@zPvQINBQvfFR's banner p




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joined 2022 September 04 23:43:37 UTC


User ID: 277



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 23:43:37 UTC


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User ID: 277

Some clinical trials on it are about to end soonish, so hopefully we'll know if it werks.

There's this one with end date specified as December 1st this year:


And the Mayo Clinic one, that's supposed to finish half a year from now:


I wonder how long it will take from the scheduled study completion time to actual publication of results.

In my experience, there's great value to be gained from going completely offline (preferably by disabling your router and physically moving it to another room). But good luck doing that while having a coding job.

Have you ever described, in more detail, your horrified vision of the future under an ascendant US-led singleton with AGI? Because I'm curious.

Did you mean "white people and black people more likely"?

And the women retirement age tends to be lower which is completely backwards if you look at life expectancy.

For example, those college orientations where they say, "look to your left and to your right. One/two of you won't pass." Those always angered me because I figured a certification should be a test and not a competition.

That doesn't imply a competition. You can have grading with consistent predetermined standards and still confidently say that ~X% of the incoming student pool will fail just like they did in the previous years.

Do you want to study the underlying theory, or are you primarily interested in learning how to actually use Coq to prove stuff? If it's the latter, maybe have a look at https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/.

What would you try to use, to show how important the issue was in 2022?

The first step would be to figure out what happened and what's the status of the issue right now. What happens in 2122 when a dude wants to be a dudette or vice versa? What if a dude wants to bang other dudes while remaining a dude? Is everybody ok with this? Do they get arrested by the cyberpunk inquisition? Perhaps this never happens because those tendencies have been genetically engineered out of the population.

Your hypothetical doesn't explain this, but I think it would be important to know when planning out a culture war history lesson. (Or maybe deciding to shut up about the subject altogether, if it turns out that the cyberpunk inquisition is real.)

Example 1: self_made_human, as extreme as his views are, doesn't want to "plug himself into the experience machine".

Example 2: ok, the guy said that he's fine with being a lotus eater, so I guess you found one person.

Example 3: not finding the idea of using your imagination repugnant and by extension not finding it repugnant to experience a simulation under your control doesn't mean that you want to "plug yourself into the experience machine."

The phrase "plugging yourself into the experience machine" sounds ominous and evokes the image of the dreadful wirehead, drooling in his pod, stuck in the loop of perpetual simulated cooming until the heat death of the universe. Applying it to everybody who's not utterly repelled by the idea of virtual reality or mind uploading is dishonest equivocation and it looks like a failure of understanding the people you're condemning.

Which is why we have so many people eager to plug themselves into the experience machine.

Name three examples.

Once I turn off the ad-blocker, am I also morally obligated to click on ads from time to time? After all, if I don't, I'm tanking the click-through rate and depriving the website author of his well-deserved reward.

And once I do that, am I also obligated to actually buy the advertised stuff? If I don't, I'm tanking the conversion rate and depriving the website author of his well-deserved reward. Am I then a misanthrope if I don't consoom more?

Replacing comment collapse/uncollapse buttons with old-timey text based ones:


I use it in combination with other changes, don't know how it will look on its own.

(other changes: https://www.themotte.org/post/25/share-your-custom-css/1121?context=8#context)

Noice. I took your stuff and added some extra rules to squeeze things vertically (maybe I went too far... eh), debiggen the voting arrows, and make the bar of buttons under a post flush with the left margin of the comment.



Edit: it looks kind of crap when there are multiple collapsed comments with non-default profile pics as those slightly overlap. You can remove them by adding:

.profile-pic-25 {

    display: none;


Looks better in the 4chan theme which doesn't have those bars on the left:
