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I suspect they wouldn't be alone in their move.

They fight for that Jew because he toes their line and gives them what they want. Should that ever change, they'll turn on him instantly.

Mean while Ukraine's assets will be sold off to western financial institutions who will use staff trained at american colleges for white collar jobs while Bangladeshi migrants do the manual farm labour.

What I find sort of comical is that the situation won't be fundamentally different in the case of Russian annexation either.

I did a rather cursory online search because the two linked articles are sort of confusing as they focus on two different units. The 3rd Assault Brigade is apparently a regular unit of the Ukrainian ground/land forces as of now, and if Wikipedia is to be trusted, its only tangible continuity with Azov is that most of its current(?) members were recruited in the Northern theatre of operations by those veterans of the unit who weren’t encircled in Mariupol. What I think bears mentioning in this particular context is that their insignia was apparently the subject of a rather comical PR move, namely that one stripe was removed from it so as to turn it into something that’s not a wolf hook. (See it for yourself here and here.)

The brigade, on the other hand, that still carries the “Azov” name is nominally of “special purpose” (whatever that means in this context, but this phrase has mostly been an ominous one, especially in Eastern Europe) and is part of the National Guard instead of the army land forces, but that is a difference that is only relevant in peacetime. And no, they don’t carry the wolf hook anymore either.

Anyway, it’s the latter unit that this US government decision affects, but I’d guess this is a purely symbolic measure, because I’d be rather surprised to learn that the Ukrainian National Guard used to have strict measures in effect until now to ensure the Azov does not receive US arms. And even if did, that’d only mean that Azov is being supplied with arms from other NATO members, presumably with rather more strict laws in effect against neo-Nazi symbology than the US.

The crucial difference is that the war in question was concluded with complete success in swift military operations before Croatia had liberal democracy, because their war wasn't against Serbia per se, but against a separatist state in Krajina that was in a military disadvantage in every aspect, had no nuclear weapons, no arms industry and was not supported by any other country. Croatian far-right paramilitary groups had influence during the war because it was waged in the name of national independence. Once the central government's authority was secured over all territories it staked a claim for and the Croatian state was recognized by the so-called international community, I imagine there was little political support left for maintaining those armed groups anymore. I rather doubt they were dismantled in any sense, because dismantling entails coercive state measures, which I doubt were taken; it's rather that they there incorporated into the armed forces or disbanded on their own, and transformed into purely political parties.

I'm aware that the NAFO gang wants to believe that the situation in the Donbass is basically the same and final victory is in sight, but it actually isn't.

Indeed. Also, accessible online porn did not practically exist at the time of this TV series. Having a porn career and keeping it largely discrete was still feasible.

That's a good point, although calling him a male porn actor is a bit of a stretch.

I'm pretty sure that female sex workers servicing other women exclusively don't actually exist.

Experience, money, confidence. All things that come with time.

Not necessarily, to be sure.

#3 is difficult to take seriously, to be honest. #1 are scenarios that (hopefully) are specifically not ones taking place in the context of a romantic cohabiting relationship, which the original article is about.

Doubt if I’d buy that piece of land in [Small Town, Southern US State] for fear of the ancestor’s spirits, Native and African slaves wandering around looking for descendants in 2024 to be released from their bondage and inequities thrashed upon them for wealth by its oppressors.

I strongly suspect she's otherwise a loud member of the "trust the science" tribe.

Well, either society normalizes a trade, in which case it carries no stigma or shame, or doesn't, in which case it does. I'd say it's that simple.

One recurring complaint from lipstick feminists is that online porn streaming sites post a lot of disgusting content featuring choking, slapping, spanking and other forms of submissive female behavior, and they do so in order to pander to icky White dudebros.

Yeah. Or maybe not.

It’s kind of comical, actually. Average liberal feminist women seemingly believe that “sex work” is real work and should carry zero shame and no woman should be disadvantaged or discriminated in any way for engaging in it, should be legal etc., but at the same time society should not normalize it in any way i.e. there should never anywhere be even a hint of social expectation of unemployed or cash-strapped young women engaging in sex work. For example, if you’re some fat, sleazy, hairy, balding landlord, the idea of asking that unfortunate young college student barista renter who’s 2 months behind payment to pay off her debt in the form of blowjobs and sex should not even begin to enter your brain, because if it does, this evil society failed her.

All of this makes zero sense, of course. And let’s not even mention that sex work, by definition, is, you know, work, i.e. something you do even if you hate doing it, because you need the money. Also, it gets taxed. I wonder how many of these feminist culture warriors actually thought this through.

There's also 'former porn star, despite being forewarned, has trouble getting a normie job after exiting and isn't that so unfair'.

This makes me wonder if there ever was a male porn actor who got a normie job anywhere, for that matter.

Yeah, it’s probably no coincidence that the increasing normalization of pornography, and its widespread marketization and distribution via VHS technology coincided with the emergence and increasing influence of the Christian Right. It also served as a useful bait to them, for sure. It also bears mentioning that, as far as I know, they naturally brought up all sorts of arguments against porn consumption, but these were markedly not the anti-porn arguments that have become normalized in current discourse (see my other comment above). Had this not been the case, I guess they’d have had more appeal among non-religious centrists.

