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joined 2022 September 22 03:19:54 UTC
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User ID: 1309



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User ID: 1309

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First I definietly suggest using search enigne over GPT, search enigne most often lead you to existing Stack Overflow questions and people there while mean, often give good suggestions with detiles on why

On your interests, I myself is also a huge friend of 1 and 2, I do think there are hurdles on both, as you sated, modding require huge amount of reading documentation, and somethings even reading decompiled code, I myself make utility mods for my own QoL when playing Minecraft

On automation tasks, learn a common scripting language like Python then just automated the thing you want to be automated, while this xkcd is a very good reference on what not to automate, it is always worth spending extra time to learn how to automate things in general at first