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User ID: 1969



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User ID: 1969

Well I'm not an expert on holocaust, a quick google gave me a 5-6 million killed jews estimate and that is the authoritative one on wikipedia

I specified number of victims of Holocaust, not victim count of Shoah, not a victim count of Jewish Holocaust dead.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust_victims

(if there is a better word/term for overall extermination done by Germans around WW II less likely to result in confusion and is not annoyingly long then let me know)

I am not refering to the Jewish genocide but to one that is twice as big and that you never heard about because of racism:

It killed 11 million human beings, 11 million slavic civilian people for their ethnicity

I am considering it as part of Holocaust (and less than half of Holocaust dead were Jewish)

that you never heard about because of racism

I assure you that you are mistaken in this specific case, I am from Poland. Though in general I agree about blatant racism/politics/propaganda/failed PR in this area.

especially Romani people

nope, less than half million Romani were murdered (mostly because Germans run out of people to murder in this group after murdering about 50% - 75% of European population)

Soviet civilians were largest group of people murdered in Holocaust.

Around 5 000 000 Poles were murdered.

(in both groups there is large overlap with murder of Jews - around 1.3M of murdered USSR civilians were Jews, around 3M of murdered Poles were Jews)

There has been flaws during this necessary transition

That description is part hilarious and part horrifying.

the reason behind 99% of the deaths, an artificial one, deliberately chosen by the U.S.A and other occidental countries, a worlwide ban on exports to China. A worlwide ban of many technologies including the main disruption of the century, the discovery and production of fertilizers.

Well no. Great Chinese Famine and Holodomor and similar catastrophes were primarily caused by murderous communist rule.

Backyard furnaces, four pests, pressure to blatantly falsify reports, Lysenkoism including deep plowing etc and so on. Describing it merely as "flaws" is an absurd denial.

worlwide ban on exports to China

Do you have any sources? From what I remember one of problems was exporting food while millions starved to death, so presumably they also imported something. But I may misremember this one.

Can that be made illegal too, since it betrays a desire to bang minors?

For start, having actual sex with 17 years old is likely to be legal in many places. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_consent#/media/File:Age_of_Consent_-_Global.svg

As for accounts of said racism I invite the reader, for example, to ask himself if he knows what was the biggest genocide during WW2.

Holocaust, 11 000 000 - 17 000 000 dead.

who caused the Great Chinese Famine

PRC, Mao in particular.

Short answer? Utilitarianism.

Even with taking utilitarianism as axiom: why not get more people instead?

Nothing has fundamentally changed

For me what changed is that this tool is useful, in its current form is sometimes better than Google Search and I am willing to pay in time/hardware resources - or in money if not available to run on my own - to get access to it.

Seeing it underperform so much in my field is giving me a sort of Gellmann Amnesia effect for people touting how it can write code on its own.

I can confirm that it can generate useful hints how to fix bugs or do something. But I used it for

  • something far more basic (but still useful for me as I am new to this specific framework)

  • I am able to ignore bullshit and I kept asking it to generate something on topic and without bullshit

  • changing/fixing specific thing and I copied idea/keyword not the generated code

  • typically it was some annoying boilerplate where I needed to guess magical keyword to modify

the field is kind of niche, and manually writing SPICE circuits slightly more so, so maybe it is just weakly trained for this subject


interfaces between them aren't as simple as passing a variable to a function which does some abstracted function step-by-step


Also with how much content is out there for coding python/javascript/c# etc. it probably has a much greater wealth of resources to pull from.


I think at the moment it is essentially just stringing together user tutorials from the internet in a somewhat intelligent manner

It is doing EXACTLY this (though not only user tutorials but also official docs, some code etc.)

Zero results for "I love the island"

I have full page of results.

"I love the palm trees"

The same.

Maybe you search limiting to specific language?

Coca cola will not pay so much to keep "Sprite" handle from being used by some 2D artist, and uses confusable with Sprite drink are blocked by their registered trademarks.

"effortlessly winning" is not a problem by itself, I would be happy to read/watch something about character stomping all over appropriate targets but that is really hard to pull well.

