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User ID: 1782



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User ID: 1782

It's not a fixation. There are women who get pregnant who want/need to have an abortion who no longer can. That is a direct consequence of selecting Trump for president in 2016. This shouldn't be a controversial/questionable statement.

Right, but your last paragraph says there is no difference between the two candidates except one is a convicted felon. So I’m pointing out that that line of thinking is not correct.

Just as a reminder, the 2016 election had a very real consequence. Donald Trump was able to install 3 conservative justices on the Supreme Court, which in turn allowed them to overturn Roe V Wade. Abortion is now illegal in about a dozen states and de facto illegal in about ten more.

Whether you think this is a big deal is your call. But I can assure you it is a huge deal for lower middle-class and poor women living in those states. So this is a reminder that elections do have consequences, even if both parties/candidates suck.

Sorry for your loss. The day my father dies is going to devastate me.

Going to the local pool club as a kid brings back some of my fondest childhood memories. My dad, who was a stay at home father, loved going to the pool. So as kids, we were there probably 2 or 3 times a week. We swam, played cards, jumped off the diving board, grilled, and generally had a great time. Im looking forward to the day when I can enjoy it my from a fathers perspective.

Like many of the Coen Brothers movies, Fargo gets better with additional viewings. Fargo isn’t so much about plot, as it is about characters, and the more familiar (the more times you’ve seen it) the characters, the more enjoyable the movie.

With that said, it’s not my favorite Coen Brothers movie. The Big Lebowski is better and No Country For Old Men is substantially better.

Yeah I agree up with our chickens getting only normal feed as well. But they did always get leftovers that had gotten a little too old. I couldn’t buy Costco eggs in college because they were just inedible to me. Interesting the differences in palette.

Leftover/old pasta is great for egg quality too.

Wait you’re saying store bought eggs taste better than backyard chicken eggs? I completely disagree. I grew up with chickens my whole life and their eggs taste way way better than store bought eggs. Especially if you are eating the eggs straight (ie over easy/over medium without any garnishes). Granted, there are gradations of egg quality purchased at a grocery store. There’s a big difference between the $10 Costco 60 pack vs a $10 organic dozen.

Not even one little fella

I should have been more clear. No Democratic elected official is in favor of open borders.

No democrats are in favor of open borders.

  • -14

Old Rag in Virginia.

Inca Trail in Peru (not entirely a nature hike)

Many of my friends swear by Yosemite, particularly Half Dome.

The Stranger Beside Me and I’ll Be Gone In The Dark are both good. Ted Bundy and The Golden State Killer.

Why are you looking at MAOIs? Those are the most restrictive anti-depressants out there.

It's been a few weeks since I've responded to this thread as I have been abroad. But in the two weeks that I was out of the country I finished two books and am halfway through the third!

I picked up Notes From Underground based on the discussion from this thread: https://www.themotte.org/post/970/smallscale-question-sunday-for-april-21/205968?context=8#context.

I really enjoyed this book. It's been a while since I've read any Dostoevsky, and I recall him being long-winded and dry. Underground, being a bit shorter than some of his other work, was much more approachable.

While reading it, I was reminded of Elliot Rodger's manifesto. If you don't know, Rodger, a school shooter and notorious "incel", wrote a "manifesto" which was widely publicized and diseccted. You can find it on the internet if you feel like searching for it, but I won't link it here. The alienation in both works is profound, the scene where Underground's protagonist meets with four "friends" for dinner and insists on displaying his own greatness is a masterclass in uncomfortable writing. It reminded me of Rodger's own massive sense of superiority and narcissism, mixed with his incredible feelings of inferiority and self-loathing. Yet instead of shooting up a school, the protagonist of Underground visits a prostitute, where he is able to feel comfortable for just a moment before reverting to his sniveling self.

What I find so interesting about both of these works is that we all have a little bit of Rodger and the protagonist in us. We all have feelings of superiority and self-doubt. That is what makes Underground so compelling. Of course, what Rodger did was despicable and the way he is praised in certain corners of the internet is sickening, but I can also empathize with his plight. Feeling so alienated and alone from the rest of humanity is a curse. People can become socially isolated for a variety of reasons; mental illness, autism, social phobia, and traumatic experiences. It's not necessarily an individual's fault for experiencing this isolation. But it's absolutely their fault in how they respond to it. Maybe Rodger should have visited a prostitute, like the protagonist of Underground. Anyway, there's a lot to mine from this book and I am much obliged to that discussion and recommendation.

The second book I finished was 1984. I last read this when I was 16 and I don't think I appreciated how good this book is. I'll write more on this book next week.

I am now midway through All the Light We Cannot See. I remember the title being vaguely familiar, but didn't realize how big this book was until I did a little research. I'm don't typically gravitate toward the "Oprah book club" type, but this book is just really fucking good. Hope it keeps up.

Golf, housecleaning, beers with the fellas, a long hike with my dog. Cooking a good meal.