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Quality Contributions Report for January 2025

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These are mostly chronologically ordered, but I have in some cases tried to cluster comments by topic so if there is something you are looking for (or trying to avoid), this might be helpful.

Quality Contributions to the Main Motte







Contributions for the week of December 30, 2024






Contributions for the week of January 6, 2025







Contributions for the week of January 13, 2025






Contributions for the week of January 20, 2025








Contributions for the week of January 27, 2025














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@jake invigorating comment, high energy

I'm surprised once again to see myself on this list, and even more surprised at which comment of mine ended up here.

I know it's not for everyone, and I pretty much argued for keeping writing non-profit in my own quality contribution, but why don't you at least try giving Substack a go? Might not pan out, but it's a plausible way out of that NEETdom you keep complaining about.

but why don't you at least try giving Substack a go?

What would I write about? How would I get and maintain an audience?

What would I write about?

I think just the kind of stuff you post here is quite interesting. There's a reason why you keep getting AAQC'd.

How would I get and maintain an audience?

I have zero skills in that field, but Kulak might be able to help you since he basically kick-started himself from scratch. It apparently involves a lot of spreadsheets.

@HonoriaWinchester's comment is the best Motte comment I can remember reading. It should be the first one shown in The Vault.

("We have Roko's Basilisk at home." is the second best comment I can remember.)

A fantastic comment I remember reading (I think it was back on Reddit?) was "all marriages are gay marriages now". It was about the increasingly meaningless of legal definition of marriage, or along those lines. If anyone has a link that would be appreciated.

I think it was on this site, was it this writeup?

That was it, thank you!!!

Even so I can easily see it pushing a lot of people from "Let them die" to "Kill them preemptively." And if that sounds extreme consider that it's the default position in a lot of places.

‘A lot’ is stretching it, true death penalty for sodomy is the case in Iran, a few parts of Africa, Gaza, and probably Afghanistan. Sodomy Carries a lengthy prison sentence in Saudi Arabia, India, Morocco etc, but in practice they don’t execute for it- even the ones that have it as a theoretical maximum penalty.

This seems to me to be a silly distinction. Few places in history have ever executed people for acting gay. Some have enacted various punishments for penis in ass conduct.

Given that modern medicine has informed us that penises should really never be in asses, as it causes damage to the ass and spreads STDs at prolific rates, this taboo is generally correct. Most other things relating to the issue appear to indicate this is a problem of many times more significance when male penises are entering the asses of males. There is also documentation that the ass who has been penetrated is not fully capable of combat operations for a time following this penis in ass event. Meaning it is detrimental to armies.

So if you were in 200 AD in Constantinople and saw a man penetrating another mans anus with his penis you were correct in your evaluation that they were bad for the city. Or at least their conduct was. And since laws punish conduct under any rule of law system, your condemnation of the penis in ass conduct was correct.

There is also very good evidence that penis is ass conduct, particularly Male-Male is a taught (some would say groomed, I would, but that is an opinion) behavior. So elimination of such teachers has a great chance to improve all of these metrics. You have less ass-disabled soldiers, less disease, and more productive families. Sounds like a classic interest of the polity.

And if that sounds extreme consider that it's the default position in a lot of places.

Albeit pre-dating HIV. "It was right all along, it just took all but the last 40 out of the ~100,000 years of behaviorally modern human history to prove it" proves too much. And if heterosexual intercourse is itself far too dangerous - clearly, only females should be allowed to live (we could hopefully use embryo selection and stores of frozen sperm, until lab-made sperm is developed) ... as a stop-gap. Since females can still spread STIs to each other, the primary goal of genetic engineering should be to create a new branch of hominids that are instinctively more hygienic than ourselves and innately capable of asexual reproduction.

Fantasies of gendericide notwithstanding, I think he's talking about the bioterrorism part, which is the part that left me less than sympathetic.

Albeit pre-dating HIV. "It was right all along, it just took all but the last 40 out of the ~100,000 years of behaviorally modern human history to prove it" proves too much.

It seems to me that you have the argument backward. It was claimed 60 years ago that the previous 100,000 years of accumulated human wisdom about sexuality was fake and retarded and should be discarded in favor of unlimited license. This was done. The result was a more or less immediate collapse in family formation, precipitously declining birth rates, severe and lasting social dysfunction, and an incredibly lethal global pandemic, among other significant social ills. There was also a quiet epidemic of state-sponsered child sexual abuse, but eh, who's counting.

Advocates of the Sexual Revolution claimed it would make everything better. Instead, it has pretty clearly made most things worse in ways that even strict materialist rationalists are having a hard time ignoring.

The sexual revolution was shortly predated by a baby boom, which inflated the apparent effect on TFR (if there was one...), and "nuclear families" are a historical anomaly.

The sexual revolution was shortly predated by a baby boom, which inflated the apparent effect on TFR (if there was one...),

The TFR continued going down and is now below replacement, making whatever point you're trying to make irrelevant.

and "nuclear families" are a historical anomaly.

What are quote marks doing around a term that does not appear a single time in his post? Also, are you actually in favor of bringing back extended families or clan structures, or was this supposed to be a gotcha of some sort?

