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Would even a conventional war between NATO and Russia really be decided by artillery shell production rates?

If you attended an American high school, did you read the n-word aloud in English class? I’m curious. We did in like 2012 in NYC, I’m wondering if that was the cutoff point.

Rich Indian guys always seem to wear at least a moderate amount of jewelry tbh.

Sure, but he was always politically a libertarian. He lobbied against banning Holocaust denial on Facebook until it became politically untenable for example because he believes in freedom of speech. I don’t think he’s very political, that means both that he’s not a lib and that he’s not going to sacrifice huge money for conservative causes like Elon. Plus he’s a Jewish guy with half-Asian kids so that likely sets an upper bound on how rightist he might go.

He’s always been politically libertarian.

As Sailer and others have said, you can’t perfectly compare different groups at the same nominal IQ level because actual social dysfunction, being disruptive and other deleterious things are often tied more to how many standard deviations you are below your population average than they are to the overall population. For example the observation that a white kid of 80 IQ is often a lot more dysfunctional and socially incapable than a black kid of 80 IQ. There are entire populations that are capable of functioning at levels that would render an ashkenazi person fit only for a lifetime of psychiatric care.

I wonder if that correlation isn’t only downward. IQ is correlated with conscientiousness, planning ability, time preference and so on. Is it possible that a black person of 130 is likely higher functioning than a Jewish person of 130? Could be an interesting thing to look at.

According to the internet the Wonderlic test, which is an IQ test, is used by a large number of major American corporations, from Bank of America to American Airlines to Abbott medical. Dozens of other major corporations have their own in-house cognitive assessments. The infamous ‘Google interview question’ is an IQ test. The US military and many parts of federal and state civil services use IQ tests. Somehow these places did not stop using them under legal pressure despite the disparate outcome standard being in place for fifty years or more.

The sole requirement for employers is that they must be able to prove that test performance equals job performance. This is absurdly simple to do in any profession in which performance can be objectively measured (which is most of them).

The major lost cases (iirc a big one semi-recently was some firefighter or cop promotions in New England) are where this standard couldn’t be shown to investigators. If you can prove it the justice department will typically just move on and not even look further into a case.

There’s a soft and hard version of this thesis though. It’s like Cummings writing about how he was surprised, upon becoming the PM’s chief adviser, that there was no secret management room where the competent people were actually running things, even if he disagreed with their ideology. There was nobody in charge. Now, you can say that he merely wasn’t privy to the actual deep state or whatever, and that’s a legitimate theory, but I’ve heard similar sentiments from other powerful people and I don’t believe they’re all lying.

Some people, often those one wouldn’t necessarily expect, and sometimes those one would (‘retired’ Obama is one) truly do wield large amounts of power, but even they’re not really in charge.

Yes I mean direct quotes, for example reading out loud in class.

Apparently that’s the ideology he politically defines himself as closest to, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Afriforum, which is the main lobbying group for Afrikaners, publishes an annual report in English that lists them. Here is the report for 2022. I imagine the one for 2023 is somewhere or has not yet been released.

For more detailed lists their normal website and forum will have more information but will be in Afrikaans, not English. Almost all white South African farmers are Afrikaners.

A related question is whether onanism has actually increased since the advent of online pornography.

Yeah, after Facebook was almost broken up by regulators after he was personally blamed for Trump’s victory in the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Hard not to see that as an obvious attempt to get the left off his back and avoid what has now happened to Musk.

By ‘Google interview question’ I mean the historic kind that made Google a famous interviewer in the early 2000s where they’d ask how many pizza boxes could fit under the Golden Gate Bridge or whatever and see how you reasoned your way through the question.

I think I was directionless as a teenager. My parents were very loving, but are relaxed people and were largely happy to watch their kids make (not extremely serious) mistakes and figure out things on their own.

I followed my father into his profession because I wanted to prove, on some level, that I was smart and that I could provide for myself at a good standard of living. I think if my parents had more openly discussed possibilities for me (rather than just shrugging and saying ‘as long as you’re happy, we’re happy’ essentially) I might have picked a different path in life.

I don’t actually know if I’d be happier in that case. But I do wonder sometimes. I think with my own children I’ll be more serious about helping them figure out their strengths and interests.

“The cavalry isn’t coming. Everything that you want out of your life, you need to make happen yourself, you’re not going to be rescued randomly”

I eventually had this realization around 20, but I’d have been spared a lot of nauseating self-pity if I’d had it earlier.

The way my mother tells stories about college in the late 70s it was essentially considered normal for a certain kind of girl to sleep with her professors for good grades, and everyone kind of knew and accepted it. That seems like a pretty degenerate state of affairs.

I always thought the Roman haircut was just a meme, but apparently his kids’ names are Maxima, August and Aurelia lmao.

Likely a mommy makeover post their third kid last year.

I think there were profitable episodes and individual people who made a lot of money throughout, but for the most part most things were a financial drain after the mid-18th century. Even in the Caribbean you had in many cases the classic situation in which profits were privatized but ‘losses’ (paying for defenses like building forts, the various extremely expensive colonial wars, compensating slaveowners) were funded by government borrowing and in most cases taxes on the metropole. While England was much richer than the rest of Europe for almost all of the 19th century, that was probably more to do with the Industrial Revolution than the Empire, and at the height of empire in the early 1920s the UK wasn’t substantially (or at all in some cases) richer than other northwest European countries.

Even where states made a lot of money early on (again, more of an Iberian thing than an Anglo-French one) it was squandered pretty quickly. The Spanish obviously lost it all fighting the Dutch and French. The scale of the public losses are sometimes overstated because a lot of failed Anglo-French investment (eg. the colossal amount of money the British wasted in Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru and Latin America generally) was private, but that was still a big economic drag. Plus, imperial preference never really worked because the British were worried about another 1776 and so from the early 1880s allowed the colonies to opt out or circumvent a lot of protectionist policy, which meant that the whole system never brought much wealth back to London.

If what you say is true, why hasn’t the judiciary destroyed Google for the fact that fewer than 15% of software engineers there are black?

Which of BLM’s goals did it achieve? Stuff like the bail/justice reform movement long predates BLM and wasn’t the focus, so that doesn’t count.

That’s just institutional leftism, it isn’t BLM in particular. That was a specific movement with goals like “defund the police”.

I agree, the American public only cares about foreign policy when there’s literally nothing else of interest going on. (GWOT was obviously different since 9/11 was very much domestic.)

I think divestment is certainly a viable goal (afaik various bodies have already divested from the fossil fuels industry, the arms industry, the tobacco industry and so on for progressive political reasons) but it’s not really the reason they’re protesting. Columbia could divest from “corporations that profit from Israel’s war in Gaza” tomorrow and it wouldn’t stop the protests.