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So when Yass, who isn’t a ‘random Jew’ but an extremely prominent lobbyist (“organized activist” in your language) for Zionist causes, lobbies against the ban, he’s just doing it for the money. But when Friedman and Mnuchin, who has decades of experience as a private equity investor in media, gear up to bid for TikTok’s US operation and lobby for a sale it’s definitely not just about the money and must be about them bravely and nobly sacrificing their own wealth so that they can make adjustments to TikTok moderation policy?

We can attribute the timing of the ban to China hawks in Congress using some neuroticism by some Jewish organizations (often themselves influenced by reports from neocon China hawks in foreign policy and geopolitical lobbying groups) about Chinese gommunists pushing pro-Hamas material on the youth to get enough of their fellow reps on both the right and left to get the previously stalled bill across the line. The Jewish organizations are just happy to be seen doing something in front of their donors that might supposedly reduce antisemitism by whatever convoluted logic. But I don’t think this means that most powerful Zionist lobbyists in the US consider an ownership transfer of TikTok away from the Chinese in any sense a major policy priority for them.

Pass laws that affirmatively teach whatever it is they think kids should know, then pay what and train who is necessary to alter the majority ideology among teachers.

Those people’s views are in substantial part dependent upon Trump. If he had accepted defeat in 2020 we wouldn’t be having this conversation because his supporters would almost all have fallen in line with his views.

She recently argued that Williamson was right that white working class communities of the type that voted for Trump deserve to die.

Williamson’s point was that it wasn’t wrong to say that those people can move to where the jobs are, not that the people literally deserve to die.

Do you think Trump would have beaten Obama in 2012?

Ben Shapiro thinks white nationalism is lame while being a hard core zionist.

So do and so are most white gentile American conservatives - tens of millions of them - what’s your point?

In Singapore or Hong Kong this is irrelevant since in many cases the amount of time you need to spend outside is minimal. Even in parts of Canada (eg downtown Calgary or Edmonton) there are extensive climate controlled passages, tunnels and skyways to make sure you don’t need to experience extreme temperatures outside.

The idea that you need cars for climate control is just ridiculous. Many places have solved this problem; it doesn’t require the personal automobile.

When people have gotten tired of the bad behaviour in the ghetto, your people has usually been thrown out rather than genocided.

Yes, and now we’ve grown tired of bad behavior in the ghetto (Gaza), vastly worse than most of what Medieval Jews inflicted on Europeans (largely just reasonable interest rates on voluntary borrowing), so we’re kicking them out. What’s your problem?

The majority of the region that consists of MENA Arab Muslim homelands can accommodate them. If their own co-ethnic co-religionists refuse to accept them then that reflects rather poorly on their behavior.

Losers of history get killed, that’s the way it’s always been and that’s the way it’s always going to be. Do you have a unique issue with this? Nothing that’s happened to the Palestinians hasn’t happened a thousand times to million different tribes through history.

Well no, because beyond deciding who gets into Harvard the far left does have a central, overriding goal, larger than all else, which is a revolutionary abolition of the “capitalist mode of production” ie private property. And again they don’t seem close to this in practice. You can’t have Marxism without Marxian eschatology. CRT while extreme wealth inequality and billionaires exist isn’t the ultimate goal for them, or even a good stopgap measure.

You don't appreciate how fragile Israel is.

If the West stopped caring either way about Israel tomorrow, what do you suppose would happen to it?

Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Iran successfully invade?

I think it’s likely that some low level corruption / rigging occurred on both sides as is the norm in American politics, but it’s unlikely it’s impact can be fully quantified and there’s limited evidence it secured Biden’s victory. And I think there was a major effort by the majority of the American ruling class to (as various things about ‘securing (or fortifying) the election’ suggest) strongly discourage Trump support, encourage Biden support, and establish favourable conditions on the ground for Biden in terms of covid rules, voting by mail etc. I also think Trump was almost uniquely unpopular as President and would most likely have lost even without any illegal actions, as far they occurred.

