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User ID: 887



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User ID: 887

The surprising bit is that the Harris campaign isn't targeting men with this but women, as indicated by ad targeting spend. My theory here is that Kamala is not offering a threat here, but selling a power fantasy. If you're a woman, vote for Harris, and you'll have a parade of men approaching you, who you can reject at will.

A plausible theory given the "White Guys for Harris" ads. Those also failed to address any real concerns of men and instead cast a bunch of gay men and gay-ish men to talk about womens issues.

Because its been/being colonized by anti-Israel youths who have bought into the neo-Marxist anti-colonial talking points. Also with immigration, and your longstanding black base, the average Democrat him/herself will be an antisemite fairly soon.

They polled an assortment of doctors working in Gaza

Oh. You find this a credible source of information? People who volunteer to be governed by terrorists?

But NYT has no compelling reason to post anti-Israel falsehoods.

Strong disagree. The NYT is emblematic of where the Democrats will be in the future, and the future of the Democrats is a consistently expanding Hamas caucus.

This is why Hamas and Hezbollah felt emboldened to do 10/7 and the expanded rocket attacks, and also why Israel feels pressure to deal with both problems NOW in a significant matter. The Democrats are signaling that within a few cycles sanctions on Israel akin to South Africa or Rhodesia are on the table.

Its not superior to a nice upscale neighborhood, just not as bad as the inner city or rural south, which is of course a different type of rural.

WV is objectively non-shithole compared to many urban neighborhoods, so maybe you are confusing realities here.

I know of there being problems with this in at least AZ, NV, OR, & FL (Desantis fixed it there, as he seems to do with every problem).

Glad to have your vote sir.

Saying J6 was unique ignores the important reason it was: Incompetence by the security forces. Giving a political speech to a large crowd in the capitol city of the polity is basically the MOST LEGITIMATE thing a politician can do. That the security forces were unprepared was also an intentional choice made primarily by the mayor of DC and the speaker of the House. Both were opponents of the speech-giver, and politically benefited from their own incompetence.

That is actually the most terrifying take away from J6: That Democrats can weaponize their own incompetence to humongous political benefit.

Rigging != Winning. If you are, like the Chicago machine that was caught 1 time out of decades (likely still ongoing) voter fraud you can manufacture 100k fake votes reliably, but you still sometimes lose. Such manufacturing was clearly at its easiest in 2020 due to the mail in, harvesting, and dropbox changes so you'd expect it to be at its greatest raw numbers of the modern era. Cheaters often still lose. See Tim Donaghy's book.

There was an attempt. Its magnitude was insufficient. It has been so in every election of my lifetime IMO. The margins of vote rigging is approximately 100k for an urban machine going to the early 80s, that has likely been increased by half or so by mail in and harvesting.

Well, they could start by legitimately doing election security. Eliminate mail ins. Eliminate anonymous drop boxes. Require photo ID for voting at at least TSA/FAA verification requirements. Purge voter rolls of noncitizens annually. Also the deceased and no longer residing in at the address. Count the votes in a single night in Democratic areas like almost all Republican areas are capable of doing. Sunlight the registration process so people feel that they are doing something a random person that stole their mail could not do.

The counterfactual is some org taking an IP like Barbie and basically cutting the ending. The movie Barbie is accidentally based. Ken learns about the patriarchy, brings it to Barbieland and creates a utopia where everyone is happy except the weird Barbie. This is then destroyed by the MC and her new friend by a contrivance, but if you just left it at that and added some American flags and explosions, you'd have the counter.

When I think of teenage boys, I certainly always think slipping in a Jane Austen reference will get their juices flowing.

They never seem to make the mistake of over-appealing to young males and thereby losing lots of money. So its pretty deliberate.

If that were true, 764 is probably better for Aiden.

On real Earth there are vanishingly few Aidens without outside forces pushing him there.

There are likely to be amply credentialed but that is different than qualified. This is a problem caused by the systemic discrimination that is now called DEI, but has existed since the 60s. I can be admitted to a very good school, say University of Michigan right next to a black woman, and there is a 90+% chance I was more qualified to get in. Then we can matriculate, and because no one fails anymore we will have similar GPAs. Then we will take the LSAT and again, this black women can get a mediocre score compare to me and we will both then be admitted to Michigan's law school. Again no one fails anymore, and now we graduate and my mildly better GPA (lets say 3.9 vs 3.8, that is generally the spread allowed at such schools now), means a law firm can justify hiring her over me. And they will.

She will wash out of biglaw, most people do, but the DEI hires do at extraordinary rates. But it will still say "Biglaw" on the resume forever, so now she can be picked for a make work government job paying 6 figures, and continue to do little to nothing for the rest of her "experience".

I am often reminded of Hillary Clinton when discussing this or similar topics. Recall how the media constantly called her the "most qualified" candidate ever? They love checking boxes. But checking boxes is not a qualification, its a credential, and they haven't been all that meaningfully linked for my entire lifetime.

I am of the opinion that without the pederasts there will be few if any gay teens.

Sure, you can tell yourself that, but being actually gay wasn't a problem in the 90s or 2000s. It was faking manliness that was as far as high school kids were concerned.

Of course, there is the overreaching issue of pederasty in the gay male community that would also cause the erudite mottian to speculate.

No argument from me.

It was my understanding that the majority of these procedures are performed when a husband and wife have been trying and failing to conceive in the traditional manner....

Yeah, but its Walz. An adult man who decided to be a teacher and founded the gay club. Saying he has weak swimmers is probably more true than saying he's never had sex, even with his own wife, but its certainly funnier to say the latter.

To paraphrase Democrats after the 2020 election, there is no evidence that Walz has had sex.

I understand the sentiment. When he was picked, he was largely marketed as something akin to "Americas Dad" or "Americas Grandpa" of "America's football coach". But every guy who actually has a dad, a grandpa, and played a sport thinks of him "not my dad/grandpa/coach".

Given that all of his children were conceived in some not-IVF but medical procedure it is a plausible thing to say about Tim Walz that he has never had sex with a woman. If JD Vance was in an actual locker room and wanted to win 90%+ of the votes of a football team he would have credibly accused Walz of that. And almost every guy in said locker room would have felt in in their gut that it is true.

Walz is, to use a now out of fashion insult, a fag. That is almost certainly what his high school classmates called him, its what the football players he assistant coached called him in the 90s/2000s. Culture really hasn't evolved a proper insult since the "banning" of "gay" and "fag" as insults for a male who lacks manliness. Perhaps "Walz" can become said new insult, because he does truly embody the essence of those insults from my youth.

The problem of longshormen is fairly specific. They are essentially holding monopoly power over a natural resource, which is the port. Most other "private" unions are far less horrible.

I find your articulation of the situation a bit confusing. Are you saying Israel ethnically cleansed Christians in Lebanon?

Sure. As someone who has prosecuted people who committed sex crimes against children, I assure you we and the police involved in such cases are not so careful with our words. And frankly, all we care about is what you do, not what is in your heart. Its simply like the "you fuck one goat" situation as far as I am concerned.