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joined 2022 September 05 12:43:37 UTC
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1 follower   follows 10 users   joined 2022 September 05 12:43:37 UTC


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User ID: 550

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Impossible to know, or impossible to say?

You're predicting Trump loses Alaska?

Trust a New York City jury?

New York City couldn't be trusted to make picante sauce.

I think Stewart Rhodes was overcharged and over sentenced but I wouldn't describe his actions as civil disobedience either. Is he being prevented from writing letters to newspapers?

Weren't the Oath Keepers infiltrated by informants and under cover agents?

@SSCReader inserted Thoreau, I was agreeing as an example of peaceful civil disobedience. I find him a better example than the mobs blocking traffic. Compared to Gandhi he's a poser, but still a better example of civil disobedience than the BLM rioters / looters / demonstrators.

Thoreau, MLK, Gandhi all went to prison / jail. The demonstrations today are not civil disobedience, I understand the demonstrators of today want to inherit the legacy of civil disobedience, at best they're wearing it as a skin suit.

As you correctly point out the demonstrators are in collusion with factions in the government. Where did historic civil disobedience collude with the nominal opposition to effect change by breaking laws orthogonal to their demands?

Can any crime be newspeak civil disobedience, bank robbery, murder?

Thoreau, yes. Gandhi and MLK also. All examples of peaceful civil disobedience. Equating their work and the the BLM lawlessness is grotesque.

Blocking roads and harassing motorists is not spinning cotton or mining salt. There's no nexus between the 'demands' and the disobedience.

Much of the effect of civil disobedience is forcing the state to arrest and prosecute you for your violations. The greater the nexus of the violation to your complaint the better. Frequently leading them to appear petty and vindictive, rallying others to your cause.

Or if they're not being arrested, they may be shot / run over.

Mobs blocking streets and harassing motorists is civil? If they were more civil he'd probably still be alive.

Not to answer for @VinoVeritas I suspect he's referring to Romans 11.

What are branches? Some are broken off, others grafted on.

Christ denying jews being outside the covenant is news to you?

OP doesn't sound like he's only looking for a shag.

OP may have to die before the truth is revealed. Cyrano as a service.

Yes, but they deserved it this year.

An audio file that plays on launch like 'It really whips the llama' s ass! '

instead it's JKR saying 'You will never be a woman!'


Preemptively drive them away through support of some culture war topic?

Cyrano as a service. I don't hate the idea.

Booth was hugely popular and successful, perhaps the most popular and successful of his day.

not so gay song

Not gay at all. He's engaged to a woman, Padre Pio and the Apostle Paul are his spiritual role models.

The video is fun too https://youtube.com/watch?v=kmg8EAD-Kjw?si=igvoPTcj2GAdBn9i


UK - A gay guy sings while buff male backing dancers gyrate on eachother

Nul Points from tele voting

Maybe they're still salty over Isreal's use of fraudulent Irish passports / identities for their intelligence agencies wet work.

She's said that she thought Isreal should be excluded if they're excluding Russia.

This made me suspicious about the sources of historical anti-witch propaganda.

Do we know how unified the witch communities position on Isreal / Zionism is?

We heard booing for both.

identify with Hamas and take the side of our enemies

There are lots of groups that have a dim view of Hamas' enemy. In the US I've only seen those on the left taking the side of Hamas. Are there groups on the right also aligning with Hamas? On the right I see more "let your enemies fight".