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joined 2022 September 06 11:20:51 UTC
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User ID: 841



18 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 06 11:20:51 UTC


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User ID: 841

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Which reaction are you talking about? Most seem to be trying to thread the needle between various political factions.

This is the type of ridiculous and irrelevant retort beloved of the kind of progressive critic who points out that evidence that a handful of black people might occasionally have graced Elizabethan London with their presence means that a depiction that uses the city’s modern demographics is in fact entirely historically accurate.

Lest this dissolve into another generic debate about Lyotardian postmodernism and grand narrative, I think everyone who believes that “axe” sounds ugly and wrong and that people who say it should be corrected agrees that this sentiment is unfounded on any fundamental laws of the universe. I simply prefer it, and I believe that the state, society and institutions should enforce my will and my preferences upon everyone else. Does that satisfy you?

That’s the ingroup. Islamists aren’t in-group for Western elites, they’re just scared.

Well sure, they don’t want to die. Meanwhile, what are the Catholics gonna do?

Great story.

Other cuisines have popular raw fish dishes too.

I really like the taste of raw fish. Seabass, butterfish, mackerel (which is usually slightly cured), fatty tuna, the taste of sashimi isn’t mild to me, and of course there’s soy sauce and wasabi (real or fake) too.

That’s pretty fucked up, seems like a very weird message to send (if she was “really upset” why did she take your ride home etc etc).

I think sometimes you meet volatile people and even if you like them and they share your interests and hobbies it’s not a good idea. A bartender who smokes and works in merch distribution at music festivals / on tour is that kind of person, no matter how cool or temporally into you they seem to be, no matter how much they’re just like you fr fr. At best (and this is true regardless of sex) they’re a promiscuous dilettante with a bunch of unfinished creative projects who never grew up. At worst, they’re an emotional vortex that will suck you in and spit you out.

You think this is the kind of person you’re meant to be with; it isn’t.

Ah, probably what I was thinking of. There were rumors for at least a year before that.

Bad as it is, it’s going to be nothing compared to 2028 in LA when it comes to culture war on display. I’m actually picturing it now (certain segments aren’t hard to predict) and lmao.

I think there have been a few discussions.

Women probably to some extent killed the golf course as a central venue for dealmaking.

So when you want to meet with another manager in a casual environment, there aren't that many other options.

Interestingly in England, the home of golf, this is known as ‘the pub’.

Islamists have mixed views of Khaleejis (although even there there’s a lot of deference). I agree that there’s a general dislike for almost all extant Muslim governments, certainly in the Gulf but also in North Africa, Jordan, Pakistan, whatever. At the same time, the vast majority of the Ummah is not even-marginally-scholarly young Islamist men with views of any substantial kind on KSA’s adherence to Islamic values. Most of the Ummah continues to practice deference to Gulf Arab wealth, takes their money, and asks few questions. I don’t think the Saudis paid too much heed to the demands of the Yemeni government during the war, I think they were on ever-thinner ground in general and they were worried about oil facilities and fields getting bombed in a war the Americans didn’t seem to care about anyway.

Some years ago I was exposed to the idea of a wild frontier transaction trying to arrange the sale of Yemeni pipeline construction rights for land under Houthi control that were being sold off cheap by the internationally recognized government. We didn’t end up having anything to do with that deal for obvious reasons, but I do feel some measure of sympathy for anyone who ended up buying in.

Yeah, Western munition production capacity is going to rise at least 4-500% over 2019 levels in the next 5 years. Whether that’s enough remains to be seen.

I always thought being in sales for Google would be easymode but I’ve since met a number of people who’ve said it’s pretty miserable even relative to the rest of that field.

Those are already the true believers.

Less than 2% of the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza has died, that’s not a genocidal war on any level.

The Saudis burned a lot of their goodwill with the umma

The Ummah doesn’t give a fuck about Yemen, certainly not if both sides fighting are Muslim. The Saudis backed out because lightly armed bands of roving Houthi militias could stage devastating cross-border drone attacks on Saudi oil facilities in the middle of the desert, thus threatening the central means for the continuing existence of the Saudi state AND because the US made it clear that it wanted peace and forced them to the table with the Houthis.

The Houthis can absolutely be starved to death by continuing the attacks Israel is doing on port facilities, which even the Saudis did only to a limited extent due to a fear that human rights enforcers in ‘the West’ (not the Muslim world) would get mad. To a greater extent the Mullahs in Tehran are able to maintain power only because, for all the general discontent among the domestic upper-middle class, they have still been middle income and safe for 30+ years.

It’s very easy to start drinking every night. Like @yofuckreddit, I switched to thc (a few years ago) and haven’t looked back. I still drink one or two nights a week, but I don’t miss the grogginess in the morning on weekdays or waking up dehydrated at night. It’s fun to get drunk - every so often. The effects of a substantial amount of alcohol every day impair a normal working life to too great an extent to be comfortable, at least for most people.

Some are surely inevitable for baseline physics / kinetics reasons, but near-enough zero is possible with self-driving cars tied to ubiquitous traffic monitoring systems.

Did the Supreme Court not just rule that even the President is exemption from real consequences (other than being fired, which of course happens by different mechanism) for “official actions”? Would be hard to apply a tougher standard to lower level peons.

Fair enough, you’re right that it’s a bad example!

If a high level deep state or advanced foreign actor wanted to kill Trump they wouldn’t get some random troubled kid to do it. It would make for a fun movie but the reality is it would be needlessly inefficient and high-risk.

They would use something like novichok idk , have it placed on his phone or something they know he touches right before bed, and then silently co-opt the investigation by moving a few key chess pieces around (eg if the one or two advanced laboratories around the country don’t get the right samples, or are compromised, or whatever, it’s never identified, they quickly grab and bag the phone which makes sense for ‘security reasons’ anyone it’s not like a random FBI investigator would get access to that stuff) and then suddenly Trump is just dead of a heart attack / stroke, which checks out because he’s a fat old man.

A public assassination that riles up the plebs and makes Reps mega angry isn’t it. The powers that be are entirely capable of having someone die of natural causes.

Kate Middleton redux. They can’t pretend he’s alive for 6 months without any public appearances and they have little reason to. If he dies, they’ll announce it. Seems more likely he’s just angry at the party and sick anyway, and therefore doesn’t care to make any public appearances anymore.