And a bit of a paradox, no? "Everybody's parents live with them" is only possible if everybody is an only child, unless by "live near family" you mean "in the same compound, Encanto style".
I think in a practical sense it usually means "the grandparents live not so far away as to make the commute long and too inconvenient for people of their age, with the means of travel that are available to them anytime".
I'm reminded of so much of the rhetoric, often out of Europe, about Hungary and its "democratic backsliding," its "hybrid regime of electoral autocracy," how it maintains a "quasi-dictatorship" by winning elections (by giving the majority what they vote for)
I view this as further proof of my presumption that the only way for liberalism to capture a society through democratic (non-violent) means is by boiling the proverbial frog; rhetoric of the sort you mentioned is what is used when this project fails. Boiling the frog does not just entail the Gramscian long march through institutions but also incremental steps to secure limited but permanent political gains while at the same time avoiding generating worthy opposition that actually may be dangerous to your project; all this is to take place while society is distracted by ultimately irrelevant other stuff.
I'd say it's more likely that the BSW will be brought into the governing coalition.
I guess this social equilibrium works as long as there do not arise minorities sworn to unrelenting violence against each other?
It wasn't a lack of information that drove them to this, but a sense of humiliation and resentment.
It's supposed to highlight that anti-woke sentiment isn't the sole phenomenon driven by that particular "major bone of contention".
I'd argue that the delay of marriage is mostly driven by women and not men in this particular social condition, and the resulting normalization of late marriage erodes young men's willingness to prepare themselves for marriage long-term.
simply due to seeing them as used goods
As @jeroboam mentioned below, it's not just that. There are other relevant factors also usually at play. I don't agree that the sire / biological father is always in the mix with various potential disadvantages and risks the new husband faces, but often he is. Also, his (the husband's) entire social circle is likely to look down on him as a loser, usually for a good reason. His wife is also likely to see him basically as a spare of secondary importance.
As usual Andy ngo is the only person talking about the case at all,
I'm sure I'm not the first one to notice that this has usually been the case from the beginning. Apart from obscure conservative or alt-light-adjacent sites and blogs, nobody reports on antifa activities or portrays those in the most favorable light possible.
I don't believe that a member of the PMC would never lie or misrepresent facts to push a political agenda. I also don't believe that that's what they're doing in this particular case. I also don't think that nonwhite minorities traditionally had ample reason to believe that American society is a honest meritocracy.
Unfortunately I think their belief in this is mostly unironic and sincere. So is that of their mulatto 'allies'.
"quite a few"?
That's not exactly a stable social consensus though, is it?
As far as I know, one recurring talking point of (mostly suburban and PMC) white liberals is that the blindness and ignorance of classical liberalism towards North American racist and white supremacist power structures is the main factor driving many people towards identity politics. If we accept that premise, it’s a major driver of woke sentiment as well.
To what extent do American normies buy into the belief that their society is a honest meritocracy?
I'm not an expert on whaling but I thought that whale fat(?) was mainly used to produce high-quality candles and certain machine lubricants.
Isn't it the case that trucking always sucked but it sucks even more now that the consequences of deregulation are felt?
It was, for example, supposedly his idea to transport oil in tank cars instead of barrels, which nobody initiated as a practice until then.
Hasn't Chinese civilization been basically an autarky for most of its history?
Meh. I remember McCain's and Romney's lame-ass campaigns, and I'm surely not the only one.
Not only have we now pardoned even more criminals who should be serving punishments for the things they did, Trump has now given the other side incentive (and justification, no matter how flimsy) to defect further.
Which is the same thing they'd most likely do if he decided to pardon everyone except those who provably committed violence against the police.
At what point did modern wokeness become modern then?
The reelection victories of Nixon, Reagan and Bush Jr. GOP midterm election victories in 1994 and 2010.
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I’d like to reflect on these and these relatively recent comments by @Walterodim and @HonoriaWinchester on the official response to the initial AIDS epidemic in the US and California in particular (I guess).
Not being an American I only have a vague idea about this entire subject. As far as I can tell, the standard Blue Tribe narrative in the context of the culture war on this is that the bigoted and evil Reagan administration, politically captured by Christian fundamentalists and pandering to Southern racists, callously refused to even consider the idea of formulating a federal response to a dangerous epidemic, and missed a good opportunity to contain the spread thereof by allocating federal funds to research and preventive measures.
Fair enough. But let’s assume for a moment that the administration had actually tried doing all those things earnestly, for real. What are the realistic chances that whatever measures they’d have come up with were bound to include the decisions to publicly call upon homosexual men to refrain from a) having unprotected sex with strangers altogether b) donating blood?
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