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User ID: 552



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User ID: 552

I remain disappointed that so many people have huddled around mask wearing as such a significant political symbol. I was hoping the US would adopt a mask culture similar to what Japan has, where wearing a mask is common for people that have the sniffles but need to go out and get groceries, and its not weird to put a mask on when you are on the train with a bunch of gross randos.

Instead we are getting kindof the opposite, where its mainly hypochondriacs wearing masks in public and sick people wont wear them because they dont wanna look like a pussy. pretty lame all around.

I specifically want sick people to wear masks, masks do block particulate matter from coughs and the like. I don't wanna dig up the mask horse but i don't recall reading anything that said "masks don't work, throw em out", just various things about masks middling efficacy at stopping covid. All the masking and social distancing meanwhile basically ended the flu for a few years, i feel like theres something to be gleaned from that and it isn't "fuck masks" imo.

i watched 2000 mules when it came out, IIRC the best evidence they had was video of a grandpa dropping off 10-20 votes for his family, which is a lot of votes but not quite the type of proof one would hope for when the crime in question is supposedly systematic and widespread.

They also had some phone telemetry stuff showing that some people came and went from the area of a polling station repeatedly, but i don't think they have any way to know the difference between a door dasher and a secret squirrel.

nod along when Trump

I don't think the dems should get too cocky quite yet but when you let a capital P Populist be one of the main unifying draws for an entire presidential cycle, its gonna have a lingering effect. The q-anon truthers and Trump loyalists aren't going away.

Lets play with a hypothetical: is it actually good for republicans in 2024 if trump gets hung out to dry by the court battles he's entangled in? Is it possible we see Desantis backers and trump supporters battling in the usual online spaces (or does that already happen, i don't frequent the trenches of serious republican think tanks)?

I agree that there are democrats who should say less, but i think you are significantly downplaying how inflammatory Jones' opinions are. If you say democratic pundits have similarly ridiculous views, please hit me with an example that is on the level of this, from someone roughly as recognizable as Jones. https://youtube.com/watch?v=KGAAhzreGWw

Also one comment up you suggest that the DNC was supportive of the BLM riots, then backtrack to the motte of "democratic pundits". Why even bother with the bailey if you are gonna reframe in the next sentence?

I think we both know that the DNC doesn't broadcast an opinion on events in a comparable way to a talk show.

none of that means that masks are a bad prophylactic for generally slowing down the spread of respiratory infections that spread by coughing.

Shit dude i didn't know i committed suicide back in my 20s. Also why don't we include people who dont wear seatbelts as suicides, and anyone who goes into a high risk job.

US president has recently decreed that he believes most Republican voters to be 'threats to democracy'

nope, you are conflating trump fans and republicans. Sure there is some overlap but biden was pretty clearly not making the claim that you are crediting to him.

worried about traditional family formation

this genie is out of the bottle and isn't going back in. A retvrn to Christian moral hegemony isn't happening, the tide is going in the exact opposite direction. Furthermore why do we care so much about the psychological impacts of prostitution when we don't care about how the feelings of garbage men or plumbers are affected by their jobs?

And to be clear, we aren't "turning sex into a commodity", we would be treating sex formally as an interaction or transaction between two people. Right now it is that, but we just pretend it isn't because it makes us feel good.

eww? my friend, when someone coughs on the bus its eww for everyone, my point is that the person who is coughing should have as much of the cough localized to them as possible. yes eww, but it's the guy who's coughing thats gross to begin with.

What are you asking for here, studies that show that the particulate from coughs can contain viruses? That you can catch a cold by being coughed on?

im not saying that if we adopted voluntary masking at 100% uptake the cold would be gone, im saying that i bet it would reduce the spread of cough-transmitted sickness.

there are already people that are micro famous for doing video tweaked by that old google deepdream image manipulation AI thingy from like 2016. I imagine some insanely talented artists will use this new stuff to make stunningly beautiful works before too long.

The thing is, AI still has a long way to go to replace someone like Android jones , but not very far to replace 80% of all fan art and furry commisions.

I look at jones' work and i don't even see how AI would help it be any more ridiculous, but maybe he does. Maybe he can make 20 of these a year instead of 10. Maybe the 10 he makes are 10 times larger next year. Idunno, im excited for the possibilities and think the effort to assign low status to AI generated art is sour grapes.

from what i heard pelosi's security detail was with her and there was no security team allocated to her husband at the time.

