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Small-Scale Question Sunday for August 6, 2023

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

This is your opportunity to ask questions. No question too simple or too silly.

Culture war topics are accepted, and proposals for a better intro post are appreciated.

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Sorry if this is not the angle you were going for but: becoming rich My mature self thinks that of course one needs enough money to survive and to help your children thrive. And maybe some for retirement and so on. But I'm naturally very frugal and my wife is even more so, mainly we just don't like most things and the things we like aren't high in demand or do exist in abundance. We both have parents who will help us if we ever need it and our earning potential is probably quite good. But I still have this deep desire to have a high number, like a literal number of money. It is completely unrelated to spending any of it. It is some kind of continuation of the feeling of putting coins into a savings box as a child - somehow comforting - not because you want to buy something but probably more similar to the feeling people who collect something have? I'm not sure.

On a lighter note: I always liked Haribo jelly bears and I indulge into this want every so often till complete satisfaction. Sadly I must report that the association with nausea never lasts more than at maximum a few months so I'm not sure you could permanently cure your desire for Reese's peanut butter cups this way for good. On the upside I'm quite sure that gaining 2 lbs of weight from eating till nauseous once is quite ambitious - especially since if you try this feat in the morning you might not be able to eat anything till the evening. I think one would need to carefully construct ones consumption to actually gain 2 lbs of body fat from a single meal. :)

Every few months I buy a big bag of Haribo Tangfastics. The first five are bliss. After that, not so much. But I still finish them all and I never learn :P

Haribo Tangfastics

Man, Haribo: those apple rings were my forbidden fruit as a lad, in that my folks wouldn't buy them for me every time I saw them.