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Darwinian Consequentialism

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joined 2022 September 16 03:10:34 UTC

GenX. Hippy love child. Race traitor. Mountain man. Appalachian hillbilly. 5th grade education.


User ID: 1225


Darwinian Consequentialism

1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 16 03:10:34 UTC


GenX. Hippy love child. Race traitor. Mountain man. Appalachian hillbilly. 5th grade education.


User ID: 1225

I am reminded by your comment of the Trump supporter who validated his support because his buisness had been doing so well. His buisness iirc was repossession or some similar business.

Once one colonizes a region the colonized learn from the colonizers.

In addition most areas colonized by europeans did not have strong national identities. Thus groups could be played off each other. After colonization national identities arose.

More over most European colonization was motivated by securing trade at the expense of other european powers....not motivated by actual colonization. So many colonies were not managed by direct rule.

The point is that after "colonization" the colonized were empowered to assert thier own autonomy based on the colonizers own nationalistic logic.

Greatest example U.S.A.

My note: Conservative parties use to run on the progressive status quo of the recent past. The "good old days" were always no more than 30 years ago. Now the "good old days" are 60 or 70 years ago. This means any Millinials who long for the "good old days" of thier youth are not going to vote for a neoliberal party advocating for a world they never knew and will instead vote for the neoliberal party that advocates for one they are more familiar with.

If I were bribed or coerced into voting a certain way and my proof was a photograph posted electronically I could just use photoshop to fake my vote.

In balance this really isn't a legitimate concern. We aren't frisking in-person voters for contraband cameras either.

Laws and judges have to take practically and other rights and priciples into account. Technology has thrown some wrenches into the machinery. Dogmatically adhering to a priciple (vote secrecy to curtail bribery or coercion) over a more important principle (voter enfranchisement) with no evidence that bribery or coercion is even occuring and in contempt of the clear, pricipled intention of our democratically elected legislatures, paints those proponents as unpricipled and intellectually dishonest.

But photoshop makes the arguement moot on its own. Technology simultaneously created and solved a hypothedical problem.

What do you mean by "sources and methods"? That phrase is doing a lot of work in your post but it is unclear weather it is working hard or hardly working.

It seems reasonable to assume that y'all nominated and voted for this candidate with full knowledge of his positions and agreed with them as he did not hide them. His past was readily discoverable. This seems more like a failure (?) on the local party's part rather than some covert opperation by the provenly inept deepstate.

I've always believed that personhood and potential personhood are qualitativly different and sans any eviedence that fetuses are persons have been pro-abortion (among other arguements such as right to procreate or not, right to privacy, right to bodily autonomy, freedom from religion, etc).

My normal position was that, in an abundance of caution and as a practical concession to the emotionally sensitive pro-life position, abortion should be restricted after the second trimester except in cases of rape, incest, abnormal risk to the health or life of the woman or in case of sever conditions of the fetus.

Now I am firmly in the camp that abortion is morally just in Western societies up until 6 mos after birth. I'm willing to go up to 2 years old. They aren't people people. Make abortion legal agian and I'll accept the arguement that you don't need to throw babies in the dumpster.

In short my compromise position has changed. It should now be legal to throw babies into dumpsters. They are not people.

Trump was given every opportunity to return the materials he "accidentally archived" in his personal residence without a public to-do and he choose not to. That is not the same as a handful of overlooked folders no one noticed or ask for being returned the moment they are noticed.

Trump did this to himself. It's not a conspiracy or a double standard.

I highly recommend Aleister Crowley and Kabbalah. Crowley was very much a tourist and secular. But there really isn't a community aspect to it anymore. The Thelmites are just lost tourists.

I'm nearly 50 now and I only incorporated kabbalah/crowley/mysticism in my life seriously from 14yo to 19yo. At no point was it nessasary to believe in anything unscientific or irrational. In fact I found it promoted rational thinking.

No reason a spiritual journey can't be rational. And given that we are irrational creatures it is only rational to use our consequentialist programming to do what we will. Magick is just hacking your own brain.

One can easily, rationally and empirically explain spirituality but not so easily replace it. On the other hand if one mistakes dogma with spirituality or either with objective truth (as opposed to useful truths) one has made an error of sever consequence.

Party problem then.


The Universe is the Practical Joke of the General at the Expense of the Particular, quoth FRATER PERDURABO, and laughed.

But those disciples nearest to him wept, seeing the Universal Sorrow.

Those next to them laughed, seeing the Universal Joke.

Below these certain disciples wept.

Then certain laughed.

Others next wept.

Others next laughed.

Next others wept.

Next others laughed.

Last came those that wept because they could not see the Joke, and those that laughed lest they should be thought not to see the Joke, and thought it safe to act like FRATER PERDURABO.

But though FRATER PERDURABO laughed openly, He also at the same time wept secretly; and in Himself He neither laughed nor wept.

Nor did He mean what He said.

Technically Wotc can not copyright the rules. All games are by legal definition open source. But a Rust Monster is copyrighted and so is the precise text of spells etc. Anyone at any time can just make a clone that avoids those properties. That was one of the original rationales for OGL 1.0. "They can just steal it anyway...might as well make it part of our buisness model"

DND is a folk tradition. You can't stop it.

Companies based in cosmopolitan enviroments should have an advantage due to networking oppertunities, cross-pollination of specialists, easier access to experts in diverse fields, etc. Lets call this environmental dynamism.

