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joined 2022 September 05 18:01:12 UTC


User ID: 661



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 18:01:12 UTC


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User ID: 661

Is a filter currently the best way to prevent trolling? After noticing my comment was not appearing, I was discouraged to write any more. Could a keyword- or post-length-based filter work better? But that would probably take too much time to implement, making it not worth it...

Mods, can you please not shadowban my comments.

Could this not be explained by the vastly different lived-experience of man and woman?

These stories exist within a culture, with moral lessons addressing current social ills.

The heroine thinks there is a flaw. And that thought was put into her head (and the heads of other women) by an oppressive patriarchal society.

The tragic event -- it is not one specific event that happened to the heroine, but rather a continuous and systemic oppressive event that happens to all women everywhere.

As such, the heroine's story addresses a societal issue, rather than an individual one