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joined 2022 September 04 20:31:02 UTC


User ID: 142



2 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 20:31:02 UTC


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User ID: 142

What would it take for me to empathize with these guys?

Perhaps a lobotomy.

Cui bono? Whose incentives got us into this situation?

That is a very complicated issue with multiple factors. Partially it was a planned marketing campaign by a number of industries. Partially it was mass racist hysteria, and partially this hysteria was manufactured or at least aggravated by some well-meaning, but objectively misguided policies.

This is a very interesting discussion to have.

What might right-thinking people do to fix the mess?

Well, on one hand it looked like it was slowly getting a bit better, with gentrification and expansion of public transport into something that isn't inherently a meme. But then 2020 events happened, each of which has done a lot to reverse the recent gains. Fixing it would require a number of centralized (not local) policies now.

Why am I anywhere near Cook County?

Why wouldn't you be?

  • -16

I prefer the term "delightfully profuse".

Vast majority of these issues are created via horrifically failed social policies. While bums and whatnot are always going to be present under any social system where the need to keep the ruled in fear is paramount for its continued existence - having a less despicable middle class whose insecurities don't cause them to adopt as ghoulish of policies typically helps with having them at least somewhat contained, even in places that aren't nearly as wealthy.

But, of course, as long as the system continues to require a terrifyingly downtrodden underclass to scare the general mass into compliance - bums will continue to exist in the cities. In the cities, because their survival depends on being in areas of dense foot traffic. That's hardly a legitimate reason to retreat to the unbelievably lame dystopia of the endless lawn...

  • -12

In my opinion, the actual arguments are quite clear, but you're welcome to ask for clarification of any points you believe aren't sufficiently supported.

  • -15

Hi guys!

Someone suggested we recruit for the motte/drama combined BotC game here. I figured I'd use this moment to spoil this idea before someone far more trustworthy and reputationally sound actually recruits more people with propensity towards studying autism charts. Don't do it!..

But I really don't want to tie it to upvotes; we don't want to encourage people to pander to upvotes even further, y'know?

We fixed this on rdrama in a fairly trivial manner - make both upvotes and downvotes give dramacoin.

Not fair! I tried to post my thread back when you guys had like three posts, and then your site died...

Hi guys!
