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joined 2022 September 05 12:43:37 UTC
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User ID: 550

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That's why I put it in ' '.

It's like retouching a photo to make them look nude. This or composting their head / face into porn feels a bit different to me than writing a prompt that would generate a similar appearing image.

AI can 'remove' the clothing from photos. It can also composite supplied images into existing or generated scenes. It can generate 'original' images from descriptive text input.

Do we know in this instance how the boys generated the image? Does the particular method used make it better or worse?

If instead of photo-realistic AI generation it was anime would you think the same?

If instead of AI it was hand drawn by one of the boys in the style of , 'I want you to draw me like one of your French girls.'? Is this better, worse or the same?

Could writing be classed as a hand gesture? I find that notes I've taken by hand are stickier than notes taken by typing.

The peer group at the Russian School of Math is a benefit.

This was our first year homeschooling. My wife is happy with the progress they're making.

Before being a FT SAHM / homemaker, she was MD/PhD.

The lack of support for gifted kids is part of it. The lack of rigor in the curriculum in general is surprising. There are no letter grades. Seldom / rarely any homework. Spelling is typically not corrected on any submitted work, students are not expected to correct / revise their own work for resubmission. The concept of penmenship seems to have disappeared entirely. There's no copy work. No spelling / writing from dictation. Rarely any reading aloud. No deficiency notices. Yet there's still somehow less time for recess.

they're paying low six figures at best and there's 10+ meetings a week

I've had this job. The 'meaningfulness' wears off. Now I look for meaning in myself and family, not my work.

At work I trade my time for money to fund the meaningful part of my life.

The distracters aren't really effective if there's not a plausible argument for them. That's largely the point of distracters. The goal is to identify the best answer.

You are productive when you produce stuff. The question details 4 types of items and 2 crops that are produced. The crops are also produce.

Me too. Tech before / during the dot com bust. Finance / investment banking, managed services, defense.

I think I may be seeing some geographic selection effects too. It could be the median candidate in London, UK is better than the median candidate in the Boston suburbs.

I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to the religious schools unfortunately many are sponsored by denominations that have embraced idpol or alphabetism. Also my wife would likely need to return to work to pay the tuition.

We're supplementing homeschooling with weekly foreign language (my wife's native language) in a classroom environment and The Russian School of Math.

I was identified as gifted in elementary school, the GATE program in the district as kooky as it was made school much more engaging.

Even at 6 figures the quality is poorer than I recall.

I suspect it's the increased size of the industry that we're failing to produce the quality candidates at scale or there is insufficient human capital as a starting point.

I think we're doing a poorer job of engaging the the children of smart people.

We have 4 children. They're all smart, but my middle son has tested as > 99.9% in math and taught himself to read somewhere between ages 3 and 4. Despite being in one of the more affluent districts in our state in the Northeast there are no services for gifted children. As long as children are performing at grade level asking for more academic rigor is met with shrugs. This is partially why we're homeschooling now.

In 80's California our class sizes were bigger but there was a GATE program and divided start to better group the class into reading groups by ability / level. I'm sure there are lots of 'studies' but the couple I've dug into seem like bullshit.

How is your sysadmin recruiting going?

Having been in this space for nearly 30 years, the quality of the candidates seems lower now than in the 90's.

I recall working with people enthusiastic and curious about the technology we were administering. They'd have hobbies or intrests in adjacent but relevant areas.

Many now need more supervision than they receive. I also suspect the poor performers drag down the pay scales.

Impossible to know, or impossible to say?

You're predicting Trump loses Alaska?

Trust a New York City jury?

New York City couldn't be trusted to make picante sauce.

I think Stewart Rhodes was overcharged and over sentenced but I wouldn't describe his actions as civil disobedience either. Is he being prevented from writing letters to newspapers?

Weren't the Oath Keepers infiltrated by informants and under cover agents?

@SSCReader inserted Thoreau, I was agreeing as an example of peaceful civil disobedience. I find him a better example than the mobs blocking traffic. Compared to Gandhi he's a poser, but still a better example of civil disobedience than the BLM rioters / looters / demonstrators.

Thoreau, MLK, Gandhi all went to prison / jail. The demonstrations today are not civil disobedience, I understand the demonstrators of today want to inherit the legacy of civil disobedience, at best they're wearing it as a skin suit.

As you correctly point out the demonstrators are in collusion with factions in the government. Where did historic civil disobedience collude with the nominal opposition to effect change by breaking laws orthogonal to their demands?

Can any crime be newspeak civil disobedience, bank robbery, murder?

Thoreau, yes. Gandhi and MLK also. All examples of peaceful civil disobedience. Equating their work and the the BLM lawlessness is grotesque.

Blocking roads and harassing motorists is not spinning cotton or mining salt. There's no nexus between the 'demands' and the disobedience.

Much of the effect of civil disobedience is forcing the state to arrest and prosecute you for your violations. The greater the nexus of the violation to your complaint the better. Frequently leading them to appear petty and vindictive, rallying others to your cause.

Or if they're not being arrested, they may be shot / run over.

Mobs blocking streets and harassing motorists is civil? If they were more civil he'd probably still be alive.

Not to answer for @VinoVeritas I suspect he's referring to Romans 11.

What are branches? Some are broken off, others grafted on.

Christ denying jews being outside the covenant is news to you?

OP doesn't sound like he's only looking for a shag.

OP may have to die before the truth is revealed. Cyrano as a service.

Yes, but they deserved it this year.

An audio file that plays on launch like 'It really whips the llama' s ass! '

instead it's JKR saying 'You will never be a woman!'