The pool of available workers for any particular position in a cosmopolitan enviroment is often more diverse (but not always). In addition companies in more cosmopolitan areas are more likely to be proactive at hiring diverse candidates for cultural reasons.

So if you could measure environmental dynamism it might show that that is where the magic is coming from. Diverse places just happen to be dynamic places.

I read this twice. I have pretty good reading comprehension skills. You have tested those skills. Can you summerize your comment in plain and non-flowery language what you feel about about the artical OP posted? I'm sure if you summed it up in a few sentences it would help us all avoid a misunderstanding.


Sociopathy is a mostly learned behaviour complex. If you are raised in a desperate or violent enviroment and/or without a strong positive parental involvement, you are much more likely to develope sociopathic tendencies. This is known.

Demographically black folk are more likely to belong to an honor culture with no institutions in America. Because the institutions of the dignity culture that subculture exists within historically did not serve them and actively subverted the creation of their own institutions. Honor cultures can exist with relative "lawfullness" if there are cultural or governmental institutions. For example the South operated on an honor culture pre-civil war, not a dignity culture. But they had total institutional control, including the institutions of the black slave's family and the black slave's church.

"Family" counts as an institution and so does church. So black churches and family should be supported by the prevailing dignity culture as a partial solution to the issue at hand. Institutional capture should play a role as well. The obvious goal should be to bring those black folk trappped in an institutionaless honor culture into the fold of a dignity culture supported by strong institutions.

Another observation. Black folk in America have very strong in-group bias compared to white folk in America at the popultion level. Though certain white demographics might buck this trend. So yes, it's racism agianst white folk. Not surprising at all. This is one of the reasons CRT is damaging to progress on racial relations. We must acknowledge black on white racism as racism begets racism.

There are other observations (such as Eastside urban pollution, war on drugs/over policing, racism etc effect on black family structures) that can help account for the increase in sociopathic behaviour in certain black communities. But I feel like I am beating a dead horse.

But to understand why white folk might be disproportionately targeted by black folk's criminality in-group bias should be the starting point. I would add to that white folk make better targets (more money, not part of the community). In regards to rape black men in America grow up inundated by images of beautiful white women. We all know there is some issues in some black communities between the sexes over this. Black women in America grow up feeling bad about themselves because beauty and whiteness are seem synonymous in a majority white culture. (I am a white man married to a black women for a quater of century so I can attest that 1st: this really fucks up black women's self esteem and 2nd: black women are the most beautiful creatures to ever grace this earth ;)

So to end my meanderings I am not even sure I am responding to valid statistics. Perhaps there is no there there in OP's article. I can't be bothered to read it. My entire point is that if there is some there there there is more than enough known, supported thereness in the "left-wing" position to dismiss any HBD arguement or whatever the point of posting this link was. I would find it trivial if it is true that black rapist disproportionately target white women. Lord knows if I was a rapist I too would avoid black women. They'd kick my ass.

You missed the point of my comment. I was well aware of what they were saying. I wanted them to say it plainly so they couldn't hide what they really felt behind flowery, obtuse pseudo intellectual languge.


To wit: they have now responded. If I were to be uncharitable thier more plain language version sounds more like mien kamph than rationalist. Peel back another layer and we might get there. But I am being charitable. They are right that "straw folk" ...i mean "woke folk" ignore statistics and don't seem to have anwers. But the implication that they push, and it's right there, is that some white nationalism is in order. That's what I wanted them to more articulately express so no one can misunderstand.

  • -12

Not to disparage your reading comprehension but that should have been obvious by the words I used. I was just being diplomatic and charitable as peer the forum's culture and rules.

  • -13

The ruling was fair and righteous but the exection was performed with a dull axe.

Oh this is fun! I've been banned from reddit so many times I finally gave up three years ago. Everytime for calling out the "woke left". Do you even know what they are? I can educate you as a "leftwinger" and we can circle jerk about what cucks they are and that sounds hot. But I am suspecious that you might think I am gay.

My self confidence about your trajectory is confirmed by this very comment. Socratic method works!

I really don't need to say anything. You have said what I wanted you to say.

  • -18

One of the rules here is to speak in plain language. OP was using obtuse languge to say something they were afraid to say in plain language. In plain language I asked them to clarify. My motivations for doing that are irrelevant. It is the socratic method. Something promoted on this forum all the time. It is part of civil discourse and completely inline with this forum's culture. You might as well criticize me for asking a question that you have no good answer to...which is exactly what you are doing.

Lol. I'm 8 deep. All I keep saying is that you can keep talking. I encourage you to keep talking. My goal is to hear you talk. I like talking to you. I want to hear you. You are seen and heard. This is me speaking plainly. I want to hear you. But you are not so good at being heard.

What do you think are my motives? Do you believe I have an agenda? By what mechanism are black folk different from white folk such that the only solution is segregation or some such?

You are loved.

  • -14

I hardly think asking you clarifying questions goes agianst the rules of this forum. As I said I have not been on Reddit for years. I am not a "redditor".

Am I clever? Or did I simply ask you to use plain language as is asked in the guidelines?

I used Mien Kamph as an end member on a scale on a conversation about your obtuse comment with someone who os not you. I never accused you directly of being a nazi but simply pointed out the fact that your language when simplified is closer to Mien Kamph than Bambi. Your advocation for racial segragation proves I am right. But I had to "trick" you in saying so. I am playing fair. I let you say the bad things. I just say you are loved and heard. I hear you bro.

  • -10

Holy cow. I really don't have to say anything at all do I? What questions do you think I should ask instead...you know...for clarity?

  • -11