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joined 2023 March 03 15:09:03 UTC


User ID: 2233



2 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2023 March 03 15:09:03 UTC


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User ID: 2233

Imagine someone who makes their life's work opining on video games but they never actually played one, everything they know is based on second-hand knowledge and their own speculation.

I am reminded of Anita Sarkeesian's initial Feminist Frequency videos where she claimed to have been playing games all her life then proceeded to make factually incorrect assertions about some games (Hitman, IIRC) rewarding misogynist behavior (murdering women) when those games instead disincentivized it.

This is the exact opposite of the rhetoric I remember from 4 years ago. Everyone was rallying around the ideas that "we need to stop fascism (read: Trump)" and "it's okay to choose the lesser of two evils, as long as we depose Trump" and "a vote for a third party is akin to voting for Trump". Make no mistake, the people saying they're not voting for Biden in 2024 were the exact same people I saw making these "lesser of two evils" statements last time around.

There is a good case to be made that this is deliberate tactic to drag the democrats as far to the left as they can. Just make the democrats panic so that they think they need to align their policies with them, hoping they'll throw them some candy like student debt forgiveness, and then closer to the election switch to the "choose the lesser of two evils" narrative regardless of how may of their asks were covered because ultimately that still drags the country closer to their preferences than voting R, third-party or not voting.

just bear with it

It comes down to whether they want the attention; I would be surprised if a smart one could not reliably get visibility by putting culture war bait for the media.

If a killer left a note or sent letters to the media saying he was doing it "for President Trump", do you really think the media would be able to contain themselves from making it a national issue? And the right's reaction when there's hints of a killer being trans or an illegal gives little doubt that they'd be just as impossible to contain if they were in a position of power in the media.

I can't tell about the rest of Canada, but Quebec's cuisine is mostly a mix of french, british/irish and italian, with some new world innovations added to it (some unique to us, others we share with the rest of north eastern america).

For example, it doesn’t explain libertarians, who tend to be Republican but are fiercely anti-police.

I think it can; libertarians are pro hierarchies, but natural hierarchies. They consider police to be an intrusion on natural hierarchies of force. Those who are stronger or better armed, or can afford the loyalty of stronger or better armed people to defend them deserve the better protection/law enforcement. To them, the police is like a communist state trying to make the protection/law enforcement market egalitarian.

The main risk is food supply chain collapse leading to starvation and more instability, but if you live near farmland it's probably not going to be that much of a risk for you.

The US Navy

More importantly, they might be building a lot of frigates and are starting to build aircraft carriers, but the PLAN has basically no institutional experience. They have negligible ASW and submarine capacity, any surprise invasion plan has to contend with an unknown: how many US SSNs and SSGNs are in or in range of the South China Sea right now?

The only way the Chinese can succeed is if there is enough political hesitation to intervene from the US.

Montreal is getting fucked slower than the other major cities, but it is still getting fucked.

The effect is slower because Montreal attracts poorer immigrants (as french speakers are prioritized), so the immigrants that arrive here are more competing at the bottom for rents than for houses and condos, but the effect at term is the same, as high rents push more renters to consider ownership.

They tend to have milder weather too

I think you should remember that no one will invest as much time and effort in judging you as you do. Most people have better things to do than obsess over your mistakes.

It's the upper class equivalent to Trump's "yuge!" or "bigly!"/"big league!"

About the same as you; during the day, I want it to be only warm enough that I can go out with only a t-shirt, and at night I want it only cool enough to put on a hoodie and be fine (or to get under the covers). Couple of showers once in a while, light enough that they're not able to soak throroughly through my clothes, just enough to refresh.

And when I find out that someone attempted to deceive me to attempt to convince me, it prejudices me against what they're trying to convince me of.

People who can’t say no and people with weak personal boundaries were (perceived as) getting fatter than they would have anyway

Yeah, but... Is that proven by the main stunt of the movie?

"Eating nothing but McDonalds for a month" is just for grabbing attention and doesn't contribute to any of the serious points that could be made regarding the fast food industry.

