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joined 2022 November 02 19:35:21 UTC


User ID: 1782



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User ID: 1782

It can’t be explained because it’s not a blue tribe signal at all. The people who wear masks in the US are those who really don’t want to get a cold, flu, or COVID. I see it mostly with Asian-Americans (who masked at a much higher percent prior to COVID), but present day maskers come in all shapes and size.

Stephen Colbert correspondents dinner: https://youtube.com/watch?v=IJ-a2KeyCAY

Jon Stewart in Crossfire: https://youtube.com/watch?v=aFQFB5YpDZE

Both of these men have largely become more vanilla, but these clips really highlight their young brilliance.

Even if that was his debate tactic, his point came off quite clearly. His point being, shows like Crossfire and pundits like Tucker Carlson are harming political discourse in America. It’s a debate style the hosts were not accustomed to and I think it works to good effect.

You may be yelling into the void here with this comment, but I’d argue this deserves one of the monthly top comment awards.

I’d be very skeptical of any of these claims.

48/50. Had a few guesses due to running out of time, so easily could have had a 45/50. Either way, this test is judging people who’s skill lies in catching an oval ball and beating the crap out of each other. The test is meant to be easy and many quite good players have scored very poorly (thinking about Frank Gore in particular).

I believe they call these questions the human condition. If you find an answer, please let the rest of us know.

How’s I, Claudius? I almost bought a copy from eBay the other day.

What was your Hamilton reference?

Can you expand on what philosophy you think he's advocating for? My takeaway is he was advocating returning to a time where politics wasn't treated as entertainment or reality TV. Shows like Crossfire have a financial incentive to treat politics as a battle royale, a sporting event, to keep their viewers eyeballs glued to the screen. This has made it more difficult for politicians to have rational conversations and rational debates, because everything is spun and amped up and taken out of context. Politics doesn't need to be a form of entertainment or culture war; it can be a boring, grinding process, whereby serious people make serious decisions about the future of America.

I think about this pretty frequently. It's unfortunate in the US that today's politicians are those who look good or are entertaining on TV. We used to have scholars leading the country, men like Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, or Thomas Jefferson. Whatever these men's faults were, they were incredibly intelligent writers and thinkers. They made their bones via fighting in war or through consistent and intelligent writing. Today's political landscape has been so changed by TV and social media, it seems impossible to return to that style of politician.

Anyway, that's a bit beside the point, but I am curious how you think Jon Stewart's political advocacy has harmed America more than Tucker Carlson's.

How was this? I’m an amateur card counter myself, always interested in hearing other peoples casino experiences.

I used to subscribe to the Economist print version and I really liked it.

No problem, and good luck!

True. Same thing for 2020. Trump and the republicans have continued to deny the validity of the 2020 election to this day and it’s become a loyalty test for the current Republican presidential candidates.

With the amount of money pouring into national races and federal elections every two years, it’s hard to avoid any election season.

Yeah, I was very surprised on the lack of snow when I moved to DC. We always got nasty 35 degree rains which is about the most awful weather there is.

I also enjoyed National Harbor, but mostly for the MGM casino.

I disagree. Just don’t say it in a creepy/gross way.

I discovered this list the other day, you may find it useful:



That Boglehead thread is a nice throwback. I remember reading it for hours and still not getting a conclusive answer.

Haha fair. I know of a woman who may fit this description

I was thinking he could jam up the toilet or cut an electrical line (after tripping the breaker), but he’d have to be careful about not getting blamed for it.

Haven’t heard of this book before, but it looks quite good. Putting it on my list.

Do you think coins would be valued in a post-apocalyptic world? I don’t think dollar bills would be, but I could see coins still being used as a medium of exchange. People like shiny metal.

Amazon does sell used books, but in my experience eBay is always the cheapest. I used Thriftbooks for a while because they used to have $1 shipping and if you combine orders over $10, shipping is free. But recently I’ve found them to always be more expensive than eBay.