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User ID: 1037



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User ID: 1037

This is a symptom management solution not a cure, but using a Navage to clean my sinuses when I have a cold greatly reduces post-nasal drip and the resulting cough.

The Last Kingdom is not technically fantasy but it's set in England in the dark ages and has similar vibes. Very well made show and complete.

How much are you making now?

What range MBA are you looking at? Top 10 schools close to guarantee a good salary but admissions are tough, tuition cost will be six figures, and you would need to relocate for 2 years.

I second the exercise suggestion but how exactly to go about it depends on your current fitness level, weather, and living environment. If you're somewhere not too cold and are not already a runner I highly suggest the couch to 5K program! Only 3 days a week and takes about 2 months to get you running 30 minutes continuously. You will be in much better cardio shape by the end.

Reading more books is another idea. To avoid distractions, take a physical book or a dedicated ereader without web browsing capabilities to a coffeeshop and read a few hours a day. Maybe bring a notebook to reflect on what you're reading.

Well, some people eat chicken sashimi.

Poultry generally has a high risk of salmonella and to be sure it is safe most people cook it to a high internal temperature. But not everyone agrees. For a more moderate perspective, see acclaimed chef James Peterson who says a properly roast chicken will be pink in some places but it's probably fine if it's internal.

What are the best socks I can buy that can withstand washing in hot water and the dryer on high heat?

One thing I did notice was that fasting was harder without the cardio. Not much harder (a 16:8 schedule is pretty easy) but I just feel hungrier (which might explain why I'm more irritable). Still not sure exactly why moderate-to-vigorous cardio would make me less hungry. Maybe it's that I'm just wasting an hour and a half working out and walking home that I would otherwise been thinking about food?

The distraction effect is probably part of it, but it is known that cardio (transiently) increases levels of ghrelin, a hormone that makes you feel less hungry. I assume this is why I can go for a run while I'm starving and then not want to eat for an hour after I'm done.

I think it is poor etiquette to start a top-level post about this instead of just replying, especially given how extremely recent the original post was.

Anyway, I haven't followed the issue very closely but I have seen claims relating to an internal email that appears to show that the people running the election were aware of "issues and concerns" related to the use of Sharpies and instructed that ballpoint pens be used for early voting but sharpies on election day. The article I cited refers to this as a Conspiracy Theory but despite that seems to accept the email as real.

Kelly had spent more than twice that by July. Masters is extremely underfunded for a competitive Senate candidate.

I can't remember a time when I haven't experienced an improvement in mood after cardio exercise, and I desperately missed it during times in my life when I couldn't. Are you working out hard enough to really sweat and get your heart rate up, or are you just doing the equivalent of walking? Not that walking is useless, but the effects are more subtle than moderately intense cardio.

Read that as Contrapoints at first and was very confused by the description

If I take and publish an upskirt photo of AOC, would you classify that as "saying true things about powerful people"?

Yeah it should have been 60% and I forgot to include the source for the encounter and release numbers.:

Biden’s DHS is honoring that order increasingly only in the breach. Just 40 percent of the aliens who were stopped by Border Patrol at the Southwest border in July were expelled under Title 42, down from 47.7 percent in June and 62.3 percent in all of FY 2021. By contrast, Trump expelled more than 87 percent of migrants subject to Title 42.

Given that the total illegal population has been stable or declining since 2007, at something like 10-12M, I find this rather unlikely. Source 1, source 2

These methodology behind these numbers is bad and a better methodology based on inflows, outflows, and demographic data suggests the illegal population is twice as large.

We have more direct data on new arrivals anyway. Ignoring people who aren't caught, border patrol has stopped about 1.8M illegal entrants this year so far. It seems Biden is now expelling about 40%. 1.8M*0.4/35 = 20.5K annual flow, not too far off.

Investments involve risk, and the point of derivatives is to allocate that risk to the investors most willing and able to accept that risk. They exist for the same reason insurance exists.

Are you American? Not sure your age or where you are in your career process, but there are plenty of people who start medical school well after finishing college. It sounds like you are just out of undergrad, so you aren't even that much behind. There are many 1-year postbac programs designed to fulfill any prereqs you are missing and also help you get other experience that helps with admission.

Another more obscure path that might be a good fit for you is getting a PhD in medical physics. There's a lot of demand to hire them for clinical positions at big medical centers.

