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User ID: 58



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User ID: 58

Yeah, although The Hock was comically extreme, he wasn’t wrong about the core idea about physical struggle being important to male character development and having a strong effect on how attractive a man is.

Yeah, apparently his Reddit account is still active. He went on some big mountain climbing trip instead, which is less funny but clearly more sensible.

In regards to specifically hylnka, whose legendary status is one of the only posters who I think requires special merit, I wish to formally put forward “a motte-ist proposal”;

Hylnka should be unbanned if he provides real, incontrovertible evidence that he has successfully completed “The Hock.”.

I’m not kidding. It’s the ultimate combination of absurd trial by ordeal married with impossibly niche internet humor. It would be the greatest internet happening in a very long time.

That doesn’t surprise me even a little that they would say that, but I think it’s telling that National Review has never been less important or influential than it is now.

Like Rolling Stone magazine for the conservative movement. How the mighty have fallen.

That’s because the type of republican that would theoretically have their mind changed by this barely exist anymore, and are almost entirely artificially signal boosted by anti-trump democrats and their supporters.

People keep bringing up Ted Stevens, but that was 15 years ago, and he was and a very long 15 years. With all that’s happened between then and now the political scene is almost unrecognizable.

I think there’s a blind spot of some of the old guard rightists, on this board, “establishment” republicans have been almost completely gutted by both trump and a vote base that shifted underneath their feet. A lot of people are either too blackpilled or too hidebound to see it, even years after Trump left office.

I’ll only say this; That was a very long time ago, in a very different time politically for the US. Not only is the GOP different now to the point of almost being unrecognizable, so are independent voters and what they want.

I live in a deep blue area, but I know a ton of red tribers, mostly undercover like me. My experience is largely the same; this Los being perceived as lawfare even amongst less politically engaged independents, and has only strengthened support for trump as the anti-establishment force that he is perceived as being. Which is almost entirely a positive; red tribe “establishment” types have been almost entirely hollowed out and might as well be democrats at this point.

I’ve heard his voice before on the podcasts, he’s clearly a spergy man (like most of us here.).

Yes. Obviously.

Europeans massacred each other endlessly due to those irreconcilable differences for 120+ years, huge proportions of the Europe perished in the wars of religion. A fucking third of Germany died during the thirty years war, a conflict wholly centered around these irreconcilable religious differences.

They just got tired of killing each other and in a fit of exhaustion threw together a kludge called “liberalism” which has gone from being thrown together slapdashedly to being a relatively solid institutional social technology and is now currently being held together by duct tape and saliva.

Who’s that behind him? Is that… Candlejack? Man I haven’t heard of him in a long t

To paraphrase the red scare girls; “Don’t kill yourself, because then you won’t get to see the next retarded thing that happens.”

Sage advice.

Really the food analogy is spot on.

Feeling hungry - no shame

Eating a bit of junk food - no shame, everyone does it.

Overindulging on occasion - understandable, forgivable, but not to be lionized.

Eating 15 double cheeseburgers a day for six months and gain 100lbs - commit seppuku immediately, kys to rid your family from shame.

Brother, I’ve got to say that I think you’ve been had.

That YouTube video and “oriface.ai” is top tier rage bait. I mean, real chef’s kiss level.

On par with “it’s ok to be white” or “Islam was right about women.” Or any entry into the Sokal affair.

It’s absolutely beautiful, I laughed for a full ten minutes after watching that short video. I couldn’t believe it, it was an absolute miracle of trolling, perfectly designed to infuriate a maximum amount of people and trivially accomplished through ai trickery.

A toast to the geniuses at oriface.ai, May their enemies be made ridiculous. Legitimately the funniest thing I’ve seen online in months.

Having been an aggressive mostly-lurker since the beginning of TheMotte on Reddit, I was absolutely surprised to see my name pop up for this.

I’d like to thank the academy etc etc etc… gets played off stage

I asked the same question about a month ago. Apparently he chickened out came to his senses and realized it was a suicide mission. He went on a big mountain climbing trip instead, which is less fun but more sensible.

Having everyone unbanned for 24hrs before being rebanned on April Fools would be absolutely wild.

I think if Hlynka should be unbanned if he does “The Hock”, with photographic evidence to back up his claim. Trial by ordeal.

I’m not even remotely kidding.

That might be the funniest deep cut mashup of internet niche humor ever produced. It would be a scream come true.

Sure, but two things were abundantly clear even to the political novice; trump wanted the vaccines approved asap and trump wanted the lockdowns lifted as soon as the vaccine became available to let the economy recover, even if it was just to save his own political skin.

If the CARES act was the only major spending bill related to COVID and we got more or less back to business as usual by fall 2020, it would have caused an inflationary period but the damage would have been limited and mitigated by a quick recovery.

