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Not to mention, of course, whites were something on the order of 10% of SA's population at the end of apartheid- total. Jews are 60% of Israel's population.

BLM turned out and had specific demands of people near enough to have to listen to them. Those demands were, at first, fairly reasonable(cops wear body cams) so they were met.

By contrast the pro-Palestine protestors are demanding Israel dissolve itself. Not only is this a much bigger ask than ‘put cameras on your police’ Israel really doesn’t care and doesn’t have to listen at all.

I think in this specific case the protestors are annoying enough that sending in the veterans of Ken state wouldn’t lead to realignment towards their cause.

Most protests do have some chance of efficacy by changing the hearts and minds of local officials, or at least softening opinions. This seems like it has no connection to anything.

This isn’t true; the military, certain unions, and even many private companies get away with racist results all the time.

I mean, what do these people hope to accomplish? Like what are their demands?

Surely they know that Columbia university can’t actually affect any Israeli policies.

All the major powers, except possibly the USA, have in-series declining populations who aren’t offered a better life in the colonies(far from it- colonies are shown to be poorer societies which degenerate into shitholes fast without massive subsidies), a major difference from Europe in 1850, and there’s also nothing at all anyone needs in the stars, unlike Victorian Britain which colonized because it was dependent on trade.

Indeed, except for China and Korea, every major nation with colonies is explicitly said to have declined. There are vague hints at ideological reasoning, but an intelligence focused account of a space war could surely round out the motivation behind a colonization effort which is explicitly noted to be an extremely expensive and excessive investment in creating elbow room for a declining population. The science qua physics is like a 10 on the mohs scale; a lack of explanation for major states making highly irrational economic decisions stands out against that backdrop.

Almost certainly. Even if instances of actual sex are only replaced by a single instance of masturbation(seems probably a lower bound to me), actual sex has declined as the percentage who use internet pornography has increased. This is not caused by young men taking vows at a monastery instead.

Furthermore, I’m given to understand that masturbation-caused health problems used to be a punchline to a ‘it’s got to be bad for you somehow’ joke, whereas now they’re a thing that actually happen even if perhaps somewhat less commonly than nofap would have you believe. I suppose it’s possible that alien space bats caused this, but it’s more plausible that there’s simply a lot more onanism than there used to be.

Furthermore, as noted downthread, it’s difficult for me to imagine(I have not watched porn since I was a teenager) watching pornography and not masturbating. Higher pornography consumption- as nearly every piece of data indicates is the long term trend- probably drives more masturbation rather than less.

  • Your mother is not very nice and she does not put her ideas into practice all that often. That doesn’t change that her ideas are usually correct. Listen to her.

  • Life is a construction project, not a race. If you want something you need to put in the effort beforehand to build up to it. Yes, that often includes doing a lot of stupid and pointless things to document compliance with arbitrary milestones, but you cannot change any of it. It can only hurt you by refusing to comply.

  • Just be normal. Most people do most things the best way to do them, and you probably have not found some cool life hack- you will most of the time wind up independently rederiving the normal thing to do.

I think your aunt is picking up on the quite reasonable to point out fact that a CPA(or anyone else who uses a spreadsheet to make decisions) with dictatorial powers would make better object-level decisions for the organization than the current pope and most of his appointees. And what that's missing is, of course, the enormous amount of internal politicking going on where individual and group actors within the Catholic Church might have conditions which benefit themselves which are drastically different from benefit to the Church(the organization) as a whole, along with lots of true believers in the spiritual side of things making decisions off of what amounts to pure ideology, plus bog standard corruption.

I suspect that this is a very generally applicable and that it explains lots of jewlumminati-type conspiracy theories; organizations can easily become irrational actors.

Or it could be the same reason women are more likely to stick college out all the way through, whatever that is- probably a willingness to switch their engineering major for psychology where white men would leave and go to welding school.

Is Ben Carson higher functioning than the average rabbi? Seems entirely plausible.

It seems unlikely that the extra friction and expense of requiring kindergarten teachers who can pass even Algebra II is worth it, as long as they're literate, patient, enforce social norms, and willing to stick with the phonics and counting curriculum.

The current system of requiring a college degree with an education specialization is also extra friction and expense compared to the previous system of letting school officials hire 16 year old girls and use their judgement to pick which ones would be any good at it.

I'm rereading The Human Reach series by John Lumpkin. It's a hard sci-fi Tom Clancy in space series- the atomic rockets guy was illustrator and scientific/technical cosultant- and is at the very least interesting and engaging with no glaringly obvious scientific errors. Ships have heat radiators and space battleship tactics are cognizant of Newton's laws and the tyranny of the rocket equation instead of trying to do Midway or Trafalgar in space.

