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Ok but even in such cases the solution is a governmental policy response (albeit a 'negative' one, not just asking individuals to solve it.)

Actually no, the solution is usually wait a few years and industry will solve it. That is unless you do something stupid like get regulators involved. Or more often even than that it's not even a problem where a solution is a reasonable thing to expect. How do you 'solve' a couple dozen people being unlucky enough to be struck by lightning every year? You don't. End of story. Any attempt would be idiotic.

Sure there are some problems were there just is no solution, but I don't think any MSM outlet would suggest otherwise. Clearly though, there are innumerable problems that industry has not simply solved, in many cases because industry has no incentive to resolve negative outcomes that aren't internalised. In general though, most 'big' problems are not new ones we just have to wait for industry to sort out, they're fairly long-running or sometimes getting worse.

In addition, even if that's sometimes true, which I concede it may be, coverage will inevitably be framed in terms of a government policy response because that's the only putative action one might consider taking.