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joined 2022 September 05 07:02:15 UTC


User ID: 483


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0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 07:02:15 UTC


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User ID: 483

Example: everything that was done in the years 2020-2022, ostensibly to protect public health

Usually, I write George Bataille esque diatribes about the unrelenting awfulness of the universe.

That's rough. I hope you make it back OK.

Can I ask how long you've been off work?

Can I ask how long your break was?

How can society adapt to what is gradual extinction? Women would still have to bear 2.1 children to keep the population at a consistent rate. Human groups exist off the fact that some people do all the work and receive no remuneration (slaves, 12 year old congolose lithium miners) and others benefit from it.

Those initial migrants are likely to be middle class as a result of the visa restrictions, and so are likely to invite other middle class people rather than lumpens.

One of my all time favourite writeups and one of the most blackpilling things I have ever read. K-Pop is, and could only have been, the product of a country with 0.78 birthrate. Its worldwide popularity is illuminating as to the sort of future the developed world might inherit.

Late, but I just wanted to say that you are my favourite poster on the internet. Never ever stop.

Do you have a link to this? I would like to read it.

This was happening in various places around the UK before recent developments. At best, this only accelerates something that already existed. The source ultimately did not matter until all the stars align and the knock on effects reached your doorstep.

Eh. Voting systems are weaponised and have always been weaponised to express agreement or disagreement with a point rather than to indicate quality. Hope is irrational.

I would question how much it has subverted morality vis a vis the actions of the master caste. Christianity itself was picked up as a trend among the Roman elite. Yes, churchmen and nobles paid lip service to charity, kindness, goodwill under Our Lord Jesus Christ and so on but when the chips were down they behaved as barbarously to underclasses as their spartan and roman predecessors. Even now, in the age of the welfare state, the primary benefactors of a morality that is supposed to care about the weakest among us, all benefits from things like DEI and so on go to the upper middle class.

Recently, I have been attempting to learn Dominions 5: Warriors of the Faith.

Dominions is a turn based fantasy strategy game. It can be best summised as a bizarre mix of Heroes of Might and Magic and Risk, with a DF-esque combat system that models limb damage and such. In it, you play as one of many Pretender Gods worshipped solely by a single nation, trying to banish the other Pretender Gods and occupy the place of the Pantokrator, the God of All Gods, the creator of the Universe, whose empty celestial seat and the resulting power vacuum is the trigger of the conflict. To do this, you must either kill off the other nations through traditional violence or capture a number of red chairs called "Thrones of Ascension" scattered throughout the map. Alternatively, you may spread your religion so hard that your opponents fade out existence through not being worshipped any longer, as this universe shares Warhammer logic where a God is only as powerful as the number of people that believe in them.

Dominions has a reputation for being incredibly complicated with a near vertical learning curve. Having played it for a dozen or so hours now, I would not say that the core game is complicated. What makes Dominions complicated is the sheer amount of content in it and the way it intersects with each other. You have three different time periods to chose from, each with their own nations and theme and each period holds roughly two dozen nations. On top of that, you must design a pretender god, which again has countless designs to choose from (you can be anything from a simple wizard seeking Godhood to a Dragon to a Zeus-like figure or a giant tree, or possibly even this thing) and stat them out like they're a D&D character. Then you have battles - battles in this game are not real-time, nor are they turn based. Instead, you setup your commanders and groups of soldiers with specific, ordered commands and the battle plays out based upon those commands. This is not Endless Space: giving your units the correct orders is the difference between having your mage rout the enemy army with a cloud of poisonous gas and having him kill your units instead.

My current nation of choice is Abysia. They are lava-men with incredibly tanky units and a range of mage-priests skilled in Fire, Blood and Astral (a mixture of astronomic and lovecraftian horror) magic. With these powers combined, you can expand very quickly at the start of the game, rolling over the weak and pathetic independent provinces while taking very few or no losses. Unfortunately, they are hard countered by the existence of rain, and I'll probably need to branch out if I ever go online.

I am here.... Now

Who knows, maybe enough subs follow in our wake that single topic discussion forums become a thing again.

Shame they're all modelled on reddit, that format incites poor quality conversation.

I question why Twitch wants to boot a substantial proportion of their business from their platform.

Daggerfall didn't have prostitution in the final release. At one point it was meant to but this was removed to lower the age rating. The assets themselves were kept, hence why whenever you walked into a temple half the characters therein were dressed in a priestly fashion and the other half weren't wearing any clothes.

Objectivity does not factor in to whether someone is an NPC or not. NPCs are primarily concerned with morality over all else. Whether the Scythian Goat Herder goes along with the decisions of his clan in all cases or whether he can manage to question some of the poorer ones, that is what makes him an NPC, not questions about a planet he cannot adequately see with his primitive technology.

At this point, social expectations and shaming/threats of violence from Big Baz.

Ireland is not really considered "British" soil in the popular conciousness, NI is seen by everyone barring loyalists as this colonial venture we didn't really clear up. Much of what happens in the UK news cycle doesn't consider NI and May's coalition government was the first time many people actually learned about the separate but equal part of their state. In addition, most of the oppression was done by the loyalist ulster government, who are neither truly Irish nor mainland British, rather than the westminster government.

I do not think "serious" narrative fragmentation will occur, given that:

Almost everyone I know is in the category of "did what they were told without much fuss" and they have already binned the events of the last 2 years almost entirely in distant weird times category.

Those who suffered little from the virus but much from the lockdowns and are aware of such facts have no one fighting their corner and are not large enough to demand serious restitution. Pro lockdown media has already prepared their inevitable rebuttals, expecting you to forget everything that was done to you in the name of public health. Those times have been brushed under the rug, and now all our woes are the fault of Big Vlad or whoever.

There will be no reckoning, no rapture, and that is a pill so black that light cannot escape its surface.

Kulak's post on humanity's ingrained love of violence and domination.


I don't think it matters at this point what Scott names his communities, the NYT article established him the minds of everyone who matters as deplorable or deplorable adjacent.