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Moving on from rhetoric, Israel is genocidal in action, blowing up an enormous amount of Gaza without regard for civilian casualties.

Civilian casualty figures for the invasion of Gaza are on par with other urban assaults by western militaries. You can contrast this with the battles in the Ukraine war, which are a lot a lot worse, and Assad’s reconquests of major Syrian cities, which are also way way worse.

So, a question I keep asking when people make this claim, and which no one has answered thus far(or even engaged with)- why is Israel’s genocide killing fewer civilians than Russia and Syria are doing on accident in campaigns with the goal of controlling the civilian population to subjugate as normal citizens of their respective regimes? While the IDF is probably more competent than the Russian army and definitely dramatically more competent than either the SAA or NDF, this shouldn’t matter that much if it’s an attempt at genocide-by-collateral damage, because after all Israel could easily get away with making Gaza look like Mariupol and then say sorry, we definitely not really regret the collateral damage, can’t make a shakshuka without breaking some eggs.

I mean, honestly, killing lots of babies in NICU is obviously a gruesome crime, but it’s justified by the exact same arguments that would be used to justify late term abortions. Is it just that the BBC, being good progressives, are squeamish about being conspicuously upset about murdering babies in a NICU?

That would be my go to assumption if this was a story in the US not being covered, but I admit that importing US culture war angles to Britain is a possible failure mode.

Everything we know about the topic points to circumcision being a pretty minor deal, though. It’s not as if circumcised men don’t like sex plenty; most of them do.

I will not be circumcising my sons unless they develop some kind of medical condition requiring it, and if there was an easy circumcision reversal procedure I would probably do it. But getting mad about having been circumcised reeks of mommy issues.

RIP Coach Red Pill. Whatever you were in your life, now you are symbol and martyr

No, he's not, he's an object lesson in why you don't go to a corrupt shithole under military rule by Nazis and start advocating for the country they're in a state of total war with.

If I went to Ukraine(which doesn't seem like a great idea to me, but IDK maybe I decided to get a mail order bride or something), I would keep my opinion that Crimea is part of Russia because it voted for annexation to myself in the interest of not getting murdered or imprisoned.

I still don’t know what gamergate is or was, other than ‘a sufficiently massive train wreck that everyone involved on either side should be fired into the sun’, but I don’t see how it’s notable that a not-very-prominent participant is a minor attracted person.

Well sure, blue states are trying their damnedest to ignore federal gun rights. I won’t dispute that because it isn’t wrong.

I do want to point out that, in practice, the usual anarchy-tyranny thesis will not apply. The cops are by and large able to tell who’s law abiding other than guns, and have to wish to get into a confrontation over laws they privately think are silly. Yes, some people will get unlucky- but a lot of them will get their cases overturned, either by federal court or by state level authorities trying to give federal courts an excuse for the ‘no standing’ game. If anything, it’ll be the opposite- the cops will mostly arrest for gun violations where they expect to find weed or something else that lets them keep the feds away, and red tribers who don’t otherwise break the law will increasingly ignore gun laws.

The true blue progressives- not their moderate hangers on, not the liberals, but the hardcore DSA people- are like actually crazy. That’s been apparent for a while now, but what changed was 1) it became apparent that their actually-crazy ideas have real world consequences 2) the general public doesn’t consistently distinguish moderate from hardcore progressives 3) hardcore progressives won’t moderate. Now could I have told you that soft-on-crime DA’s were a terrible idea? Yes. I could have. But it seems like the mainstream liberal consensus was legitimately that it would blow over before there were any serious consequences.

Gaza is probably the other elephant in the room. Whether you support Israel or not they’re patently not carrying out a genocide, support for Israel is a high-salience issue dividing the hardcore progressives from everyone else, and shenanigans like blocking highways are a pretty big deal that they’ve been allowed to get away with for a while on other issues.

This is obviously targeted at left wingers on college campuses as part of a non-terribly effective effort to go after left wingers on college campuses. Your groypers who incidentally go to Texas A&M are largely safe, or acceptable collateral damage if they aren’t. Even most IRL right wing antisemites don’t really care who controls that patch of desert.

Do I think it’ll work? I don’t have high hopes. Do I particularly care that some campus lefties are going to get written up for antisemitism when they insist on making an ass of themselves? Well, I suppose I’d prefer they be written up for making an ass of themselves, but I don’t really mind. Am I happy that it sets a precedent for the state to intentionally write laws unevenly to target the left? You betcha, even if this example is kinda stupid. It’s time to aim state power against the left. Just get it done. They’ve pointed it at us; I’m not really interested in continuing to be a gentleman completely onesidedly.

Taking note of the fascination with a two hour long Mattel commercial. Realistically it’s just a movie that’s intended to sell toys. It has a poorly communicated feminist agenda because the feminist agenda isn’t what the movie is about, the filmmaker just thought it was supposed to be there these days, and besides a two hour long toy commercial does need a plot somehow.

I have no doubt that the right Israeli election cycle could deliver a government that would just slaughter the Palestinians if they thought they could get away with it. Really I won’t even dispute that the likud under Netanyahu would if he thought he could get away with it, exterminate the Palestinians.