An interesting anecdote that might highlight this distinction... I don't know if it's still up-to-date, but I read recently Tom Clancy's Submarine, a overview of modern (in the early 90s) submarines, and one of the points made clear is that the British nuclear submarine officer is a leader first, his training is first and foremost in leadership and then in his specialty, while the American nuclear submarine officer is an engineer first.

Even putting aside fudged data, I struggle to see what the point of Supersize Me was, other than being an anti-corporate applause light. Trying to prove that you can't live healthily on McDonalds alone is arguing against a point pretty much no one made (I know, the documentary grasps at straw to try to show otherwise, but come on). And even if someone makes it, it would have been a lot better an argument if he wasn't making up rules or making decisions during his "experiment" to guarantee he got the result he wanted. McDonalds had salads already at that time, but of course he had to get burgers all the time. Yes, sure, people don't go to McDonalds for salad, but what was his point again? Him proving that people often don't make great decisions when it comes to their nutrition wouldn't please his audience as much as "proving" giant corporations are making it impossible to eat healthy.

I saw the term often associated with "gacha" mobile games. It mostly serves to show how in those kind of relationships, there isn't really an entire spectrum of spending. You'll have the little fish, who throw in a bit of petty money in occasionally, and those big spenders who will casually drop hundreds or thousands of dollars, with pretty much nothing in between. It's usually understood that whales have some sort of pathological obsession with what they are spending on that the sellers are willingly preying on. Or sometimes, rarely, it's an oil prince who has a wildly different concept of "petty money" than most of us would have. More often it's someone who is ruining themselves throwing money at virtual cards with waifus in a korean mobile game or at softcore pictures and the vague impression of being close to a girl who wouldn't go even as far as typing their name if it weren't for cash.

You probably meant to ask that to the person I was answering to, but anyway, in the context of exploitative provider-customer relationships, whales means big spenders. For girls with an OnlyFans, whales will usually be guys who believe that spending big on the girl makes them special to her. Savvy girls will play into that, send personalized messages to the whales, have chats with them, etc...

Checked around what the vibe was on her and I highly doubt her OF has more than teasing and political content, and is mostly just a way to monetise attention she attracts on her other "influencer" gigs and a prop to use in debates (in the last years it seems her thing was going around debating "misogynists").

Oh, I'm not implying YOU'RE trying to market her to us, but for her to have attracted the attention of two of the very few places I spend my time online means that someone is doing a good job of getting her to appear on my radar, and it could very well be simply by just spreading her content virally.

Yeah, I saw that news too; someone I had never about before pinging on my radar twice within less than a month is a sure sign to me something is up. Someone is trying to market that person to me. It could be her marketing herself succesfully as it got the attention of two sites where I get linked to news, or a third party powerful enough to have it pushed past the filters to make sure people like me heard about her.

Her was not dystopian? A divorcee unready for another relationship works through his issues through a relationship with an AI, and when the AI leaves for reasons the movie implies he is ready for another relationship with a woman.

If anything, it's optimistic regarding human-AI relationships.

I don't think it's about shame, but it's absolutely about incentives. In a society that reflects you, where everyone has had a similar upbringing to yours, probably looks somewhat like you, has gone through roughly the same events as you, you can reasonably expect your neighbor to act approximately like you.

So in that kind of society, the incentive to be the kind of person who returns a wallet is that you get to live in a society that would likely return your wallet too.

If your society is not just atomized, but also doesn't reflect you, the link between the action and the incentive is harder to see, and by that token becomes less strong.

No, how long before you get permanent residency is dependent on what pathway you're using. My wife visited as a tourist before we started the permanent residency process, but she never actually lived here officially until she got it. Technically you don't even need to have been in Canada. You're eligible for citizenship 3 years after having started living in Canada, and once you are a permanent resident. So you could even count, for instance, years spent as a temporary resident with a student or work visa before you got permanent residency.


have lived in Canada for at least 3 out of the last 5 years (1,095 days)