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Happy to be here! Goal is to post the most exclamation points.

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 November 23 20:41:30 UTC


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User ID: 1919

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Incel isn't really the word I was thinking of, I'd edit to "romantic relationship matching" if you hadn't already replied to the post.

I don't have anything to add, but love the post and the math. Makes me think of a Fermi paradox equation for incels!

Forcing people into studies and randomly assigning major behavioral actions sounds hellish in actual procedure and implementation.

What has helped me the most in changing past behaviors and to avoid slipping back into previous patterns is to view those old behaviors as something I did in the past but not something I do anymore. So acknowledging that at one time I would acted one way, but instead charting a different future and convincing myself all of the reasons I know for changing. Not fool proof, but this way of thinking has helped me the most.

Hard disagree. I tuned in late, but that foul that caused her to foul out in that Iowa game was was very questionable in my opinion, and I thought she handled that much more maturely than star college athletes usually do. I did tune in late though, and I'm sucker for those eyelashes.

Interesting analysis! Brings up some counterpoints to the usual narrative.

From my own friend group the whiniest of my millennial circle who disparage the boomers the most also seem to be the worst with money. They persist in lower paying jobs and havent tried changing careers as readily as they perhaps should, or sometimes aren't even investing for retirement (instead of the oft-blamed avocado toast what is the opportunity cost of habitual marijuana consumption?).

With the recent stock market rallies its easy to see the gaping maw of future millennial wealth inequality.