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The families of African Americans have been here for longer than the families of most White Americans, and negrolatrous elite grifters don't have majority support among the African American population.

As I've said before: Americans are a collection of ethnic groups. The majority are White, but on cultural, linguistic, and religious lines some of these ethnic groups(notably Southern Whites) are closer to African Americans than they are to other Whites. There is no way to exclude blacks(all of them) from an "American" ethnicity that encompasses the majority of the White population except racism. And I say that believing that 99.998% of AADOS culture which isn't shared with Southern Whites(and plenty that is) is some combination of stupid and destructive, that HBD is largely true, and that individual level racism is entirely fair if not prosocial.

The same argument could be made against the Democrats had Trump won. And they did contest the election in 2016, except instead of mail-in ballots, it was the fault of the electoral college and immediate demands to have him impeached for the impertinence of winning. They pressured individual electors to become faithless and refuse to vote for Trump. Plus, you know, having people defacing public property with #notmypresident2016, but because it never proceeded to concerted overt action and power was successfully transferred, no one seems to remember it.

I have no doubt that democrats would have done something unseemly had trump won in 2020, and I’m open to arguments that they won by cheating, but the fact of the matter is that there is no evidence of democrats having tried anything like changing the actual vote totals or storming the capitol building, and that 2020 faithless electors were all protest votes anyways(nobody thought ‘faith spotted eagle’ would be the next president of the USA).

Look, the breakdown in civil norms and loss of public neutrality and inferno-like culture wars are like 85-90% the fault of the democrats, let’s not blame them for things they didn’t do(and which didn’t happen either).

You think America is going to be a single digit percent white? Or 80+% black?

If America’s population tripled entirely with sub Saharan migrants(and this is unlikely), we would still be as white as South Africa ever was- not as it is today. If America maintains its current trajectory we’ll be white plurality but minority for a long time, but without any increase in the black population.

I think that, the US not being an ethnostate, given the levels of functionality being present, comparatively, in Somali and Jewish culture is a valid basis for comparison. Unassimilated Jews I have no more beef with than assimilated Jews(assuming the welfare queens are excluded from consideration); Somalis are a different story.

And an ethnostate America on a factual basis is not, and hasn't been since like 1830 at the latest. Poorly assimilated minorities are simply part of the American experience; it's fair to discriminate among those minorities, and for deleterious effects on American interests levy criticism, but on the whole having people that speak two languages at home and practice old country folkways is the rule in American history, not the exception.

At the very least you simply can't have open borders with a welfare state

The UAE has something close enough for government work.

It is not doing that. It's sending lots of money to a corrupt shithole that wants to fight to the last man against Russia, but that's not the same thing as escalating a war; it's well within "the rules" of proxy warfare.

Create an equal funding law, every dollar sent to a DEI group has to have one sent to a heteronormative, white identitarian, or men’s rights group.

and women commit suicide less than a quarter as often.

That’s because women try to take pills(which has a high failure rate) and men shoot themselves(which does not). For mental health suicide attempts(which are higher in women), not completed suicide, is the better metric to look at.

I mean Clinton got indicted for getting a blowjob.

Has 2) actually happened? I’m willing to believe it has if anyone can provide examples, but the most that ever seems to happen over the parents’ wishes is schools using different pronouns, and every case where a parent loses custody for not being gender affirming seems to be to his ex wife.

NGO corruption and special interests is not the same thing as what’s implied; at least theoretically the first Baptist church of wherever could get access to the NSGP, it’s just that Jews are better at skimming from the government by, like, a lot. The local government didn’t decide that the ‘Jewish student center’ is more important to protect than the Catholic Church, the ‘Jewish student center’ hired an off duty police officer with grant money that got laundered to it.

It’s politically convenient for both sides to pretend that largely nonexistent antisemitism is a major problem, but that doesn’t mean the government chooses Jews as winners over everyone else.

I think they want to return to pre Christian Germanic paganism, aka a remnant of the time of living in mud huts like the Africans they love to hate.

Like it or not, Europe broke out of those conditions from 1,000 years of Catholic theocracy. Asia modernized by copying them. This is a well-known, historically supported story that’s perfectly compatible with reactionary ideas about things like the place of women.

I think some of these DR types are too racist for actual Christian reactionaries in real life, or find that their autistic NEET edge lord behavior is otherwise unwelcome in IRL Christian reactionary communities so try to go further back. Twitter edgelordism is escapism whether it’s on the left or the right.

and yet black men have no trouble attracting white women in the west

Yes they do. Miscegenation in the USA is overwhelmingly white man/minority woman and blacks are less likely to miscegenate than other races anyways.

There’s lots of black men who claim to have slept with white women, but I think that AADOS culture is big on promiscuity as a male status symbol and sleeping with white women as a particular example, so this is probably lies.

But women do have massively less agency than men. They're called the meme gender for a reason and that goes both ways. There is a reason that for all 5,000 years of recorded history men have led and women, with very rare exceptions, followed- that's just the way it shakes out. Again, that goes both ways- insisting on women's empowerment is usually dumb, but so is counting on women's agency to get anything done.

Making plans on the basis of 'women will have agency to change cultural morality' is a bad plan. Particularly around sexual norms; do you think women are initiating these encounters at a rate that even cracks the high single digits?

