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User ID: 104



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User ID: 104

And what maybe considered the most important part by people here is the law enforcement that while far from perfect for example both in Poland and in Russia(still much worse in the latter) does work at keeping streets safe, public transit clean and gangs non-existent.

This seems deeply incorrect to me. Warsaw (and also the rest of Poland for that matter) doesn’t have stricter policing than London, and I’ve never witnessed any police take action on litterers. The one possibility I can imagine to explain this is that maybe littering is contagious and we have few homeless who get the ball rolling. Otherwise my explanation is that Polish people are just more hightrust+ pro social than the British.

I want them to convert to the local religion(or be a quiet atheist), I want them to do everything they can to not be annoyingly different, I want them to completely abandon all loyalty to the country they came from, I want them to not comment about how strange things are to them here, I want them to not advocate for their own identitarian concerns and police the locals’ behaviour, I want them to introduce zero social divisions that will suck up previous collective mental energy, I want them to keep their heads down for at least a few generations, and for godsake I don’t want them seeking the pity of the sentimental half of the local population with a saviour complex. My country has one visible minority ethnic group which has done a very good job of this, and so they have been awarded with trust. Other ethnics groups have not been awarded this same trust, and until they have I would like to keep their immigration to sub 200/ year.

I think I just realized I had been mixing up Rashida Jones and Johannssons voice this whole time

Why would you think that? Do you think a mass conversion happened that was initially unopposed by their local brothers? Do you think that rates of intermarriage were as high as between Goy Slavs?

Have you read the scifi novel Blindsight? Gave me a similar feeling

He took a lot of liberty with that here. He’s also being very emotional while saying this.

And yeah, maybe if Hitler did come up the Mao analogy would have been better.

Walt has a lot of patience with Tracing.

Tracing chill the fuck out dude

Just an example; “you’re like a communist who still praises Mao”. Walt doesn’t praise Hitler, does he? Nobody expects soft democratic socialists to feel shame about their prior opinions about the bourgeoisie.

Yes but it doesn’t make it a tautology. A corollary isn’t any less true because it trivially follows from something else, and yet given the truth value of what the corollary follows, you also have “no choice but to accept it”.

For example, just because you explain survivor bias and how the jets that actually return are the ones that survive, you don’t actually take an issue with the “tautological nature”. The explanation is pointing at a gap in your understanding of logical consequences, which aren’t by any means a tautology. The same thing is happening here, natural selection must occur given certain conditions, and Darwin’s gift is forcing you to see the logical necessity.

He didn’t need to, anyway you didn’t address the thrust of my comment

It’s not a tautology when viewed from a human scale perspective of time. It is hard for humans to imagine when wondering why organisms look the way they do all the potential descendants of the organisms that didn’t survive.

From gods eye perspective, I agree, it is obvious that natural selection happens. There is no logical alternative, you cannot not accept it.

But are we really supposed to be content by saying that those species who survive are alive and reproduce, while those that went extinct don't reproduce anymore?

Yes? When reality is so simple, just accept it. Why do you desire theoretical complexity when it’s unnecessary?

Fair enough

Ok sure, I’ll respect that, but for your consideration this was an invitation to gush out a motivation. I meant it less as an authentic idea and more as an explanation of the emotional motivation that I feel is at work here.

Dems haven’t gotten tired of screaming over nothing yet, ergo, there is still some screaming left for them to do.

Nah, there being an ocean of half-believers makes it easier for people to leap to total belief. It’s easier to compare your virtue against a hypocrite than a total alien.

How can you say that when you’ve already failed at colonizing your own country while on easy mode?

Your fantasies are entirely dependant on the fertile ground that exists in the west.

Yes I think I would too. I might be a little surprised if they weren’t very grateful at the end of it, but otherwise wouldn’t feel like I wasted my time.

A doctor thinks I have a SLAP Shoulder labrum tear, and I’m not exactly hyped to pay for the surgery he is suggesting I need. The pain isn’t scary, it’s just dull and occasionally annoying in certain positions, some loss of strength, and I can’t sleep on one side, so I’m bargaining in my mind about whether or not I can just find some other doctor who will recommend exercises that fix this.

Regardless I think I’m going to need a couple of MRIs looked at my multiple doctors before I go through with the procedure. The post surgery recovery doesn’t sound great either, and the idea that these injuries will set back my fitness goals, and only continue to occur in the future has me bummed out about aging. What’s the point of trying to be fit if you’re guaranteed to run into injuries which cost a chunk of change, hurt, and ruin your fitness habits in the end? I always loved going to the gym and lifting weights, so this really feels like the door on something I love is closing forever slowly. Have any of you guys deal with a similar injury or situation?

No bites at $50 for one big ass chair.

Really!! This is hard to swallow. I would do so and I’m very comfortable.

His kids may become American politicians, his wife is Anne Applebaum

Would you gauge them radfemmish or modern western lib feminist? In my experience it’s much more the former.

(Poor poetic execution of an idea) His justification for Jewish particularism is their trauma, but also they are a group he conveniently belongs too. His feelings that “it’s creepy” are entirely subjective, and he’s granting his own group special status based on it.

Jesse is also a hypocrite when it comes to hate speech against whites. A couple of episodes ago he was faced with the example of Saira Rao, who called Zionists “bloodthirsty” in one tweet, but rails endlessly about whites. He sputtered out nonsense trying to justify why her real sin was crypto-antisemitism but overt anti white tweets are kosher. Groups that are scared get priority over groups that aren’t his. His principles have their limits. Katie is much more of a freethinker.

Episode 192: 00:17:00

A Jewish American manager just forbade our European office from doing a Secret Santa precisely because Christianity might offend people who don’t celebrate Christmas.

So a bizarre spectacle plays out on London’s streets, as two bands of aging white communists try to appeal to young Muslims (who likely neither know nor care about Marx) in the waging of this strange internecine war among Leninists.

I believe they will do a good job attracting a flock. I saw plenty of brown immigrants in the communist orgs back in university, and it was clear that Marx provided their Palestinian loyalty with something that other thinkers did not.