One thing I think it could benefit from is introducing an economic logic driving space travel and colonization. The series takes place in a world of continued relatively low fertility and tries to use national pride as the logic behind space colonization, which in turn necessitates trade, creating enough of an infrastructure to set space battles and spy stuff against. But it's hard not to notice that the great powers could easily just... not. Not build antimatter factories or fusion fuel production operations or engage in long range exploration. Indeed, it's lampshaded in the books themselves; two of the belligerents are specifically noted for their populations being too low to fill out colonies and the sheer expense of colonization and maintaining a space navy is readily apparent. Every benefit to the homeland is drawn from things based in Earth orbit and not beyond. It's not implausible that the US and Russia and the like would maintain a single colony for national pride, but maintaining multiple and then going to war to own more of them seems to require an explanation, which is lacking in the book.

In direct quotes, generally yes, but it was suggested that students who were uncomfortable change it to ‘negro’, and teachers sometimes did.

For Huck Finn- yes, but discussions outside of direct quotes didn’t use it, we were either supposed to say ‘negro’(which no one young enough to be in high school used naturally) if the word was the point- eg ‘Huck’s father was angry that a negro was better educated than him’, and otherwise use a neutral term.

He believed The Simpsons was sending coded messages about an impending global totalitarian government. That’s much crazier than average.

He got permabanned.

It's a reference to hlynka(RIP) and also to Leviathan, the 'somebody's gotta do it' defense of monarchism.

Dropping this here because although not international, it's not super culture-wars-y- a schizo burned himself alive outside of Trump's trial in New York.


The Florida man who lit himself on fire outside the Manhattan courthouse where former President Donald Trump’s hush money trial was unfolding Friday is a self-described “investigative researcher” who appeared to become more erratic over the last year and spewed conspiracy theories about the “elites” in a lengthy manifesto.

Max Azzarello, 37, of St. Augustine, Fla., tossed a stack of pamphlets into the air, which included links to a Substack newsletter apparently authored by the self-immolator called “The Ponzi Papers” moments before he doused himself in gasoline and set himself ablaze in Collect Pond Park.

At the top of the site is an article with the headline “I have set myself on fire outside of the Trump Trial,” followed by a rambling manifesto riddled with conspiracy theories on everything from cryptocurrency and Hollywood actors to COVID and former President Bill Clinton.

If you think the news story is exaggerating his craziness- and he does seem to be insane- you can read his substack here: https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside

I believe the answer from a leviathan shaped hole perspective is that the local baron is a face to be appealed to directly who can solve the coordination problem leading to arbitrary tyranny directly.

I've met elected officials, I've met aristocrats(well, pretenders to the same- individuals with the bloodlines to call themselves nobles but without the state recognizing their title). Honestly I can't tell you whether the graf von whatever or the representative for bumfuck wherever is more of a reasonable person on average- I suspect they come from basically similar social strata and are basically similar people. But an aristocrat at the very least has a bigger bully pulpit to get bureaucrats to back down on their vogonity and probably has legal privileges in a monarchist society to effect the same.

Now in practice I think it's more complicated; 'if only the tsar knew' is a meme for a reason. But- formal one man rule seems to incentivize anti-corruption drives at the very least.

Asians and illegal fishing seems to be a predictable pattern anywhere there’s a large Asian diaspora population- commercial fish poaching on the gulf coast is a mostly Vietnamese crime and buying carp fished out of the trinity river(fish from this river is banned for human consumption due to water contamination) is, according to local legend, how Chinese buffets in Dallas get their fish.

I think this is a key point- ‘incel’ wasn’t a word that feminists invented because they needed a new sneer. It was invented by the crowd that now populates /r9k/ as a self descriptor, and this crowd being one that a given approximation of nobody likes, it started getting used as an insult.

The Republican judges have much more leash compared to the dem judges.

I’m going to push back- everything predictable tells us that the optimal game theoretic move for dem policy priorities would be for sotomayor to resign right now. The DNC is weak in the senate and probably performing at or slightly above their ceiling right now, but manchin and tester and brown all vote for dem judicial nominees in a way their replacements, almost certainly republicans, most assuredly will not. And sixteen years is an average, not a hard rule- there’s a good chance of living less than that. Democrats shouldn’t count on being able to fix their heartland problem and our next president will probably be trump.

I also think dem justices are basically interchangeable- the current fashion is low talent partisan hacks like KJB.

...Are you Hlynka?