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User ID: 879

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If they wanted to just cast non-white actors, there a plenty of existing IPs that could be adapted to the screen which allow for this to be naturally cast.

Someone needs to do Malazan Book of the Fallen - most of the major characters are POC.

We just.... All kinda forgot to have kids for a couple generations and then we were all too old. Out with a wimper indeed.

Lindsey Graham proposed a 15 week abortion ban in the Senate. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/09/13/abortion-graham-republicans-nationwide-ban/

This has to be an attempt to fire the base, but it seems like bad politics to me. I think abortion is an issue that has turned out to be a car the dog finally caught. Kansas declined to allow the legislature to restrict abortion. Here in MN, the Republican candidate for governor claimed he wanted to ban it in March; and just last week came out with an ad that it is a constitutional right in the state, therefore it's not an issue he's running on - after polling showed his ticket almost 20 points down. Now it's an issue again regardless of his efforts to move to other topics.

After Dodd, it isn't even clear that there is a federal issue to base a ban on, although the commerce clause is vast. Graham's bill lowers the ceiling for when abortion is legal, but sets no floor so states that still enact bans are able to do so. While this bill won't even get a hearing in the Senate, it does shed a pall on talk of federalism from this minority.