There’s a big difference between taking 2000mg of Tylenol and taking 4000mg of Tylenol and four shots of whiskey.

The vast, disparate effects of what you might call the “lockdown political culture” deepened and accelerated this inflationary pressure by absolutely skull-fucking normal supply and demand. And that shit was 1000% on the heads of democrats.

All inflation is just too much money chasing too little goods. The absolutely psychotic extended lockdowns and the hair trigger response we had throughout the administrative state, which was in open rebellion against the Trump administration, caused a ton of problems both on the supply side and the demand side.

I saw this personally as I was privy to the cost increase in my industry which were largely a result of all these collective policies on both the federal level, and on the state and local level, all of which are heavily blue.

So my intuition is that trump might be responsible for like 15% of the inflation surrounding COVID, tops. And the super tight labor market that we had pre-COVID more than makes up for that, and the Trump administration can take at least partial credit for that.

Lies, damn lies, and statistics.

The data is either incomplete or wrongly, often willfully wrongly interpreted. I’m literally one of those people he’s talking about; Despite posting in this rarefied little forum full of PMC types, I’m roughly working class in lifestyle and lifetime earning capability.

Instead of going to get an advanced degree, I worked for a living and got married and started a family. I’m an extremely skilled worker with an extremely strong resume, and I’ve been working 40-60 hours a week for the last 15 odd years at decent and respectable enterprises. By all accounts I shouldn’t have to struggle this hard just to keep my head above water.

All I have to do is take a look at my refrigerator to tell you you’re wrong. From 2016 to 2020, if I had friends over I’d always have something special for entertaining; olives, cheeses, charcuterie, pate, maybe some nice liquor or craft beer, high quality meat, a wide variety of fresh fruits, maybe some fun desserts like sorbet or crème brûlée. You name it, it wasn’t extravagant but I always had something I could put together to entertain a few guests.

And that was all on one income, which was a good income but not spectacular by any means. And I managed to save a good amount of money. I could afford to take my wife out to a nice dinner in occasion, we could go on very modest vacations without worrying about it too much.

All that shit is gone now, my family had spaghetti for dinner twice last week. It’s brown bag lunch for me. I don’t keep liquor in the house anymore, too expensive. We’ve basically stopped eating beef because it’s too expensive. For the first time in my entire life I’ve been late on payments on a semi regular basis; I’m quite financially literate but there’s only so much you can do.

And that’s all with my wife working again.

What that people touting these great economic numbers don’t understand is that all the pain and hardship doesn’t end the second the numbers start to get better, the effects of economic stress have long tails that bleed into everything. Just because the earthquake stopped and the house is still standing doesn’t mean it is not still in the process of falling over.

I’m making more money than I ever had but my lifestyle has been severely downgraded since 2020, probably permanently, of which nearly none of the blame can be reasonably laid at the feet of Donald Trump or the republican party.

I live in a deep blue state, in a blue area. And every working class person I know hates the government and the Biden administration. What’s more interesting is my social circle is incredibly diverse.

For fucks sake, you can’t rely on 100% of people to enjoy a delicious free meal that they pick out themselves, or sex with an extremely attractive and willing partner.

Unless these voting districts consist of approximately 25 voting people, any district reporting 100% one way voting is like Soviet level bullshit.

There’s a great deal of ruin in a nation.

And more importantly, my children live here. And hopefully, my children’s children.

Does anyone know what happened to “The Hock” guy? Did he die or what?

Was there a Deadpool on him? I demand answers.

Before anyone objects that this doesn’t belong in Friday fun, this is certainly fun for me, as ghoulish as it may be.

I think you mean an awesomely autistic hobby..

I’m not on the spectrum at all but when my kids were little in leu of giving them tablets I’d just give them my phone and open google earth. It gave me a needed break from my own phone and they absolutely loved it.

When the “Place. Place, Japan.” Memes were roiling I was often tempted to simply say: “This, but unironically.” And chadface it.

I’m decidedly not a weeb; I consume very little Japanese culture, maybe more than the median person in my country but not a lot more. I don’t romanticize the place at all, I have no dog in this fight.

But fuck me do they have some gorgeous, walkable cities. And I would absolutely fight most people who use the phrase “walkable cities” out loud more than thrice per year.

I put walking tours of Japan up on YouTube as idle content while I’m doing housework and it always amazes me how nice they are. Even my kids love them, and my Latino & Latino adjacent clan.

Not a Japanophile amongst us, and yet we love those cities more than the ones available to us.

I’m just saying, I a hundred percent agree with you. Which is why “Wrong side” is in scare quotes, I absolutely don’t frame this that way.