The culture used to be different. Today, the arguments that porn addiction is a big problem among young men which causes impotence and has wide-ranging negative repercussions (although I’m not sure the evidence from scientific research actually bears this out clearly, but anyway), that porn actresses have an unusually high suicide and drug addiction rate, that porn companies are exploitative and are closely intertwined with international human trafficking networks etc., that the expectations of teenage boys regarding sex are warped by online porn all find acceptance in mainstream discourse today. They aren’t even controversial.

But this wasn’t always the case. I wouldn’t say pornography was ever portrayed positively in mainstream discourse, but at least It was more tolerated and given much more leeway than today. Naivete and lack of foresight were probably part of it, because people generally didn’t assume that high-speed HD online porn will ever be freely available on touchscreens and become a widespread source of addiction. The industry was portrayed as just another branch of the entertainment industry which was actually doing a great job regulating itself voluntarily, it had mainstream crossover ability, it became normal to put porn actresses in music videos and invite them on talk shows etc. I remember there was even a time when Bill Clinton was photographed with a bunch of porn actresses at some PR event after his presidency and so on. The industry was also peddling a lot of BS about appealing to normal people’s tastes and becoming legit, creating “couples’ porn” (whatever the heck that is supposed to be) etc. Also, the idea that women should be able to live without sexual shame was getting normalized.

And again, this was all before the Culture War turned hot. Mainstream discourse used to feature less rage and negativity, the overall mood in society was less negative and dire, much more laid back, and there was no sense of malaise.

How does a lesbian get into a situation where she's domestically abused by a man? Is that even common? I'm pretty sure lesbian couples don't usually invite any men to live under the same roof with them. Or?

True, but that doesn't mean men have it better overall.

Is anyone else getting the impression that since the start of the Great Awokening it has become standard practice in the mainstream media to portray the porn industry and its consequences in a categorically negative light, even if it's done in passing, like in this case? This wasn't always the case, as far as I can tell.

very regularly interacting with the opposite sex socially

But this doesn't normally happen in the modern world, and I'd argue it was never the norm ever anywhere.

Nature really screws them over.

As opposed to what?

I know it’s sort of pointless to expect even relatively grounded arguments to be found in such a comment section, but still, I can’t help but virtually don my fedora as a garbage human dudebro and notice some gems like:

• The implication that you as a woman are completely safe from domestic violence in a lesbian relationship (as far as I know, the opposite is in fact true on average, not to mention the higher levels of emotional blackmail, drama and manipulation that lesbian relationships entail on average)

• The assumption that forming a relationship with a man of your age automatically entails you having to take care of him (it doesn’t even occur on the radar that it may also happen the other way around?)

• The idea that 75% of domestic violence is committed against women (this sounds rather fishy; maybe it’s true in the case of childless cohabiting partners, or households where a single mother and her children cohabit with a new man – a scenario which, as far as I know, carries the highest average risk to women of domestic abuse, and coincidentally also is a situation these women voluntarily enter; I mean, I’m sure it’s not standard practice on the part of sneaky, manipulative, shitty men to invite single mothers and their children to live under his roof)

• The unstated assumption that women on average do know men’s bodies and how to please them, but not the other way around (questionable at best)

• The assumption that single older men would never in a million years visit museums, travel, read, hang out with their bros and have hobbies in general (I mean…really??)

Back when MGTOW online forums were not yet nuked and purged, I used to check them out after reading shrill complaints about them on the normie internet, and while some of the content did appear unhinged and extreme, I don’t remember ever coming across such utter bullshit like this.

That’s just one aspect of it. Whenever this subject comes up here, a bunch of posters are always eager to point out that A) young, aggressive, unattached men are the sole threat to any social order but B) demographic implosion means that this group is relatively much smaller than in earlier times. Which is basically true. But the reality is that social stability doesn’t just stem from the absence of destabilizing factors and an aging population. It’s not only that men in general need to be productive for society to prosper, it’s that they need to be invested in society’s future to the extent that they’re willing to take up arms to defend it, as members of the army, the police, a militia, a vigilante group, a posse etc. In a demographically imploding society, it’s true that there are relatively few people threating the existing order, but there’ll also be few people willing to uphold it, so the demographic effects cancel each other out. And anti-social, unattached men, by definition, will not be invested in upholding the existing social structure.

The Ridgway people even brought in the legendary FBI behavior psych unit (of "Mindhunter" fame). Their composite profile of the killer was along the lines of "white male between 30-50, does a manual labor type job, drinks beer, smokes, may have prior military service or outdoors interests." Again, the authors point out that that profile narrows it down to .... 40% of all men living in Seattle! Interesting and also infuriating to see how far people can build a career off of what amounts to a Forer statement.

I don't know much about this case but I assume the FBI had nothing else tangible to evaluate besides the bodies that were found?