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Culture War Roundup for the week of December 12, 2022

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They aren't actual aristocrats because Republic of India has abolished any such titles or positions (with a couple minor exceptions). But this is not really that different from many (not all) European countries that abolished all official recognition of nobility or higher status. But the people themselves didn't disappear. And yes, the Brahmins of today are descendants of yesteryear. But the point is that there was no wholesale social upheaval and discontinuity in India elites, at least not to an extreme extent like the Russian or Chinese Revolution, or to be more 'positive' about it, the US where the nation was build completely from scratch.

The purpose of the whining is primarily to extract resources from credulous whites who (due to their Christian cultural upbringing have strongly internalised that it's good in and of itself to atone for your sins and you can't atone for a sin if you don't have it) are just crying out for a narrative where there is some easily identifiable victim and there is some original sin that only their actions can correct.

We, with no such compunction towards what they hold sacred, are happy to provide them with such a narrative when it leads to a transfer of resources (or increases the probability of that) from them to us. It doesn't mean we believe in it, why would you ever think that?

Nah, what I say here I believe in fully. I don't know the people on this forum and likely will never interact with almost all of them (but you never know, it's a small world) so I have nothing to gain from deliberately exaggerating how bad whites are (lets be real, the subcontinent would be a significantly worse place today had whites never gone over, but you can say the same about the black descendents of slaves, they are living a much better life than they would have in Africa which doesn't atone for slavery at all) here. I was talking about all those thinkpieces and guilt tripping that people like Saira Rao are involved in.

I say what I say because I feel like the people here typical mind everyone into thinking like a Westerner, and I want to give them an example of a belief system with completely different axioms (held by hundreds of millions of people around the world) taken to its logical conclusion, which naturally causes severe cognitive dissonance and leads to discomfort e.g. in my belief system two wrongs absolutely can make a right (well, a wrong followed by a right but you get the idea) while this is pretty fundamentally bad under the western way of thinking; taking these things to their logical conclusions leads to very different theorems for morality etc. than what westerners believe.

In reality I act and behave much like any other westerner, but this isn't because I believe the same things as them, but rather because of Convergent Evolution of our cultures which means the final actions in common situations are similar (e.g. not kicking people on the street) even though the beliefs that cause these actions are radically different, which can cause divergence of what "the right thing to do" is in extreme situations and causes consternation amongst them, no different to how dropping a drag queen in the middle of a crowded city just after school finishes running her script would cause severe consternation to us.

hardcore Indian nationalists LARPing

Those people are a joke on the order of the Nation of Islam in the USA. I think they even know they are a joke and run their script to co-opt and exploit less intelligent illiterates by feeding them with a grand (very false) narrative and grifting rather than having any hope that the west would ever listen to them (which to be clear it absolutely shouldn't).

Indian nationalists have a pretty clear vested interest in blaming everything bad on the British. It's funny you say that the claim made that the British destroyed the native ruling class, when the more common complaint from Indian nationalist/anti-colonialist is that the British ossified the caste system (and thus is responsible for India's contemporary caste woes). I guess the British are responsible for everything bad, like destroying native social structures, as well as reinforcing native social structures.