I do wonder how the U.S. would have fared in its last few invasions if Russia was providing targeting intelligence and advanced weaponry to our enemies the way we are in Ukraine. Maybe better than the Russians, but I expect much higher casualties than we actually experienced.

How you can interpret that anodyne message of "everyone should have the right to speak / let's have a conversation" as an endorsement of Kaepernick's message, or as "conveying that Kapernick didn't intend the protest to disrespect the military or the country" seems quite incomprehensible to me.

The part of the narration that says "the first time I heard about Colin Kaepernick, I thought the guy hated America" is immediately followed by an image you left out, text saying "meet Green Beret who advised Colin Kapernick to take a knee." It seems pretty clear to me the intent of the juxtaposition is "Colin Kapernick does not actually hate America, a veteran told him this was an appropriate way to protest." Thus "make Kapernick's protest sympathetic and palatable" is an accurate description.

While watching the Bears-Packers game last night, I saw an an ad defending Colin Kaepernick and how he protested against supposed police brutality and racism by kneeling during the national anthem during games. I was surprised to see at the end the commercial was sponsored by FIRE, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, formerly know as the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education.

It seems like a very weird choice of issue to not just weigh in on but spend a huge amount of money advertising. My concerns break down to three issues:

  1. The commercial felt more like an attempt to make Kapernick's protest sympathetic and palatable than just a defense of his right to protest regardless. It focused on conveying that Kapernick didn't intend the protest to disrespect the military or the country. But if this is really a freedom of expression issue, it shouldn't matter!

  2. I am skeptical the core issue here is freedom of expression, not due to the content of Kapernick's expression, but due to the time and place. It was done as part of a televised entertainment project. I can't imagine anyone who thinks that an actor has a general right to choose their own lines rather than reading a script. The NFL exercises extremely strict control over on-the-field communications across the board. Athletes get fined for wearing different colored socks to promote uncontroversial social causes if they don't have official league approval. In addition, while it's definitely plausible the protests are why no one gave Kaep another chance, it's not cut and dry either. He was not immediately fired for them and he seemed washed up on the field before he even started protesting.

  3. I can think of other cases even just related to BLM within professional sports that are much less marginal. Cases where an athlete was explicitly fired for opinions expressed off the field. For example, Seattle Mariners catcher Steve Clevenger was suspended without pay and had his career ended explicitly for insulting BLM protesters on a private locked twitter account. Professional soccer player Aleksandr Katai was cut from the LA Galaxy because his wife insulted BLM protesters on social mediea despite the fact that he disagreed with and apologized for her comments. As far as I can tell, FIRE has never even commented on either case.

I would like there to be a non-partisan group devoted to defending freedom of expression. However, I worry there is some truth to Conquest's second law. My best guess is that FIRE chose this cause because they want to appeal to a wider audience including more left-leaning people. Will FIRE will eventually follow the ACLU in drifting so far left it can no longer serve it's mission? I'm a fan of a lot of work they did in the past and even contributed a small amount monetarily, so the possibility is troubling to me.

I got into the franchise with Three Houses so I don't have a good sense of what the game used to be like. I hate the new character designs, especially the MCS. Mika Pikazo has a very unique and distinctive artstyle and she was a very weird choice for FE. She's responsible for one of the weirder FGO servant designs but at least it fits the character there.

I'm disappointed about the routes too. I will probably just skip Engage.

Thanks for the detailed info!

I have been extremely drunk many times but don't have any experience with hallucinogens. Unfortunately, I won't be able to try scale up over weeks because I am only planning on a week or so vacation in a country where mushrooms are legal. Guess I will try a small dose in a hotel room.

How bad of an idea would it be to try psilocybin alone with no supervision while on vacation in a foreign country?

What exactly does it mean to pander? If we reduce it to making a product that appeals to some subset of the audience, writing good books is just pandering to people who have good taste.

I don't think the shift in awards is just a matter of "pandering" to a different audience. The Left Hand of Darkness is actually pretty similar in terms of themes and political orientation to a lot of the crap that won this year and it won both the Hugo and Nebula best novel awards 50 years ago.

It is true that the writing and character development are weak points in a lot of sci-fi classics, but it's not like these new winners are any better in that regard.