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joined 2022 September 05 20:25:55 UTC


User ID: 700



0 followers   follows 3 users   joined 2022 September 05 20:25:55 UTC


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User ID: 700

Generally and with many exceptions: 2x speed for non-fiction that I'm giving my entire attention, 1x if my attention is split (background listening for gaming or chores).

I will unhealthily attempt to maintain that 2x even in situations where constantly pausing and rewinding brings my effective watch speed below 1x.

Surely a supervisory LLM could cut this shit by an order of magnitude ffs. "Is this likely to be true? y/n" just don't display it if no.

Yes it's a hack on the scale of the bitter lesson, but I think they're actually losing brand value here, crazy for Google of all people not to be conservative here.

Why removed?

That piece is explicitly talking about it as a pre-existing term that was already in use.

What are the least unbearably cringe examples of the "We're X, of course we Y." meme?

I've only ever encountered them with the extreme selection bias of being reposted on Twitter as ragebait, but it's really hard to imagine any that wouldn't be. Surely there are less awful examples that make retards keep thinking it's a good idea. Like how did this meme not die at birth?