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joined 2022 November 02 19:35:21 UTC


User ID: 1782



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User ID: 1782

I used to be (and still am to a large extent) a frequent drinker. But at this stage in my life, I really don't want to drink on weekdays and only sparingly on weekends. I still get shitfaced every two to three weeks, but the hangovers are so unpleasant that I have been a lot more selective on when and how much I will drink.

What has helped me reduce my alcohol intake is kratom. I take 2 to 4 grams of kratom every night; it gets me slightly high and euphoric enough where alcohol seems pointless. The upside is I do not drink or smoke weed during the workweek. The downside is that I am probably low-key addicted to kratom. I don't necessarily see this as a problem, as I have been taking the same dose for two years without feeling the need to increase or take it more frequently.

Both of my parents have problems with alcohol, my father especially. He is in his mid 60s and has about 8-10 drinks per night, every night. Somehow he still manages to wake up in the morning, walk three miles, and keep his house in order (he is retired). It is an astonishing level of functioning alcoholism. I have my own inclinations to drink, but the hangovers largely keep me away. However, I do need something to elevate my mood and kratom has been a great substitute.

Have you considered bringing your dog(s) with you to the UK?

Just wait until you rewatch the episode where Turtle misses his opportunity to get laid because he was shocked by a woman who shaved her pubic hair. That moment always stuck out to me as unrealistic; haven't women been waxing their pelvis since at least the 80s?

When you say “Reddit is compromised,” can you explain what you mean by that?

Just started Last Best Hope by George Packer. I found the opening 75 pages meandering and verbose, but hoping it will improve. I thought his book The Unwinding was a terrific piece of literature, so I have faith.

No, I meant top 10.

Yep. I don’t think he’ll be able to launder it back to respectability, at least for those who are able to detect lies and deceit.

Interesting that he just spoke at the RNC. Looks like he’s back to riding trumps coattails.

Edit: and to be honest I don’t think he’s had any respectability since John Stewart showed what an ass he is on live television.

Label it whatever type of argument you want. But the fact is Tucker Carlson carried Trumps water for four years. Of course Carlson has always been a hack, but the hypocrisy of his texts are next level.

Should we just forget people’s utter hypocrisy? That’s the so-what. In my opinion, Tucker Carlson has been one of the handful of the top most norms-damaging individuals in the United States over the past 5 years. He has shown he is a liar and not trustworthy, so why should we take anything he says now at face value?

Just a reminder that Tucker Carlson is a proven liar and despised trump during his presidency. I would take what Tucker Carlson says with a heavy grain of salt, if you choose to even believe it at all.

For whatever reason, I could not get into Mad Men. I tried twice, got through Season 3 on both attempts, and I just...lost interest.

I felt similar about Deadwood which many people have said to be in the same quality ballpark as The Sopranos. For Deadwood I watched seasons 1 and 2, and while I thought it was good, it also wasn't compelling enough for me to continue.

Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul are both outstanding, but don't have nearly the rewatchability of The Sopranos and The Wire. True Detective season 1 is also a considerable force, and I would rank it alongside with any individual season of The Sopranos.

Switching gears, have you read either of David Simon's books? Both Homicide and The Corner are two of the best nonfiction books I've ever read. I highly recommend both of them (in that order).

I have, for the most part, given up on individual stock picking and activist investing. When I was younger, I read such things as The Intelligent Investor, A Random Walk Down Wallstreet, Get Rich Carefully, among others, but I’ve since become a FIRE follower and Boglehead. I have a small portfolio of individually picked stocks, but 90% of my net worth is tied up in index funds, mostly S&P 500 and target retirement funds. I still dabble with stock picking (and even options trading during the COVID insanity) but for the most part I just do boring, automated ETF purchases.

I won’t get rich fast, but ideally I will get rich eventually. I also don’t have to worry about picking stocks, beating the market, or questioning where I should invest my money. I simply transfer it to Vanguard and call it good.

Reading two books simultaneously, Woke Up This Morning, which is the oral history (in book form) of The Sopranos. My fanaticism for The Sopranos borders on obsession; there is nothing (except The Wire) that comes close to its level of writing and it remains the benchmark by which I judge all shows. Watching House of the Dragon after having just rewatched The Sopranos is a joke. HOTD is nowhere near the same level of quality.

I’m also reading Ordinary People. Just a few chapters in and it’s nice and depressing. So far so good.

Peter Lynch is the GOAT. I found One Up to be the best book on investing I’ve ever read.

I don't recall that specific moment between Trump and Jeb, but wow does Trump come across as the winner there.

Similar concept, don't you think? Just felt a lot more improv-y rather than the tight righting of Party Down.

Wanted to let you know that I greatly enjoyed your story and the way in which you wrote it (morbid though it may be). It has a David Foster Wallace level-of-detail quality to it

Haha wow, that is a late 2000s trailer right there.

I think you just gotta watch the first two episodes and see if you like the humor. The first episode feels very “pilot”-esque, so the ball doesn’t really get rolling until the second ep.

I just really liked Ken Marinos character. His mix of pathetic-ness and ego is just brilliant writing and acting. It also hits harder if you’ve ever worked in the catering or restaurant industry.

I find Jennifer Coolidge pretty annoying as well. But she was only in the show for a couple episodes right?

Watch Tires and see what you think. I'd call it 50% as good. But then, it's hard to replicate such genius writing as "Sour or Crackers, the fastest growing non-coffee, non-poultry franchise in Southern California"

Been reading short stories by Kafka. I reread The Metamorphosis for the first time since high school and was struck by how sad it was. I like Kafka; his stories are so bizarre and his characters thought processes so strange, it is like stepping inside the brain of an alien life form.

I watched it as well based on cjets recommendation, and while I thought it was good, it also felt like a worse version of Party Down. Similar concept, weak-willed boss who’s friends with a stronger-willed, cynical employee, but Party Down felt much more substantial and polished.

It's not a fixation. There are women who get pregnant who want/need to have an abortion who no longer can. That is a direct consequence of selecting Trump for president in 2016. This shouldn't be a controversial/questionable statement.

Right, but your last paragraph says there is no difference between the two candidates except one is a convicted felon. So I’m pointing out that that line of thinking is not correct.

Just as a reminder, the 2016 election had a very real consequence. Donald Trump was able to install 3 conservative justices on the Supreme Court, which in turn allowed them to overturn Roe V Wade. Abortion is now illegal in about a dozen states and de facto illegal in about ten more.

Whether you think this is a big deal is your call. But I can assure you it is a huge deal for lower middle-class and poor women living in those states. So this is a reminder that elections do have consequences, even if both parties/candidates suck.