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I get 4-5 of those, 2-3 Greg Abbott pac- with a considerably more disciplined tone-, a Glen Hagar(Texas state comptroller and very probably a senator in ‘26), and probably an RNC in an average day.

Neither hunting nor fishing are particularly blue collar in a U.S. context, although they are conservative coded. Elites do these things more expensively than working class folks, of course, but engaging in the activity doesn’t in itself indicate any particular spot on the class ladder.

Indeed, a manager inviting another manager out on his boat to go fishing is reasonably common.

There are many cases of a white terror working out rather well. Other cases of it going badly, of course, so it seems like a high-risk maneuver.

One interesting example of mass purging of the elite working out well was Ivan the terrible’s ascent to power, marked by butchering the noblemen to enable him to centralize power under the crown. This was probably good for the average Russian. This pattern would later repeat after Stalin’s death, when Beriya was murdered by Zhukov and his supporters purged in the process of making Kruschev premier- a vast improvement over both Stalin and Beriya.

Linguistics is descriptive, not prescriptive, doesn’t mean that there’s no such a thing as a grammarian.

Obviously there’s a place for both- someone has to describe how people actually talk, like John Connor in terminator 2. Someone also has to teach people how to communicate, and communicating properly and on the same page is actually a thing that is important so that everyone understands each other.

It’s folk wisdom that you’ll get drunk faster if you don’t.

This could be why I hate drinking on an empty stomach.

The last time I was in a locker room would’ve been early 2010’s, and we made fun of guys who shaved down there.

I mean, boating and hunting forums are as much pro-Trump politics as they are boating and hunting… but outdoor gear awards tend to be geared towards the liberal side of the things they’d get used for.

Republicans use campaigns of daily texts and emails to their supporters instead.

And ‘we’re the normal ones’ is itself a shift in Trump’s messaging.

I doubt that- you’re not changing Trump’s mind on fossil fuels(although solar energy as handouts to middle class people is probably an easy sell to him).

I could find a woman who loves me the way Jim hates women and black people I would be very happy.

Gotta start using this- I’d previously used ‘find you someone who looks at you the way Bob menendez looks at foreign bribes’.

I will totally agree with you. I don't like Obama, I didn't like Obama, but watching him give a speech is the sort of thing which makes me understand how people voted for him. Biden, Harris, etc- they don't look like they belong there.

Trump has it, and part of the appeal is that he doesn't cross the aisle well at all. To his core supporter the problem is with the bureaucrats not listening to their sort of people and someone who's overly democrat-friendly can't very well be expected to fix that problem.

Do admitted neoreactionaries actually claim they don't want to oppress women? And do normal tradcons claim women are cattle?

The answer to both questions would seem to be no. Harrison Butker didn't say women were cattle; he said being a stay at home mom was more valuable than having a career. And the dreaded Jim just openly admits that he thinks women need domestic violence to keep them in line.

Evangelical is not a denomination, it's a term for any protestant who holds to a small cluster of beliefs including relatively hardline views on biblical inerrancy(literalism or close two it), strong form of the five solas, a commitment to an invisible church theology(all true believers, not necessarily members in a particular institution), and a strict view of substitutionary atonement. The key to evangelicalism is the belief that genuine faith, usually from a specific conversion experience but not always, is the mark of a true Christian and not necessarily other things(eg membership in a particular institution, standards of behavior, profession of specific beliefs, etc). There are evangelical Baptists(this is probably a majority), evangelical Anglicans, evangelical Pentecostals, etc, etc.

You're probably thinking of dispensationalists, who are mostly evangelical, and are a protestant theological tendency which believes Israel has some sort of special role in the end times.

Like, why do I want to be personally friendly with people who want to make the lives of my other friends worse? I'm fair about this - I don't expect somebody whose pro-life, anti-transgender rights, or super anti-immigration whatever to be my friend if they deeply care about those issues.

I think it's worth noting that if you want to drink beer and talk sports with these people, they're generally more than happy to stick to sports(/barbecue tips/home maintenance tips), and in fact one of their bigger complaints is "why do these people insist on making a friendly conversation political when it's obvious the group disagrees?"

People don't vote for Trump because they think he, personally, is the best at running the country. No, they're voting for a Good Strong King who will if only the tsar knew his way into putting Good Caring and Competent Ministers in charge of everything.

Trump's core supporters don't want him ironing out the intricacies of tax policies or trade deals or whatever. They want him putting capable people in charge of listening to their sort of people about those things, and to tear down whatever stands in their way. For that, you need a bully, not a genius.

Kamala is burning through cash, and it seems like this is pretty common for democrats(republicans target their ads a lot better). I'm pretty sure she's just spamming so many ads you're bound to see one.

The logical candidate to do this would be Saudi Arabia.

Facebook, but also just a lot of talking to people we already know through eg group texts or telegram.

It’s a game about stopping climate change. To point out the obvious, it probably didn’t win an award on the basis of its mass appeal.

And I think that matters- the game, and game designer, was probably engineering this at some level to win an award. He knew enough to tell that pro-Palestine would go over less well in the awards ceremony.

You know, embedded in a conservative filter bubble, 0% of the people I know would seek out a new part of their favorite hobby(whether that be games, novels, what have you) on the basis of awards. For the 800 lb gorilla in the room, I think that’s why country music has such woke awards out of step with the audience- conservatives ignore the awards, and the people who watch the awards shows without being paid liberals with little preexisting interest in country music, but who will buy a song to support an emerging black artist or whatever.

Democrats and Muslims.

So do we know that it’s unprepared for? The switcharoo was announced 3 days ago and Trump had been running with a low profile strategy even before that.

Or understand how dumb she is, or understand that people who disagree with her have rights.