaterally waived debts (since the plantation owners ran the governments.) Until that point, slavery was state subsidized, profitable primarily through financial engineering (like Canada's real estate driven GDP today) because the states took on the debts of the large estates.

In the late 1840s, the process resumed. In 1828 a laborer could go for $300, rising above $600 in 1838, falling back under $300 before reaching $700 in 1860. Estates operated less on cash flows from farming and more on refinancing after asset appreciation. Furthermore, in the old South, soil had depleted too, such that cotton production slowly moved West to new lands and without constant expansion, when the new South's soil would deplete, the whole institution would collapse hence the expansionist drive.


developing rapidly, living standards are improving, education is increasing, infrastructure is being built,

1.1% real growth per year is anemic: https://www.mckinsey.com/mgi/our-research/reimagining-economic-growth-in-africa-turning-diversity-into-opportunity

Palestinians are the Jews and Christians who converted to Islam (or kept Christianity.) Many are descended from Jews expelled elsewhere - I personally know multiple Palestinians who have gotten Spanish citizenship after proving their ancestors were expelled in 1492 for being Jewish along these lines: https://www.timesofisrael.com/palestinian-refugee-gets-spanish-citizenship-after-discovering-jewish-roots/

Ian Hacking's Rewriting the Soul discusses how modernity reconceived people as their memories, instead of e.g. an immortal soul unimpacted by general experiences. Thus trauma, history etc. come into play. This "right side of history" blends well here. He also uses a concept "acting under description" for the reason something's done (demonic possession, trauma, because of bipolarity etc.) Very clearly, these people's worldview sees them embodying the wheel of history inexorably plodding....

  • He only visits non-tourist locations, strides the peasant countryside like a colossus, shows up uninvited and unannounced where the locals have likely never seen a tourist, and is instantly treated with respect by the men and admiration by the women.

From his videos, these are quite run of the mill places, really. Vietnam e.g. is full of Western tourists and these people speak more English than the average person.