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joined 2022 September 04 22:02:51 UTC



User ID: 196



8 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:02:51 UTC




User ID: 196

The Palestinians were in Mandatory Palestine peacefully living their lives

Really? Nothing happened in 1936-39?

When the British took over Mandatory Palestine, the Ottoman Empire had been governing it for like half a millennia since anything interesting had happened there

Hmm. Let's do some rough napkin math.

Mandatory Palestine started in 1920, half a millennium back is 1420. Did anything much happen then? Well, let's start.

The Mamluks of Egypt were ruling the area, and had since they kicked the Crusaders out in the previous century.

In the sixteenth century the Turks invaded, and the levant came under Ottoman rule.

In the seventeenth there was the great Druze revolt, which destroyed several major cities.

In the eighteenth, around the time of the French and Indian War in America, local elites revolted against the Ottomans, drove them from the Levant and formed an independent Emirate under Sheikh Zahir al-Umar. This lasted some decades, from around 1730 to 1774, before the Ottomans were able to regain control of the area.

Twenty years later, Napoleon invaded, won, then lost at Acre.

In 1831, Egypt re-conquered the levant from the Ottomans, but withdrew nine years later. The Ottomans regained nominal control in 1840.

So, when Zionism kicked up in the late 19th century, the Ottoman grip on the area had been slipping for centuries, living people remembered independence, French control, Egyptian control and the Ottoman was the most recent. The actual ability of the empire to govern the area was almost completely sub-contracted to local sheiks and mullahs, which is why the British-sponsored Arab Revolt of the first world war actually worked.