But seeing the overwhelmingly negative reaction to this sort of thing on HN makes me adjust my likelihoods around what, excuse the cliche, I see as the pendulum swinging back away from leftist authoritarianism.

I doubt that it is an indicator. That would at most indicate that pendulum is accelerating slower.

Pendulum swinging back would require people sneering and making fun of something that was previously lauded, not just lack of enthusiasm for new overreach.

And this list reads like a deliberate attempt to troll HN: full of stupid arguments, false claims, wild mix of different stuff, blatant stupidity about technical matters, bad documentation... HS would complain about this even if they would fully agree with the goal.


Mother of Learning was great. But some other that I tried were either abandoned or turned into protagonist winning effortlessly because they are protagonist.

Can you recommend anything complete?

(I can recommend https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/45534/this-used-to-be-about-dungeons/ - fantasy slice of life, with some plot. Good characterisation, nice worldbuilding. Nice world, as in "closer to ideal than reality" not some brutal dystopia where everyone is evil and/or stupid)

which is not sanctioned

strictly speaking Poland sanctioned Russian coal on its own, but problem is "high prices" not "we will freeze to death", and transport coal from new source is much easier to achieve than for gas.

Many worries about MtF are about males getting access to females spaces and overpowering them due to psychical power greater than woman have (sports have the least emotionally charged and the most objective case of that).

This does not apply to FtM.

Also how many FtM and MtF are there?

my government has literally been warning people about possible blackouts

Which one? Not sure whether in Poland risk is lower or whether is the same or greater and government is more incompetent (or yours is more panicking)

Can you link it? If you have contact to author - maybe add post mentioning it as a threadmark to the original thread?

Also, it seems that sequel is abandoned if I look at forum posts right ( https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-last-angel.244209/page-96#post-15777617 is from 2014 ).

Suppose we get to a point that with minimal effort that all trans people undergo, they all start to pass as the gender they identify with to the point where, as far as hooking up goes, you fundamentally could not tell if they were cis or trans.

I bet that in such case they would have no problem with saying "I was born male, then rebuild myself as a giraffe and now I morphed to female form". But we are far away from this level of bioengineering no matter what would people claim.

The entire trans stuff is caused by uncanny valley of being able to imperfectly migrate - but extremely imperfectly with small minority achieving anything close to a success. Even if they do not care about fertility.

Can anyone try to justify the transphobia policy above?

Justify? No. Explain?

Well, it seems quite clear. They want others to believe that current medicine is able to actually achieve full male-female body swap. This is clearly untrue, but they want other to believe that (or pretend to fully believe). Maybe they even believe it themself. Or believe that they believe it.

There is no plausible scenario under which I would benefit from owning one. And I am in situation where benefits are far smaller and costs are larger than average - so even if it would make sense for 70% of people in EU to buy power generator it still would make no sense for me.

Also, it seems that you are jumping into doomerism of some kind.

that no matter what you are doing the most efficient form will always be whatever the train equivalent for the field is

is it entire interesting part? Or have they got interesting examples?

How are you making sure it gets to the intended recipients?

Giving it to person well known to us who will transfer it to her direct family. There is low chance of some obscure scam, but it seems reasonably low.

Petrol/oil remains accessible for now, but power is intermittent and getting worse.

On topic of quite literal culture wars, but differently than usually defined here: my family is buying electricity generator for an Ukrainian family.

It is about 500 euro, goes directly to family member of refugee family that we are hosting so there is a decent chance that it will reach intended targets - and I am far more sure about this than with many charities.

Mentioning that mostly as a possibility if someone would be interested in doing something similar.

I agree that both can apply, and that in case of humanities less people should be doing this (I got convinced by lack of useful output and repeated calls to discriminate my ethnical group - and guess what, I am against racism, especially against myself)

they would have obtained rights to the video before playing it.

I am pretty sure that they could claim that it is case of fair use, so they had no need for that


If you live in the UK or Germany, uh… I’m sorry. If I was living there and couldn’t afford a plane ticket out, I’d get some of those charcoal burners and maybe tape for the windows.

Plane to where? Also, Germany seems unlikely to get to "charcoal burners" stage.