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Categorising the DSL branch of the family as "Fox news watchers" told me everything I needed to know about that person. I dipped in and out because it's a little too to the right for me (American version) but they are certainly not the slack-jawed yokels in MAGA hats this poster wants to paint them as (some of them may own MAGA hats, who knows? but why not?)

Plus saying that CultureWarRoundup was less right-wing than here. I go over there to say the mean things I can't say on here 😂

I did get strong sneerclub vibes off them. Why is it not enough for them to have gained control of SSC and driven the witches off? They want everywhere to be colonised by them, which is probably ironic in view of their quite possibly strongly anti-colonialism slant.

Plus saying that CultureWarRoundup was less right-wing than here.

That one got a guffaw from me.