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That's what the French and Indian war was. If there had been continued resistance, terrorism, and guerrilla fighting by the Native Tribes after the 19th century. Which year would it have gone from righteous to not righteous? 1935? 1970? 2001?

Yeah there is, there are like 4 clinic patients that fit that type of characterization. Have you even seen House? It's unabashedly Pro Doctors Know More Than You Do What They Say.

Yeah that's right SUNY* not NYU. The counter point I made in brackets is that America is a much more elite-heavy society. If Yale and Harvard and the like exploded (in minecraft) next year, all of the kids would just go to *Insert elite public schools here *, and they would still end up the CEOs of fortune 500 companies, senior government officials, partners at elite law firms, and the like- because someone has to fill those positions, and it's going to be from that same elite socioeconomic class most of the time. The class would exist even without some of the university apparatus surrounding it.

You shouldn't care at all - but if you do just look at this for a while: https://i.imgur.com/d3krdGT.png

Why do you think that's an artefact and not the design? Canada is a constitutional monarchy, the state apparatus is based in many ways on the King, whose role is fundamental to the de jure and de facto operation of the state. Similary it would probably be more straightforward for the POTUS to make a new country than to do something like eliminate the supreme court and senate and replace them with a council of representatives of his choosing.

I'm always disappointed by people who make these actuarial assumptions about individual people (Looking at you Robert Mugabe). Even while being fat and old, Trump has great healthcare and seems professionally active, he could easily live into the 2040s

That's just a Chappelle bit: https://youtube.com/watch?v=s5hu7o2Q62k

I feel like that style is spot-on for appropriateness of the audience. I'd wager that over 70% of the people here are here because of their tolerance for reading long quirky substack articles during work hours.

Reading this whole thread is surreal and it's cognitively difficult for me to engage with the entire girth of it, but at the very start is seems empirically wrong to me to suggest that Jews don't assimilate enough. Statistically speaking there's a jew in new york whose grandpa moved to brooklyn and learned english, and his dad moved to italy and learned italian, and his dad moved to austria and learned austrian, and his dad had to learn greek, and each of them invested in a local business along the way. As a thought experiment amongst people you personally know count the % of chinese immigrants who speak chinese at home vs the number of jews who speak hebrew lol.

I don't know who made up the numbers, nor did I post the link, I was responding to someone else's analysis of how the percentiles relate to the data. If you have an issue with the data take it up with Walterodim

I suppose this is intended to be a catch-all response to the various people here and elsewhere saying that this is actually a demonstration of good healthy democratic-body function. This doesn't concern arguments about a) The inability of a GOP house to take meaningful action with a Dem Senate and President, or b) the belief that a non-functioning House is a positive because the federal government mostly harms and doesn't help.

The issue I take with this viewpoint is that while other parliamentary systems operate in a manner which is more similar to what we're seeing - the norms and practices of the house are actually reflective of the consent and will of the people who participate in it. There was a process to determine the speaker at the Republican Conference (as there is for every congress - sometimes more than once), including negotiating, concessions, a vote etc. This was not smoke and mirrors or shrouded from the public - it is not the system's design that every thought and whisper happens in public, but that votes and procedural action is public. To borrow another parliamentary analogy - this is the equivalent of voting against a confidence motion. It's not reflective of any actual negotiation or democratic participation. The freedom caucus is obviously technically allowed to violate this norm despite being a small minority because the GOP margin is so narrow.

Was this reply meant for a different comment? I've read it 4 times now and don't understand how it relates to the above comment about bike lanes and mixed development

You went to a Q&A event to ask someone you don't know personally about his newborn son's penis?

Surely you believe it's based around what the logic of the argument implies, not the structure of the argument. A structure is just how it's organized. Anyways, the comparison between London's population flows 500 years ago and the individual mating practices of the people in Scott Alexander's blog are obviously not bounded by the same arguments or logic. It's totally meaningless.

I'm not sure if you climb much, but it is absolutely not true that you can get to the same view with an easier way. We call these technical summits. Off the top of my head Cerro Torre is famous, near me is Slesse Mountain in British Columbia, in the Canadian Rockies there's Mt Louis, Mt Birdwood, Mt Alberta. etc.

I'm seeing more like 10 a month discounted to bring your own device. You presumably still want some sort of new phone every ~6?(4?8?) years, so add the extra cost in divided by that period, and the extra cost to always have the newest phone seems still fairly marginal.

So that Canadians can continue to freely own guns.

Celebrities are a terrible example because they are not normal people in any sense of the word, the only shared trait they have is that they're well known. This seems to me like a motte and bailey.

Normal jews absolutely are as I described, in fact they're so good at assimilating that society at large can't even decide if they are white or not!

If your preference is classic rock (Led Zeppelin, the Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Pink Floyd, Queen, Aerosmith, U2, The Eagles, Kiss etc) you may enjoy some of the list

Wilco - https://youtube.com/watch?v=wl3u-rcVgVs

Nick Drake - https://youtube.com/watch?v=j14PgxHghjQ

Grizzly Bear - https://youtube.com/watch?v=tjecYugTbIQ

Peter Gabriel - https://youtube.com/watch?v=OJWJE0x7T4Q

The Commodores - https://youtube.com/watch?v=7XcTyEKSnYg

I totally reject the idea that the mods can detect and enforce bad (rules-breaking/bad faith/problematic etc) comments or topics in spite of other commentators engaging with it fruitfully. Dialogue is a two+ way street, if a comment hasn't led to mass rule-breaking or other problems then I don't see how you can pin the good-discourse on other people, and the bad discourse on the OP. That isn't how forums or discussions work. This is terrible.

He's no doubt the biggest and most successful comedian of the past decade (top 3 at least), I just take issue with the suggestion that only highly highly talented and famous people can evade the wrath of cancellation. In my estimation moderately talented people can fare just fine.

Well the obvious go-to snarky response would be something along the lines of "If you San Fransisco losers are booing me I must be doing something right." (https://youtube.com/watch?v=UgCK8PnFK_Y) Beyond that the response doesn't really matter, but the fact that he's trying to argue on twitter about the percentage of people cheering for him is just pathetic.

I find the moderation hat here putting me in a difficult position since you incorrectly claim I uncharitably characterized it with my question, but 4 other people are replying to my question, "Yes, absolutely that is what influential gay people are doing" albeit sometimes in smaller numbers. It seems I'm not allowed to discuss the non-conspiracy side of this issue earnestly.

53 R - 47 D Senate. Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania Arizona all go to the GOP but New Hampshire, Colorado, Washington, etc. stay Blue. Republicans end up at 235 seats in the House (give or take). Governorships are going to be where the biggest gains are. Republicans flip Wisconsin, Oregon, Nevada, and hold Arizona. They don't get Whitmer, Zeldin loses New York. Democrats keep New Mexico but it's closer than expected. Kansas might go GOP, it's where I'm most uncertain.