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joined 2023 July 27 23:24:00 UTC
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User ID: 2587



0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2023 July 27 23:24:00 UTC


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User ID: 2587

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Thanks. I had made a habit of posting my rationality writing as Less Wrong exclusives (when I was still holding out more hope for the site than I am now). You're right; I should upgrade my personal blog (which is still running WordPress) and have that be the canonical version, but it feels thematically appropriate to wait to change the habit until after I finish my memoir sequence.

In "Agreeing With Stalin in Ways That Exhibit Generally Rationalist Principles" (Less Wrong mirrorpost), the fourth installment of my memoir telling the Whole Dumb Story of how I wasted the last eight years of my life trying to convince the so-called "rationalist" community that you can't redefine concepts in order to make people happy, I explain how Eliezer Yudkowsky has not been consistently candid in his communications with his followers, hindering their ability to exercise their responsibilities.

Previously: pt. 1 (Less Wrong mirrorpost), pt. 2 (Less Wrong mirrorpost, The Motte discussion), pt. 3 (Less Wrong mirrorpost)

I support people transitioning if it makes their life better, but I'm pretty skeptical of subtle intersex conditions whose main symptom is a mysterious desire to be the other sex. I'd expect actual brain-intersex stuff to mostly look like HSTS: markedly sex-atypical behavior that's visible to other people and causes social problems. To the extent that the two-type taxonomy is wrong, I expect social factors to be the main third cause.

Hello Motte world! Some of you may remember me as /u/M_T_Saotome-Westlake on the Reddit incarnation. (I've since dropped the pseudonym which I was using for my political writing.)

I recently published the first two parts of my memoir telling the Whole Dumb Story of my conflict with the so-called "rationalist" community about (at first) the etiology of gender dysphoria in males and (later, much less excusably) the philosophy of language regarding categorization, which I would like to share with you today: