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User ID: 473



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User ID: 473

In terms of racial and sectarian and ideological composition, the US was a much more homogenous nation back then, even during the active years of the Weather Underground. In the 19th century, even more so. Plus, enforced Christian monogamy and the creed of civic nationalism / American exceptionalism were still the norm, which had a huge stabilizing effect on society.

It's still entirely conceivable that the 750,000 figure is bogus.

Besides, is it really abnormal for large numbers of people to simply disappear from the historical record?

One of my normie acquaintances was a big GoT enjoyer, but Season 8 was such crap that even he had to admit it, more or less. Now he's sucked into the HotD hype and he's adamant that this time it won't turn into crap, "because the source material is there for the whole series and it's great". LOL

I despise normies.

There was a survey posted in the subreddit 1-2 years ago. The proportion of Finnish young men who've had more than one sexual partners in total has contracted drastically in the past 20 years. (Can't be bothered to dig it up, sorry.)

Current American society has an observable antipathy towards a) older men marrying, or simply pairing with, much younger women b) older men practicing polygyny. I’ve come across the theory that this is largely due to these two practices being closely associated with Mormons, since most Americans have antipathy, or at least suspicion, towards Mormons. I find that believable, although I think a) is mostly explained by simple common female sentiment and feminist norms; and not even pro-Muslim woke sentiment can offset b), as the Muslim minority in the US is basically negligible.

So no, I don’t think such a correction is likely. Also, polygyny, where it’s practiced legally, is normally strictly regulated, as far as I can tell, and entails the husband claiming responsibility for multiple women. That’s rather unlikely to become the norm in the West.

What I do think we’ll see are the following:

A) Increasingly shrill propaganda aimed at single men, imploring them to marry single mothers

B) A growing realization among older women that normalized casual sex is detrimental to the female sexual strategy (to be clear, moral/religious considerations will play zero role in this) – consequently, we’ll see more and more middle-aged mothers specifically encouraging their daughters not to sleep around – but still, I think this’ll mostly come to nothing; in my view, femininity and the art of seduction are mostly lost and forgotten, so most Western women have no clue how to elicit long-term commitment from desirable men

C) Rising levels of mental illness among women (millions and millions of women are addicted to social media, and will lose the online attention they are accustomed to as their looks fade – this will have enormous consequences)

D) Single motherhood starting to become normalized among college-educated women

E) Even more propaganda in general along the line of “weak men are screwing up feminism”

Indeed. Back in the times of the patriarchy, the normalization of early monogamous marriage basically served as life insurance for women - most of them could safely assume they'll get selected by someone while still young. Now this is gone, and I suspect it plays a large role in demographic collapse.

why not a single AR guard ever maintained the falsity of the charges

Just to clarify: are we here talking about the Treblinka / Sobibor / Majdanek / Belzec trials in West Germany?

Otherwise, point taken, thanks.

A bunch of suburban, socially isolated, well-off, middle-class women decided that their husbands, for no good reason, basically have it better in life than themselves. This simple sentiment was the main driver behind it, I think.

That's entirely possible, I don't know. But for most of them, I assume it all originated from the sentiment that their husbands had it better. All they knew was that they leave for work in the morning, come back in the evening, and every month they get a big paycheck. Surely they must be doing all sorts of interesting stuff all day! Plus, they get paid!

Aren't Xers normally categorized as the children of Boomers?

YouTube, blogs, podcasting, apps and other ways of making money also didn't exist.

On the other hand, you could earn a living writing for a newspaper that was distributed in physical paper format.

Are there any examples of this happening?

Literally every scene that isn’t her fighting in a mecha is more of the above. The main character getting fucked over by her father. By the men in the military. By her lovers. By her copilot. It’s just not readable unless you’re the one being pandered to. She did take her book jacket photo wearing a cow onesie though, so that was pretty cool.

From the same site:

I’m a 20-something first-gen immigrant from small-town China who was raised by the Internet.

This explains most of this. Especially the last part, obviously.

I'm sure this is a recurring phenomenon. If you're from a culture that is more or less (so far) unaffected by the ongoing global Woke Cultural Revolution, and, as an angry Millennial, you decide that the traditions of your people are actually the source of all your personal misery and thus, although sustaining your ancestors through centuries, are worthy of erasure and oblivion, your most obvious option is to emigrate to the West and try outdoing even the local SJWs, logically using your immigrant background to basically promote yourself as some sort of heroic fugitive. I'm pretty sure you can find thousands, or God knows how many, such people from China, Russia, Central Europe etc. (I suppose it's a lot trickier to manage this if you're from Africa and/or a Muslim country, because any criticism of such cultures is potential grounds for cancellation.)

Also, I'm sure that getting treated badly by the men you sexually select, and then interpreting that as average and universal male behavior, is pretty much the usual life experience of the average liberal Millennial woman at this point. If you utterly lack the simple ability to elicit long-term commitment from men you find eligible, which is something most women have clearly mastered for hundreds of thousands of years, this is how you normally end up, which, in turn, means that such literature will resonate with you.

I'm pretty sure the moderators of the big normie subs are mostly CIA.

It's also a lie. One needs not be a QAnon believer at all in order to think of these people as child groomers.

People should be validated and feel positive about their chosen identities without being shamed by society.

What if they identify as White?

Some of the talking points I see floating on Twitter are, like, "What about child beauty pageants?" But this moves me not a single iota--I hate child beauty pageants for exactly the same reason. It's weird! It's creepy! Or to put it in less emotionally-charged terms: it's not something kids do, when they grow up in loving, healthy, stable environments. At best it's a symptom of deeper troubles; at worst, it's a direct cause of some of those troubles.

I suspect both phenomena are largely fueled by gullible single mothers.

Are there things libs want to say that they can't say on reddit? Abso-goddamn-lutely, but they're also things that left-wing spaces discourage saying as a taboo

Like what?

I would like all posts criticising progressivism to be required to start from the sincere premise that the progressive actors are acting with the earnestly held belief that they are making the world a better place


I'm very OK with including progressives / wokes / anti-anti-wokes in the discussion and being charitable to them. I just think that "to be required to start from the sincere premise that the progressive actors are acting with the earnestly held belief that they are making the world a better place" goes beyond charity.

According to Merriam-Webster, charity means lenient judgment, benevolent goodwill and generosity. In my view, one can treat progressives in such ways without accepting the claim that their actions are always driven by the earnestly held belief that they are making the world a better place, because to have that attitude is not charity but political sympathy, which goes beyond charity. I find that to be a rather high bar. That'd mean that progressives should only have discussions with other progressives, or people who aren't progressives but nevertheless believe that the worst thing progressives ever do is to be misguided/mistaken in their actions.


Huh? Liberal gun owners have their very own subreddit, which, as of now, isn't quarantined. And that's just one subreddit among many.

I think it's entirely fair to ask what exactly they are denouncing and why. If one's unhappy with something that happened in the past, surely that means one'd have preferred for something else to happen instead.

Good catch regarding G, I forgot about the Russian immigrants completely when drawing up that scenario (I guess it’s obvious at this point that I’m not from Latvia). But again, I think whoever starts the game of gotcha in this case is justified – in other words, I think it’s fair to argue that there should never have been a huge influx of Russian immigrants to Soviet Latvia, or that the settlement of Russians was deliberately implemented to change the ethnic composition of Soviet Latvia and erode the foundation of Latvian nationhood (although there’s supposedly no documented evidence of that), but that very obviously comes across as a double standard if it comes from the promoters of Wilkommenskultur, open borders and ethnic diversification through immigration.

Again, I don’t think the main theoretical question here is how it all could have been worse for Latvians, or minorities in Latvia. Of course it could’ve been worse, that’s not the point. The reality is also this: people compare their past to alternative scenarios all the time; after all, it’s the only way to evaluate the past. It’s normal, and certainly not something that should be seen as a waste of time. And demolishing a monument of this size in order to denounce actions in the past is a big deal for certain, so I think it’s fair to ask questions in case they aren’t asked yet. (I can understand if local Russo-Latvians, if that’s even a word, aren’t currently inclined to do that. But either way, I don’t follow Latvian media.)

For example, to expand on my original post, the monument-topplers certainly don’t object to the Red Army re-entering Riga and pushing the Germans out. Right? Or some of them do, but don’t want to express it?

Judging by the media commentary on this event, it seems what most locals objected to were the regular Victory Day celebrations organized at the monument, and attended by members of the Russian minority. If that’s the real issue, can’t the government simply ban celebrations of May 9th instead of tearing down the whole obelisk and the accompanying statues? Or was that done already? Or is it something they never decided to do?