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joined 2022 September 05 21:27:25 UTC
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0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 21:27:25 UTC


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User ID: 720

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Bears are still pretty common foes in video games - including Baldur's Gate 3, where the "sexy bear" in question is an Elf druid, Halsin.

But is it really "self defeating" for progressives to not acknowledge (or not believe in) immutable negative effects? The mutable ones are plenty bad, and they think those effects can be addressed with their preferred policies. I'm not sure this is a sufficient argument against that.

That seems tangential to what I'm saying - one can claim that the poverty, crime, etc. etc. are independent of intelligence. I agree that most progressives deny that disadvantaged groups have lower intelligence - but they do agree that they suffer from the above effects, and attribute that to social factors like racism and other biases.