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What does the option to get someone help do?

As the title says. I noticed it while poking at Zorba's profile, and clicked the button thinking it would tell me what it does. All I got was "help message sent". So uh, sorry @ZorbaTHut. But seriously, what does that button do?

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rare insults

I'm not sure, but to help I clicked it a million times on your profile

Thank you, I have received the help. I was visited by about a million Mr. Meseeks, who are helping me to take a few strokes off my golf game.

It’s one of the thousands of fun rDrama features! I think they just forgot to remove it with the rest of them, though. Stay strong Mottizens.

it's a copy of the reddit feature to send someone a wholesome validation mental health support / suicide hotline phone number, to use as a joke. from the rdrama codebase. doesn't matter

It spams them annoyingly :V I gotta remove it, just haven't done so yet.

Are we going to be zero nonsense?

Not zero, but definitely less than rdrama, and carefully chosen nonsense.

Jokes are one thing. Jokes that are not obviously jokes are another.

I am very excited about Mottizan nonsense. Don't overthink it.

I kinda like the idea as a reporting feature, along the lines of "I don't think this comment requires mod action, but it may benefit from mod support/feedback/supervision/private conversation."



I think in general I'm okay with those - I don't think I've ever warned for one - but at the same time, there's a limit on how much of that should happen, and if it gets spammy we might start grumbling about it.

I really want to add some kind of Reaction system, kind of loosely modeled off Discord's, with some Motte-appropriate set of reactions. I think that might fill some of the gap between "upvote" and "low-effort thankyou reply".

High-effort thankyou replies are, of course, always allowed :D

tl;dr: Go for it if you want, we'll let you know if it's getting to be too much.