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User ID: 192



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User ID: 192

For those who remember the brazillian election last year, today pro-bolsonaro supporters have invaded the supreme court, congress and presidential palace (easier here since all are close to each other). I don't expect any politician to die, since they all leave on the weekend, but there will be probably more deaths than in january 6th.

For those interested in shenanigans like the shaman QAnon shaman, one particularly disliked judge (Alexandre de Moraes) had his door stolen.

The EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters), a party founded by Julius Malema, who was expelled from the ANC for being far to radical.

Giving a perspective from Brazil, I think you are overrating Bolsonaro. He never said anything about conceding or accepting defeat during his very short speech, he only thanked his votes, said that the current protests come from indignation and that the left's tactics should not be copied.

More importantly, most of his supporters were not dissuaded by such a thing, and there remains a lot of unrest, as seen by the trucker's blockades. Many of his more radical allies, like congresswoman Carla Zambelli, outright encourage such movements.

The police are already trying to clear the protestors, though there have been accusations that they were lenient with protestors early, allowing the situation to devolve. The army is a mystery, they did nothing even when there were people calling for their intervention at millitary barracks (There is a common joke in Brazil that the only function of the army is to cut the grass and paint the sidewalk). By and large, the security forces are pro-Bolsonaro, but that does not mean they would disobey orders, and resistance from protestors may make then ill-disponed to help.

As someone who was planning to get into 1632 but never got the time, does anybody know the future of the series after Flint's death? Will they just finish the books that were already being made and end it early or will it continue?

Hopefully nothing bigger happens, however, more incidents are likely to happen. Lula declared an intervention in the federal district, which shall probably lead to orders to remove the protesters's camps that were there since the election. However, that would still leave many willing to take action, and unless the government sucessfully destroys their organization capacity (mainly done in Telegram and Whatsapp), they will still have power to do this again, and I don't believe the state has enough power to do so, even if it resorted to authoritarian means.

Lula is pretty much the only politician with nationwide expression for PT (his party), their previous candidate for the 2018 elections, Fernando Haddad, just lost a race for the governorship of São Paulo to a man who wasn't even from the state, and the former president, Dilma Rouseff, didn't even run this year. Since PT has a stranglehold on the left, acquired though fierce attacks on rival leftists like Marina Silva and Ciro Gomes, that means for a leftist, it was Lula or bust in the end.

I believe some sort of unrest would be inevitable after the loss, given the animosity the right wing had acquired to the judiciary and the media, viewing then as having rigged the elections. They even started well before Bolsonaro or his sons made any sort of announcement (they went quiet for two days, and they were very prolific on social media). Bolsonaro's declarations, in any case, were weak enough that his most zealous followers either ignored it or took it as some 4d chess move. Alongside that, Bolsonaro was supported by some in the right (me included) only as a way to stop Lula and PT from returning to power, and for this group the protests are less for a second Bolsonaro term than stopping Lula's third term.