The TFR continued going down and is now below replacement, making whatever point you're trying to make irrelevant.

Fertility rates are declining globally, including in Muslim countries, so I don't think the sexual revolution was a major factor. (More likely, a secular trend of increasing female autonomy in the West contributed the sexual revolution, just as it contributes to declines in TFR. So far as I'm aware, why the 1945-1960 baby boom was so large in the US is unknown.)

What are quote marks doing around a term that does not appear a single time in his post? Also, are you actually in favor of bringing back extended families or clan structures, or was this supposed to be a gotcha of some sort?

I took the corollary to "It was claimed 60 years ago that the previous 100,000 years of accumulated human wisdom about sexuality was fake and retarded and should be discarded in favor of unlimited license. This was done. The result was a more or less immediate collapse in family formation..." to be that what immediately preceded the sexual revolution was the zenith sexual mores. I'm not advocating a particular family structure, just noting that what immediately preceded the sexual revolution was also anomalous, so this is likely no more true than any other narrative with linear social development.

As the father of many children, making my living in the Bay Area, I can only say that there almost isn't any such thing as making enough money to have lots of kids here. We make it work because my wife's mom is of an old breed which believes in helping with the grandkids as much as possible. Meanwhile my mom is enough of a normal boomer that while she enjoys the idea of helping she doesn't actually want to do so in most scenarios. I'm sending my older kids to a parochial school while we continue to make babies but the plan is to transition everyone to homeschool once it becomes temporally feasible.

The point is that I'm a fan of the nuclear family, but to actually be functional it requires one parent (the mom) to be home most of the time and/or seriously-committed grandparents. Putting grandparents in the same house seems like overkill to me but maybe we could just make more of an effort to live near family?

Putting grandparents in the same house seems like overkill to me

And a bit of a paradox, no? "Everybody's parents live with them" is only possible if everybody is an only child, unless by "live near family" you mean "in the same compound, Encanto style". (yeah, there's got to be a better reference to use there, but I've got kids too...)

I'm a huge fan of "live near family" in a looser sense, having traded (okay, it's maybe 20:80 given:received...) childcare help with a sister-in-law who's 15 minutes away, but in general moving far away for a higher salary or better college is always tempting, and if that higher salary is in a place where the rent-seekers capture a big chunk of it as literal rent then your family might not be able to move after you even if they want to.

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Fertility rates are declining globally, including in Muslim countries, so I don't think the sexual revolution was a major factor.

So why do you think that within any given country more conservative people reproduce more?

to be that what immediately preceded the sexual revolution was the zenith sexual mores.

Nowhere in the quoted text is it even implied that it was the zenith, and the last 60 years have seen the rejection of much more than the nuclear family in particular, so I really don't understand where your argument is coming from.

So why do you think that within any given country more conservative people reproduce more?

It's paywalled, but Noah Smith wrote an article saying we don't know how to control TFR. In addition to highly religious countries also having secular trends of reducing TFR, I'm hesitant to read too much into within-country correlations with conservative culture, due to the possibility that the correlation isn't stable over the timescales needed to have explanatory value.

Nowhere in the quoted text is it even implied that it was the zenith, and the last 60 years have seen the rejection of much more than the nuclear family in particular, so I really don't understand where your argument is coming from.

What I meant was that it was my interpretation of what the comment implied and one counter-example.

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So why do you think that within any given country more conservative people reproduce more?

There's a difference between identifying as religious and actually practicing a religion, and conservative people are more likely to do the latter.

Didn't expect my random travel post about South Korea to appear here - I was just spitballing about a place I enjoyed a lot, but I appreciate that people thought it was interesting enough to nominate.

I do have some photos of the trip which were not included in the initial post. Here's a link to them. Frankly I hesitated from uploading them initially because I was skeevy about how amateurish they look, but perhaps they help provide some context for what the trip was like.

I like those photos; thanks for sharing. What strikes me is the near-complete absence of any people in them. One caption mentioned you were early in the morning but was that true everywhere you went? I know it's possible to wipe people from photos these days, is that what you did? Or is SK just not as densely touristed as Japan?

I haven't wiped any people from my shots, that wouldn't be an honest depiction of how the trip actually was, after all. SK in general was just shockingly empty and quiet, we visited destinations from dawn to dusk (and sometimes at night, too), and most of them received little foot traffic. No doubt this is in part a consequence of going off-peak, but getting a whole UNESCO-listed royal palace almost entirely to ourselves (Changdeokgung) was an unprecedented and surreal experience I've never had anywhere else. It's right in the historic district of Seoul, too.

So it's often very quiet even around well-known tourist sites. It's possible to go even further off the beaten path and find remarkably isolated corners of South Korea that receive almost no international tourism at all (sometimes even locals seem absent). The country is absolutely littered from top to toe with ancient historical sites that I'm convinced would be a big deal anywhere else, but in SK most of them aren't marketed well. Some of the sites around Gyeongju are so obscure that I only found them by scouring Google Maps or the Korean heritage service, and posting the Hangul into search engines just to obtain more information about them.

If you're lucky, it's sometimes possible to stumble upon them randomly, but in my experience putting in the work to actually seek them out is worth it.

Great pics, in any case.