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1 follower   follows 10 users   joined 2022 September 05 12:43:37 UTC


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UK - A gay guy sings while buff male backing dancers gyrate on eachother

Nul Points from tele voting

Maybe they're still salty over Isreal's use of fraudulent Irish passports / identities for their intelligence agencies wet work.

She's said that she thought Isreal should be excluded if they're excluding Russia.

This made me suspicious about the sources of historical anti-witch propaganda.

Do we know how unified the witch communities position on Isreal / Zionism is?

We heard booing for both.

identify with Hamas and take the side of our enemies

There are lots of groups that have a dim view of Hamas' enemy. In the US I've only seen those on the left taking the side of Hamas. Are there groups on the right also aligning with Hamas? On the right I see more "let your enemies fight".

You didn't read the M from Microsoft in microsoft xbox because it was only in my head.

The Jedward years overlapped with my time in Ireland. It seemed like they were everywhere and girls would turn up to see them at the mall or a supermarket.

Bambie Thug get similar coverage and treatment?

Was the Jedward coverage unique out of recent eurovision coverage?

Baby Lasagna was robbed.

as people running his administration

I agree, but who are these people? Makes me wish Trump was a bit Hitler or Franco.

Is the Title IX reform team the same as the war in the Ukraine team?

Tax cuts are popular amongst many who pay taxes. I'm not sure it's only establishment Republicans.

Global energy prices were lower under Trump. Is that Trump or Biden?

Better economy with this Biden doesn't get my vote. I'd need a better economy with a better Biden.

persuadable Biden voters in a better economy

Is the economy better because Biden is a really successful articulate president, with engaging ideas that get to the root causes of problems, imbalances and deficits in our country?

I'd prefer teen pregnancy to single and childless at 40 if those are the only two choices.

I don't think Trump is Hitler. If he begins the deportation of American Jewry, I'd be surprised.

Biden strikes me more as Mr. Magoo than Mao or Stalin. Unless it's an act.

I wanted an Atari 2600 what I got was a Magnavox Odyssey 2.

Then later I had a NES.

My children now have a Switch and a xbox.

From my time in Ireland I'd add Savita Halappanavar's death and the ban on turf cutting.

May have been increased turnout from a specific demographic group that were supporting Obama.

I've been thinking about using it to get addicted to exercise.

Certainly. It's also likely a proxy for 'class'.

To @crushedoranges question then, I don't believe harlots would lead with their pornography credentials unless their targets are similarly credentialed. Any sex industry involvement is a disqualifyer for many men seeking a wife.

I think attraction to physical characteristics plays a role it can be more subtle than simply having two breasts are like two fawns, twins of the gazelle grazing among the lilies...

There had been 'research' that purported to show men ranked women as more attractive when the women's faces looked more like the men. In my own experience n=1 this is true. Though I did not notice / realize until several other people, friends, family drew my attention to the similarities. Then I saw it too.


Though this comment didn't.

More chicken in the US, which also seems to use more cereals. https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/chart-gallery/gallery/chart-detail/?chartId=58312

They optimize their revenue by using land that is best suited for the purpose. If beef weren't the most productive / renumerative use it'd likely already be used for something else.

It's things like this that make me suspicious that EA is especially beset with Dunning–Kruger.

Thanks. This was my first.

This paper https://www.nature.com/articles/s43016-022-00589-6

has a nice visualization of the flows of inputs.


While I enjoy the image of chicken drives with mounted riders moving their herds flocks of chickens from pasture to pasture I suspect there are reasons this isn't done.

Absent cows it's more likely the forage would be consumed by other existing ruminants, bison, deer, elk, moose, etc.