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We will sell no wine before its time

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joined 2024 February 21 12:53:11 UTC

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User ID: 2897


We will sell no wine before its time

1 follower   follows 2 users   joined 2024 February 21 12:53:11 UTC


Interesting that you clicked on this...I hope your day is going well and you're at least finding our conversation stimulating, if you're not finding it pleasant. Looking to reinforce your beliefs about about me? Dig up some dirt? Have at it! Only cowards and scam artists make their profile private.


User ID: 2897

You had 80 first dates?!? Have you ever heard of the paradox of choice? The more choices you have the less you'll enjoy the one you'll finally end up with, because you'll compare all the best pieces of all your previous possible choices to your final one. It is a real thing...you might already be totally fucked from it.

Not like this.

Yes. Doing porn for money is a bad outcome. Does she earn a lot? I've never heard of her, and by all accounts only fans is not really that profitable unless you're in the top 1%

You think a good outcome for a young woman is being a 24 year old amateur porn actor/producer? I don't know anyone that thinks that or does that.

Well I did more than skim; I would ask you do the same before passing judgement on my analysis. There are some deeply troubling stories in her narrative that don't line up with what I know about the college world, most people I know met their life partner in college and it sounds like she didn't even give it a shot. There are many ways to have a fulfilling sex life, including exclusive monogamy, she was too fucked up by her upbringing to try any of them.

I mean she is doing porn for money now, something went wrong. None of the "sluts" I met in college are doing that, they are all happily married with a few kids, mostly with people they met in college.

Jesus. I made the mistake of reading the whole thing. This poor woman was indoctrinated well before her critical thinking was up and running (like most religions, they've got to get you early because it doesn't work once you can think), and internalized all of her mother's insane religious rants. She thinks she didn't because she did little acts of teenage rebellion, but she did. Now she is so fucked up about the whole thing she is doing only fans. JFC... Many woman enthusiastically enjoy sex in a healthy way. This poor gal is mentally ill.

Yup. If anyone cares to look it up, most youtuber polyglots are fakes and if they rotate around to a language you know you can tell.

Bully for him. But I just don't think people can actually keep that many disparate grammar models rattling around in the old braincase at the same time +vocab. Maybe he WAS ok at some of those languages 30 years ago when he spoke them every day or something, but there is no way for someone to be "fluent" in that many at the same time.

I just spent a bit of time googling about and there seems to be a general consensus that most youtube polyglots are faking it for the most part. Other more honest polyglots know a core of 2, or rarely 3 "unique" languages and are at a conversational in a few more, they still need a few weeks to refresh their skills before traveling to another country. There is no doubt about it, trying to maintain many languages runs into maintenance problems well before you hit fluency in 8 languages as disparate as those listed. It just isn't possible in the way some people claim it is.

How could you really actually know though? Unless you are better than they are or are assessing with translated recordings in a testing environment? I'm with bonsaii here, I think it is BS.

So where would you rather live I suppose is the real question? Bangladesh? Russia? USA? UK? France? Iran? They are all very different places. Just because some levers of power look the same to you does not make the world flat.

There is a huge difference between incentivizing children with a guaranteed payout based on what degree you have and getting into an accident that paralyzes you.

This wouldn't work at all, women would just get whatever degree would "pay the most" and then have 3 kids starting at 22. It would bankrupt the system in no time.

So you're free to kill jaywalkers like you're in the purge? I see a lot wrong with this view. Any deviation from lawful norms should not be death. How about if a kid wanders into a neighborhood road after a ball? Free to run him down on purpose?

"I'm going to run over children and make the families pay me for the privilege!" seems like a bad platform to run for office on.

We're all in this life together. I only live every day because some asshole doesn't decide to cross the center line on my commute and kill us both at a combined speed of 120 mph. We live by the grace of others. Always.

Regarding "Genocide" in the middle east. The Palestinians are so notoriously terrible that none of their Muslim neighbors will take them in. When they have allowed large numbers of Palestinian refugees in they have attempted coups and caused mass social unrest.

The whole situation is terrible for the current children and the people that have been brought up in slums with no real education or hope, just indoctrination and hate. Palestine is the Haiti of the Middle East, a failed "state" that produces nothing but chaos and violence. Who's fault is that? I would say at this point it doesn't matter. It is what it is.

The whole conflict has become a blood feud over the last 80 years, "both sides" have committed untold atrocities, it does not seem like accommodation can be found. The Arab Muslims have been trying to destroy the Jewish settlers since they started gathering in the area and forming militias, the problem for them is, the Jews kept winning, and appear to be doing so again.

Any one of the surrounding Arab countries that claim to hate Israel could offer to take them in and end this once and for all, but they are a useful meat shield and prop to help with their goal of wreaking Israel, plus, as I mentioned above, they are terrible guests.

I really wish there just wasn't any oil in the middle east and we not hear about it for decades on end on all news outlets. I'm burnt out on the whole region, forgive my incoming uncouth distain, but all those shithole fanatically religious countries deserve each other after failing to evolve (or devolving) for so long.

What? You didn't answer my question in any way shape or form. If you can't tell one country from another and what is better about some of them then what are you even here to discuss?

Can you explain what makes Dallas such a different and difficult rental market from a self management perspective?

Being a "True Opponent" of either Putin (and establishment in Russia) or Obama (and establishment in US) does not have the same result. So by "True Opponent", what do you mean exactly?

Good writeup of basic economic policy and how it could impact currency valuations. Yes this is what happens when a place like Mexico or Venezuela starts reneging on their promises or nationalizing industries, capital flight, to places like the USA! Even it times of total crisis for the whole world, like in 2010, capital still came here and the value of the Dollar actually went up.

Yes if we nationalized every company and didn't pay out investors, stopped paying our debts etc....overnight. The value of the dollar would crater, It would be bad for the future of America, but now I that I'm thinking about it, what is the total value of all assets in the USA? 135 Trillion according to a quick search. That is enough to give every man woman and child ownership over $400,000 dollars (in assets) So a family of four would get $1.6 Million. So it could be an attractive short term play for a certain "Pay me now" segment of the population.

I'm not advocating for anything like that. What I've been saying here all along that within this new landscape of worldwide fiat currencies MMT is the only way to play. You don't go back to a gold or crypto deflationary hoarding mentality where the economy is constrained by tokens of wealth.(This caused a few major problems in the past if you recall)

You treat money like what it is, an idea to be experimented and played with for the betterment of your country, to get the most real resources for the least value in return. To do otherwise is to place your country at a major handicap for no reason other than stubbornness. As I have pointed out several times the USA is uniquely positioned to take this theory as far as it can be pushed due among other things to the complete financial, technical and military dominance that has allowed it to become the world's #1 reserve currency.