I agree it's surprising but just chiming in to say security wasn't out getting coffee or anything.

"i know which society is healthier" is the type of appeal to common sense i would expect to see on reddit, not here where we can ostensibly say what we really mean. I didn't bring up China because i think their pandemic response was ridiculous and draconian. Their ability to move on is not something that has crossed my mind, as i don't live in an east asian country and "moving on from covid" has literally already happened in every sense that practically matters to me (other than the fact that it still like, exists). Ive been going to concerts and shit since like, october last year.

turn an abstract threat of an invisible virus into a clothing ritual everyone has to partake every single day or otherwise face social scorn and state sanctions?

my guy, my whole comment was about how i wished that stupid people didn't perceive masks as some sort of satanic ritual designed to make their lives worse. Sadly they do and the idea seems to have bled into the fucking water table of social opinions.

I get what you are saying, that risk taking behavior is common in young men and the risks available these days might have less reward associated, but its still unreasonable to compare a risky yet possibly rewarding strategy (striking out on your own to make a new life out on the frontier) to literally just killing yourself. Likewise, some people use drugs to escape their reality, this is not the same as permanently giving up on reality by ending your interactions with it.

Young men deciding they have nothing to live for is a universal phenomenon, how it is expressed is different

I think theres a few different "nothing"s being bundled here, the threshold for "i have nothing going for me in this town, i'm out of here even if it means joining the circuis" is pretty far away from "i have nothing to gain in this world that i can possibly reach and i would rather die than make any further attempt"

the overlap probably seems bigger when you are inside of it.

I literally don't know. In a vacuum that sounds like a lot of cell phones but i have absolutely no context for whose phone or what these paths look like. Can you show that these cell phones aren't cars that simply pass the geofence closest to the nonprofit, then pass a fence near the poll, all while never getting out of their car?

tough to speculate without looking like a fedpost but i kinda assume that most avenues of serious planning to assassinate someone will trip some invisible alarms somehow or another. That said, i don't really have any proof that the secret police ever stop anyone from killing people, so maybe in reality people are just less willing to die for their political beliefs in america.

Worth noting, that Japanese guy who shot Shinzo Abe with the fallout gun was prettymuch an archetypal head on assassination, so it still does happen.

I'll admit thats way more ridiculous messaging than i had seen from them elsewhere, mea culpa i should look before i speak in that regard.

i that the case? Heres one from 2010 https://academic.oup.com/jid/article/201/4/491/861190

We observed significant reductions in ILI during weeks 4–6 in the mask and hand hygiene group

i shouldn't have used the flu thing to support my point that masks help reduce the spread of diseases from coughs. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-72798-7 this study supports my point, what you got that says masks dont stop the particles from coughs?

wearing a surgical mask or a KN95 respirator significantly reduced the outward number of particles emitted per second of breathing.

note that i never defended cloth masks, and they do seem worthless at best.

third option: masculinity has been being shaved down from its original form for thousands of years.

In the 1800s men were legally able to tell their wives to stfu and get in the kitchen, or bend over, or whatever. In the 800s some cultures probably let you stone a woman to death for being a slut or something. Go far enough back and being a man is literally just grabbing a rock and smashing the skull of everyone who you dont want to fuck.

Are you one of those people who see athleticism as a fundamental part of sportsmanship? I don't really have a dog in this fight, but what would you call racing (and i assume you mean car racing, rather than all racing) instead? A game? A competition?

Incompetence is a way better cover story than an attack vector. Actual incompetence is unpredictable, so for something as important as a hypothetical election rigging scheme why would you risk sending a bunch of gomer pyles when you could send a bunch of super cool spies who just pretend to be retarded.

The motte here is that conspiracies require some number of agents to facilitate them and there have been 0 vote switchers discovered, idunno what the bailey even is. From my limited perspective the rightists, especially the trump aligned, are the ones constantly building up fantastical narratives about the vote and then retreating towards reality when questioned.

surely he's advocating for government funded communal sex and drug raves that last for 72 hours once a year. guaranteed babies every time. The abortion clinics will literally not be able to keep up with demand.

i for one hope to see some Desantis vs Trump debates, i can only imagine them being entertaining.