Kevin MacDonald’s analysis of the role Jewish intellectuals have played in Western 20th century history, and his theory on group selection, isn’t really what I’m talking about when I discuss KMac antisemitism. I disagree with his theory, and I think it’s motivated by antisemitism, but I’m talking about his actual politics and those advocated by himself and his writers on TOO etc.

I do think it’s interesting though, that it’s unclear whether the criticism is that Jews engaged in radical criticism of ‘gentile culture’ (the traditional gentile culture they were critiquing was not substantially different in many social, sexual and moral dimensions from the traditional Jewish culture pre-Haskalah) at all, or that they engaged in it and didn’t criticize their own pathology. The latter (that critical theory could be turned on the left, turned on itself) was actually a major objection of orthodox Marxists to Derrida etc.

Yes, with each other, between government employees. With the public, there is no need to get anything done at all. Clients of the bureaucracy are dealt with…bureaucratically

So where do you think the line is, if there is one?

The sooner the public accepts that the future of the West’s leadership is a combination of Brahmins and PoC women who have nerdy white husbands, the more comfortable we will all be.

How are penalties for false rape accusations going to roll back the sexual revolution and prevent more Russell Brand type lotharios? That’s a complete non sequitur for discouraging male promiscuity.

Yeah but by definition this isn’t really a solution. If all young men want to do is gamble with infinitesimally small odds of great wealth, they can play the lottery. A comfortable, happy life is within reach of most young American men. A 99.99th percentile life is, by definition, not. And it wasn’t in the ‘age of the frontier’ either.

Hollywood accounting is largely a legend from the old days, and despite some real examples it was never as common as is sometimes implied (accounting tricks were commonly used for production finance and tax reasons, most creators who sold rights were paid cash). In the modern day, agents will make sure you get points up front or a substantial cash payment for IP rights.

For the most part in movies the people who make money are those who fund movies and some star talent (directors, star actors, occasionally others) that can bid up their price. Everyone else gets paid standard or union rates. This is similar to any other business.

The problem is that in entertainment an additional entitlement exists, namely the ‘right’ some people demand to revenue points even when they bear none of the risk for a production. In other industries this doesn’t fly, equity is offered either as part of compensation packages to attract talent or to keep it, there is no ‘right’ to it. And when an accountant or lawyer makes partner, they have to ‘buy in’ for several years before they start making a personal profit.

This (not AI or writers rooms) is actually the biggest sticking point in the current strikes.

If any non-Jew went to a Jewish friend and said "you can't support Zionism or any concept of a Jewish state if you want to be my friend", that person would be universally denounced as anti-Semitic by any institutional power.

If Ilhan Omar wrote an op-ed saying that while she was "friends with many progressive, anti-apartheid Jews", she "could never be friends with someone, whatever their faith, who supported Zionism because it is a racist ideology" then she would face opprobrium from the ADL, the Israeli embassy and possibly mild condemnation from Biden's office, but the remarks would ultimately be in-line with others she has already made, and she would not face actual cancellation.

I have friends who are Zionists (told me his parents live "near Jerusalem", lul), I can't imagine being such an asshole by telling them they can't support Jewish identity or a Jewish state because they are friends with me (a non-Jew).

In your case, though, Zionists settling in East Jerusalem likely doesn't really affect you, your family or even anyone you care about personally. A Bhutanese person who has no intention of ever leaving their mountain kingdom is similarly uninvested in whether nativists come to power in America. If you were a Palestinian from East Jerusalem, or even had very close friends who were, you'd probably have a much stronger opinion on being friends with Zionists. Most commonly proposed hardline WN policies would directly affect the lives of non-whites in the US, ie. the friends of the previous commenter.

