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joined 2023 August 16 10:29:51 UTC


User ID: 2630



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User ID: 2630

If you've recently (last ~3 months) completed a 20-mile run in a respectable time, you have essentially all the training you need to complete a marathon. I think you've nothing to lose by doing so, I would go for it.

I only found out the morning of that there'd be pacers running, and a few minutes before the start, my plan was to try a maintain a consistent distance ahead of one of the 4:00 pacers. But I got separated from those pacers just a few minutes after the start of the race and never saw them again for the duration. For the first 5k I was worried about expending my strength too quickly, so I was making a conscious effort to run below my "natural" pace. But thereafter I decided to just wing it and run at whatever pace felt natural to me.

I've never heard of Body Glide but I'll bear that in mind if there's a next time.

Update on my marathon. I met my target, completing it in 3:59:12, less than a minute shy of my target of 4 hours. Somehow didn't even notice when my nipples started gushing blood. Legs are still in bits three days later.

My sincere thanks to everyone who donated to my fundraiser, I really appreciate it.

Hi folks! In less than 2 weeks I'm running the Dublin Marathon to raise money for Focus Ireland, a charity which provides food and shelter for homeless people in Ireland. If any of you have a few shekels to spare for a great cause, please consider making a donation: https://www.idonate.ie/fundraiser/FionnMurray (I've already met my fundraising target, but it never hurts to exceed it.)

I normally post here under a different username which has multiple AAQCs, but the fundraiser link reveals my real name and face, hence the throwaway account.

Bumping this again from last week.

Hi folks! At the end of October I'm running the Dublin Marathon to raise money for Focus Ireland, a charity which provides food and shelter for homeless people in Ireland. If any of you have a few shekels to spare for a great cause, please consider making a donation: https://www.idonate.ie/fundraiser/FionnMurray (I've already met my fundraising target, but it never hurts to exceed it.)

I normally post here under a different username which has multiple AAQCs, but the fundraiser link reveals my real name and face, hence the throwaway account.

Thanks a lot!

Hi folks! At the end of October I'm running the Dublin Marathon to raise money for Focus Ireland, a charity which provides food and shelter for homeless people in Ireland. I'm pretty far short of my fundraising goal, so if any of you have a few shekels to spare for a great cause, please consider making a donation: https://www.idonate.ie/fundraiser/FionnMurray

I normally post here under a different username which has multiple AAQCs, but the fundraiser link reveals my real name and face, hence the throwaway account.