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joined 2022 September 05 12:43:37 UTC
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1 follower   follows 10 users   joined 2022 September 05 12:43:37 UTC


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User ID: 550

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Nurses benefit from the women are wonderful effect.

For me the dancing videos are propaganda to distract normies from pulling back the curtains and being horrified at the nature of reality.

Here are two of my favorites

Dancing Coup

War in The Ukraine

Lower labor costs in the US dissuade increased investment in automation.

Donna Reed, she worked until she married and had children.

Your suggesting honor games are behind the disproportionately murderous minority?

We could imagine an alternate universe where the conspiracy theory was the parents were at fault for sending their kids to globohomo public school with gay frog sex books in the library, where one of the failed experiments comes back and shoots up the place.

The wackos still harass the parents for sending the kids to globohomo school.

The unreasonable wackos will be themselves regardless of the specifics of the claim.

Did the court proceedings make it to the 'merits'?

Except when the democratically elected leader of Ukraine wanted more time, a totally organic revolution not a western influenced coup, deposed the elected leader and formed a new government.

It's only a war of unprovoked aggression if you subscribe the current year narrative.

If you subscribe to the narrative that is current in ~2008 it looks more inevitable, given western politics, than unprovoked.


No there's no obligation to advocate for the irrational, incoherent, irresponsible or impossible demands of their constituents.

A politician's constituents are less likely to be as unified on these issues as they would be on abundant and affordable housing and energy.

Can you define hate speech?

Gun rights in what context?

Freedom of speech in what context? I believe the current standard is Brandenburg v. Ohio.

Abortion; the best likely scenario is to do nothing and make no specific advocacy.

Can you define rich and poor? Getting into the weeds on issues like this is likely best.

I'm hopeful that atonement and judgement happen during pride month.

I don't want people that badly.

My experience has been that the homosexuals that do this are all in on the globohomo (the other homo) ideology.

That they may do this on their own is bad. That they may be supported via some sort of policy intervention that was to increase hetronormative families is too far for me.


He washed feet. As portrayed in the ad could lead an observer to believe he washed alot of feet, or that it was common in his ministry or he washed random sinners feet.

Me personally?

Murder, sex crimes against children, treason.

Many of the capital crimes in the Old Testament wouldn't move me today to advocate for stoning, burning or slaying.

Jesus persuades a group against stoning an adultress.

Not really a prohibition against all stoning or stoning Molech worshipping child sacrificers.

Certainly the tenor of his ministry is repentance, forgiveness, redemption and loving your neighbor as yourself and loving God. He specifically condemnes hypocrisy, pride and commercialization of a sacred space by dishonest merchants.

Legal and religious matters are seperate now. This has not always been the case.

Jesus is not proscribing stoning for general degeneracy. As the Word of God he was specific.

There are more accounts of casting out of demons that appear that appear in four books. Foot washing only appears in one. From the response of the disciples it seems like the first time.

My thoughts are that 'Big Eva' frequently presents an unbalanced view of Jesus. It's all love and footwasing, where this is only half the story. 'As yourselves', is frequently missing from 'Love your Neighbor'

Yes, help, be kind, love strangers / traveller's. Also if they're sacrificing children to Molech they should be stoned to death.

Or easy if the other areas feature some races but not others.

If I and all the other Americans lived in Venezuela it wouldn't be Venezuela. It's all the Venezuelans that make it Venezuela.

Biden's kids?

As opposed to dominance by DC / EU? Isn't that what the money is for, to distract from the globohomo?

What's your calisthenics routine?

I said 'most' , to allow for assistance to the soldier who'd had his cock blown off but still wants kids with his wife. It should be rare enough to avoid the industrialization of reproduction. Only if he's still alive. 'Harvesting' sperm from the dead is creepy, but I understand the motivation.

Homosexuals should be banned from assisted reproduction, if they want children they should make them themselves like the rest of us. Although I'd prefer they didn't especially those invested in the ideology of alphabetism. I don't think they should adopt either. Orphanages would be better.

Won't they just gets cats and wine like the current cohort of post-fertility women with fake email jobs?

In the US there is far more non white crime yet the american middle class seems comfortable with diversity from their suburbs.

Here in the US suburbs do insulate their inhabitants from the realities of urban diversity, in combination with beliefs in progressive orthodoxys, is comforting.

Of course there are many in suburbs who are uncomfortable or oppose the seemingly open border, or would prefer a return to tough on crime policing, or involuntary commitment for a larger cohort of the mentally ill. The silent majority has leadership issues and has been splintered by many divisive topics.

To what end? Even the towns that would be small enough to fire all their police, would then have less control over policing by the subsequent agency until thw town reconstitutes its own force. Once you've lost so many of the police there are none to enforce the law you've also likely lost the consent of the governed or made the expectations and duties of the police untenable. I see the police more like firemen, garbagemen or water and power workers, infrastructure.

The deep state is more public private partnership.