If your best friends are all average Muslim Palestinians and they find out you're a hardcore Zionist, they're very unlikely to remain your friends. If your friends are Korean and they find out you're a hardcore Japanese nationalist who rues the end of the occupation of Korea, they're very unlikely to remain your friends. If your friends are African Americans and they find out you're a wn and regular Occidental Observer commenter, it's relatively unlikely they'll remain so. The left are correct when they say that the personal is political and vice versa. If you care about your friends (which, one imagines, most people do), it's hard to advocate things that you know might hurt them in a significant way.

I'm not asking if you condemn it, I am asking if you believe this behavior means Jews should not claim an ethnic identity. With respect to white people, are basically saying that since some white identitarians say mean things about blacks, nobody should have regard for a white ethnic identity.

I don't think Zionism is morally justifiable if it results in the extermination or extreme repression of Israeli Arabs, is that what you're asking me to say? I'm not saying 'white nationalism is wrong because some white nationalists say mean things about black people', I'm saying that I don't think it's a smart strategy for American conservatives. It isn't really my place to say what's 'right' or 'wrong', morally with an ideology, although as above I think if it comes to significant persecution on the basis of race then I think that is generally wrong.

The incident with the German priest is embarrassing because he is a foreigner and because it is embarrassing for Jews to be judged by the actions of the person shouting at him.

An extremely small number of people sharing memes is enough to influence you in that way?

When you're 14 and extremely online on 4chan it doesn't feel like an 'extremely small number of people'. In any case, obviously it had an effect as I'm sure it did for you, many of us are here because we read a bunch of smart conservative writers on the internet years ago. So it's probably best to say that a combination of NrX, far-right antisemitism and general trolling and online drama gave me the political identity I have now. It's easy to be radicalized into an identity when you're consciously shown endless examples of 'people who hate you'. Maybe the reason I didn't become antifa was because I also read Jewish reactionaries like Gottfried, Moldbug, Strauss and so on, who knows.

You talk about how apathetic and demoralized Europeans are, yes, when they should in fact be highly energized if they had a healthy, racial self-regard that you do not want them to have.

I don't have a problem with a 'European Zionism'. However, the rhetoric of most white nationalists is far more aggressively racist than that of all but the most extreme Israeli religious zionists. If non-whites, including Jews, were guaranteed the rights that Arab citizens of Israel have in this theoretical ethnostate then I wouldn't have any moral issue with it.

The Malaysian system is great for Malaysian Chinese. You own the vast majority of profitable industry (excl oil and gas) in the country, run most profitable businesses, are disproportionately extremely wealthy and are no longer hunted by the Malays. To compare to my own people, the only country in which we have ever done as well as you (relatively) was in inter-war Hungary. Otherwise, neither European nor American Jews have ever been as disproportionately overrepresented among the wealthy and powerful as Malaysian Chinese are in Malaysia. And now, unlike in the 1960s, the CCP and China’s trade relationship with Southeast Asia guarantees the rights of Chinese Malaysians to some extent.

It always surprises me when Chinese Malaysians complain because you guys get the whole country for free, and all you have to pay for it is relatively meagre affirmative action. Take it from me, market dominant minorities elsewhere would kill for that deal.

"Diversity is code for anti-white" is based on the logic that since efforts to diversify organizations/companies/government/etc. typically involve reducing the relative proportion of whites and increasing the proportion of non-whites, diversity is anti-white.

"Anti-woke is code for anti-black" is based on the logic that since 'anti-woke' efforts include as a central pillar the elimination of affirmative action (in education, employment, federal contracting and so on), thereby certainly reducing the relative proportion of black people in those organizations, anti-woke is anti-black.

You can take a principled libertarian stance that 'diversity' is manipulating the ratios and 'anti-woke' merely restoring the natural order of things, but from a consequentialist perspective one linearly reduces the proportion of whites in major organizations and one linearly reduces the proportion of blacks. A white person advocating the latter and a black person the former are both displaying ethnic self-interest.

I don’t think “he’s a loser, and he deserves to be in jail for being a pathetic loser who failed so badly his enemies could send him to jail” is a terrible argument. But agreed, it’s probably above the median GOP primary voter.