That's even ignoring that open and liberal sexual norms aren't particularly what women want anyways. They're something that's mostly desired by men, for biological reasons.

However, in the culture we do live in, women do in fact willingly and enthusiastically consent to hookups all the time - very often after consuming some amount of alcohol! In such a milieu, any man who capitalizes on this opportunity now has to accurately - usually while intoxicated to at least some degree himself - whether this particular woman is hooking up with him because she is so plastered she’s lost all control of her mind and body, OR because that’s just a normal thing that tons of women do willingly all the time these days.

This is an inherently hazardous activity and my sympathy for such men is limited. If they get it wrong they deserve to pay the price because there's a high chance of getting it wrong and that seems generally foreseeable and known.


This term is, in fact, controversial - at least in the discourse space you and I are participating in. It is, in fact, an extremely tendentious framing, and I do in fact reject it. (The mere fact that the “age of consent” differs so dramatically between different jurisdictions worldwide illustrates that people do in fact disagree substantially about the validity of the framing.)

One can recognize the need for some sort of line to draw without thinking that every particular line is obvious rather than arbitrary. Almost nobody thinks that an adult should be allowed to have sex with a 13 year old. On the other hand, having sex with a 17 year old doesn’t seem any different from having sex with an 18 year old. But having sex with a 16 year old doesn’t seem different from having sex with a 17 year old and having sex with a 15 year old doesn’t seem different from having sex with a 16 year old and having sex with a 14 year old…

At some point ‘if a=b and b=c then a=c’ breaks down. This point is necessarily arbitrary, but it does exist, so the important thing is to find a common point to draw the line.

There's a delusional fantasy among some rightists that if only the (white) public "knew" about HBD, the wool would fall from their eyes and they'd instantly adopt conservative positions on a wide range of policies.

Well yes, common knowledge of HBD would make the case for affirmative action stronger- lots of institutions are firmly committed to blacks having equal outcomes, regardless of abilities.

And it’s not unreasonable that a multiracial democracy is very concerned about this- you know and I know that the black-white gap isn’t going away. I know that if alien space bats come and raise the black average IQ to 100 the gap won’t go away. But this is a democracy with equal rights; 13% of the population, in some cases a local majority, being consistently very upset is a bad thing.

The black equivalent to conservative Christianity is probably black Hebrew Israelites/nation of Islam, which the monoculture hates more than it does ordinary red tribe fundamentalists. I mean there certainly are black baptist KJV-onlyist churches not much different from white-majority KJV-onlyist baptist churches, but they're a lot more marginal and I think generally older than the mixed/white majority ones, in large part because the kinds of African Americans who would become independent fundamental baptists are more attracted to black Hebrew Israelitism.

Yeah, it’s frustrating that most discussion of voter fraud gets drowned out in Trump’s gigantic exaggerations of a narrative that isn’t true to begin with.

Bro, he had sex with a 13 year old after confirming with her mother it was OK.

Are you getting him confused with Gaetz, who hired a prostitute that turned out to be 17? Because in that case it seems like you’re probably right. But while the Moore situation has blame to go around, it seems pretty clear he knew she was a minor.

If you ask the average person why advocating for White people is the most evil thing in the world, they will surely respond "What do you mean, haven't you seen Schindler's List?!"

No, the average person will say ‘huh? Whites don’t need the help. You some kind of racist?’

If this plan is real, then it’s just cover for genociding Gaza’s civilian population by writing it off as ethnic cleansing instead.

He’s not a corruption whistleblower, he accused the pope of heresy.

Now the current pope has a lot of corruption scandals he could be accused of, but Strickland has not been a whistleblower in that regard(and is probably not much better informed in that matter than an interested layman; the Vatican leaks like a sieve but ordinary bishops of minor dioceses aren’t directly exposed to the majority of the shady stuff).

Unironically, I think returning to male only suffrage is a good idea even if it will never happen. Not because of the original reasons from the anti suffragettes, although all of those are perfectly valid, but because the average difference in neuroticism has too much influence in our politics.

I do also think property requirements are a good idea because they tend to demonstrate future orientation.

It’s ok for African Americans because they’re an ethnic group. White Americans are not- white southerners and WASPs and midwestern Germans and Utah Mormons are, but you’ll notice those groups have not always gotten along and presented a United front.

Yes, the definition of ethnic group is somewhat arbitrary and you can draw a gerrymander to where white Americans to the exclusion of non-white passing individuals are an ethnic group, but it’s a suspicious gerrymander. You can argue that white southerners and wasps and Italian Americans and midwestern Germans and Utah Mormons and the like should cooperate against other ethnic groups, but I don’t trust no Yankee and the arguments for why I should pick Yankees over more culturally similar blacks need to be made instead of relying on white solidarity that doesn’t exist need to actually be made.

Like look, a lot of the distinguishing cultural markers for African Americans are stupid and destructive, but they do exist in a way that distinguishes African Americans as a whole from other Americans in a way that doesn’t for white Americans.

If trump was president, quite possibly. I’m 100% sure that bush’s kid would receive such a deal.

Except the actual regulations in question are often things like ‘allow duplexes and triplexes in single family zones’, which NEETS will not be living in except as a dependent, and they could easily live as dependents in single family homes as is the stereotype.

Few people want to build the Kowloon walled city.