But the fact of the matter is they can’t get away with it, they’re not doing it, and they’re not about to do it. Even the ‘deport all the Gazans to Congo’(as if Congo needed more violent savages) isn’t genocide, except possibly on whatever unfortunates they side against in Congo.

I think that the desire for independence

The desire for independence is a meme.

This provides another avenue for rogue members of institutions to leak private information to hurt people they don't like. Depending on the rules that ultimately come out, this avenue could be very wide, especially since there is often discretion over when to enforce the rules.

As usual, the motte assumes this will be used for the culture war. Realistically, it’s going to be used for dividing assets up in divorce and assessing child support. Maybe some other financial applications.

The same arguments apply even if you think one is justified and the other isn’t. Well educated progressives mostly know that, and don’t like dwelling on it. Particularly from a liberal arts education that journalists usually have.

Wouldn’t be unreasonable to suppose media outlets don’t like to focus on cases like this because it makes them feel uneasy about being good abortion rights allies.

I worry there won't be common values shared by men and women in the future and so marriage will become, in a large sense, contracts for reproduction among cultural aliens

Ah, black culture continues taking over America.

Russia will probably not treat Ukraine particularly well in victory, certainly much worse than Britain would treat us.

A shame that's not a choice actually offered me...

While the USA will likely be minority white in our lifetimes, South African demographics are simply not in the cards. I honestly thought my grandfather was the only person who worried about the US being majority black.

Trump was also uniquely incompetent. Lefties cried bloody murder over Bush but the undercurrents didn’t shift left until after his popularity had tanked(and really not until he left office). Trump’s poor management and erraticism are a big factor.

I think this analysis completely skips over the fact that public K-12 education is compulsory.

No, it isn't. If you don't want your kids going to public school, you don't have to send them.

You are required to do something that you call education, and public schools are the lowest friction way to do that. But the unschoolers get away with it, you can too.

The humanitarian corridor is Gaza’s border with Egypt, and it’s not Israel’s fault that Egypt doesn’t want the entirety of Gaza’s supply situation running through their territory.

Look, this forum doesn't ban content. Well, at least not officially, I'm sure if I posted furry porn and some ads I'd catch a ban for it. But we don't ban viewpoints. I'm OK with that, even if there's a few viewpoints I'd rather not have to deal with and would probably ban if I was dictator of the universe.

But the trouble is that there are a few viewpoints attracted to forums which don't ban viewpoints, which proceed to repetitively post the same thing in lengthy screeds over and over again. As you note, holocaust denial is one, pedophile apologia is another one, incel screeds are probably in that category these days, there's a few others I'm missing. And that just gets annoying, so at a certain point you have to have a rule against it. And one-issue posting is probably the best you can do in that regard; I can minimize a single 10,000 word comment supporting pedophilia but if it takes over the forum I would seek a new forum.

I’ve yet to be convinced that college admissions are a problem for people who belong in college. Community colleges are open admit and north podunk tech- bumfuck nowhere campus, will admit anyone with a high school diploma and a correctly filled out application.

I think this is instead an argument about selective schools, but for a normal job track does it matter? I mean law schools do, but individually making the choice to go to Iowa A&M to become an accountant or a teacher or an engineer doesn’t matter a lot unless the alternative is, like, Stanford. And you can totally take your student loans from woke.EDU to go to podunk state. Whether it’ll do any good I don’t know, but it’s entirely doable.

I would also guess that the woman puts more effort into fixing the marriage in the first round or two of counseling then concludes it can’t be fixed because her husband won’t put in the effort.

Same is true for 'white nationalism'. Either you care about white people, their bio-diversity, history and continued existence or you don't.

While some white ethnic groups will likely disappear due to immigration(cockney speakers I think?), white people will continue to exist in every plausible future. In fact whites will make up a decent chunk of the population of America in most plausible futures. You don't have to be a white nationalist to recognize that it doesn't require any actual changes to the way the world will likely work for white people to continue to exist in a fairly wide diversity.

And see, this is what a sane secular society does when people want to be gratuitously offensive for no reason- ‘sorry, we’re not going to go out of our way to stick up for you being a jackass, if you want a Mohammed drawing competition have your own security’.

You can't divorce the discussion from the fact that Israel is slaughtering thousands of Gazan civilians

Israel is, as far as anyone can tell, following the laws of war on protection of civilians, although I suppose they could just let Hamas attack them again instead.

with a run-of-the-mill propaganda slogan like "Palestinians will be free in Palestine," when such slogans are common to every war in human history

This slogan is 1) blatantly false(Palestine will continue to lose) and 2) actually is ‘from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’, which implies an end to Israel. Israeli Jews will get genocided or ethnically cleansed if that happens. So yes, it is an implicit call for… something unpleasant.

The families of African Americans have been here for longer than the families of most White Americans, and negrolatrous elite grifters don't have majority support among the African American population.

As I've said before: Americans are a collection of ethnic groups. The majority are White, but on cultural, linguistic, and religious lines some of these ethnic groups(notably Southern Whites) are closer to African Americans than they are to other Whites. There is no way to exclude blacks(all of them) from an "American" ethnicity that encompasses the majority of the White population except racism. And I say that believing that 99.998% of AADOS culture which isn't shared with Southern Whites(and plenty that is) is some combination of stupid and destructive, that HBD is largely true, and that individual level racism is entirely fair if not prosocial.